
Oregon Constitution/Article III

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Oregon Constitution
Article III: Distribution of powers
350593Oregon Constitution — Article III: Distribution of powers

Section 1


Separation of powers.

The powers of the Government shall be divided into three seperate [sic] departments, the Legislative, the Executive, including the administrative, and the Judicial; and no person charged with official duties under one of these departments, shall exercise any of the functions of another, except as in this Constitution expressly provided.–

Section 2


Budgetary control over executive and administrative officers and agencies. [annotations 1] [notes 1]

The Legislative Assembly shall have power to establish an agency to exercise budgetary control over all executive and administrative state officers, departments, boards, commissions and agencies of the State Government.

Section 3


Joint legislative committee to allocate emergency fund appropriations and to authorize expenditures beyond budgetary limits. [annotations 2] [notes 2]

  1. The Legislative Assembly is authorized to establish by law a joint committee composed of members of both houses of the Legislative Assembly, the membership to be as fixed by law, which committee may exercise, during the interim between sessions of the Legislative Assembly, such of the following powers as may be conferred upon it by law:
    1. Where an emergency exists, to allocate to any state agency, out of any emergency fund that may be appropriated to the committee for that purpose, additional funds beyond the amount appropriated to the agency by the Legislative Assembly, or funds to carry on an activity required by law for which an appropriation was not made.
    2. Where an emergency exists, to authorize any state agency to expend, from funds dedicated or continuously appropriated for the uses and purposes of the agency, sums in excess of the amount of the budget of the agency as approved in accordance with law.
    3. In the case of a new activity coming into existence at such a time as to preclude the possibility of submitting a budget to the Legislative Assembly for approval, to approve, or revise and approve, a budget of the money appropriated for such new activity.
    4. Where an emergency exists, to revise or amend the budgets of state agencies to the extent of authorizing transfers between expenditure classifications within the budget of an agency.
  2. The Legislative Assembly shall prescribe by law what shall constitute an emergency for the purposes of this section.
  3. As used in this section, "state agency" means any elected or appointed officer, board, commission, department, institution, branch or other agency of the state government.
  4. The term of members of the joint committee established pursuant to this section shall run from the adjournment of one regular session to the organization of the next regular session. No member of a committee shall cease to be such member solely by reason of the expiration of his term of office as a member of the Legislative Assembly.

Section 4


Senate confirmation of executive appointments. [annotations 3]

  1. The Legislative Assembly in the manner provided by law may require that all appointments and reappointments to state public office made by the Governor shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate.
  2. The appointee shall not be eligible to serve until confirmed in the manner required by law and if not confirmed in that manner, shall not be eligible to serve in the public office.
  3. In addition to appointive offices, the provisions of this section shall apply to any state elective office when the Governor is authorized by law or this Constitution to fill any vacancy therein, except the office of judge of any court, United States Senator or Representative and a district, county or precinct office.


  1. Created through S.J.R. 24, 1951, and adopted by the people Nov. 4, 1952
  2. Created through S.J.R. 24, 1951, and adopted by the people Nov. 4, 1952
  3. Created through S.J.R. 20, 1977, and adopted by the people Nov. 7, 1978


  1. Section 2 was designated as "Sec. 1" by S.J.R. 24, 1951, and adopted by the people Nov. 4, 1952.
  2. Section 3 was designated as "Sec. 2" by S.J.R. 24, 1951, and adopted by the people Nov. 4, 1952.