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Favourite presentations

From Wikiversity
Subject classification: this is an education resource.
Completion status: this resource is a stub, so not much has been done yet.

The idea for this "pedagogy" learning project is create and discuss a list of favourite presentations.

These presentations can be personal favourites - not everyone has like to like them. But the point is really to explore and explain why each of the suggested presentations "works" and/or why they don't "work".

The purpose of this project is develop a collaborative, inspiring resource for teachers and presenters, with lots of examples, about ways to "present" a topic to an "audience".

Favourite presentations

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This section is for suggesting favourite presentations and anyone can add notes analysing the presentation.

Hardt (2005) - Identity 2.0

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Identity 2.0. See also Lecture 2.0#Example 1: Hardt 2005

  • What works
    • Relatively small amount of content per slide makes for a faster-moving, visually-alive presentation
  • What doesn't

What works and what doesn't

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This section is for synthesising a generic set of observations or tips about what works and what doesn't work for presenting.

What works?

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  1. Relatively small amount of content per slide makes for a faster-moving, visually-alive presentation

Michael De Percy and Amanda Burells idea of lectures as a performance, in my opinion certainly works. After watching Michael present yesterday I would happily go to any "performance" he gave on a topic. As a student it is refreshing to see that kind of commitment and personality from a lecturer rather than the monotonous reading off a slide.

James Neills audio streaming also is an idea to consider as it provides a service for those that cannot make it to the lecture however I don't think it allows for the feedback and communicaton between students and lecturer as well as a lecture does. I also think the lecture provides an arena to meet other students and to make social connections, it allows conversation during breaks or after the lecture and allows an interaction between students about the topic.

I know James also has an assessment piece that is an e-portfolio on wikiversity. If students would fully participate it is an excellent learning tool, the problem is getting everyone to do that.

What doesn't?

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  1. Reading directly off the slides with no extra information or expansion in a monotone. Students WILL go to sleep!
  2. Too many presentations, one after the other.

Some places to search for presentations

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See also

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