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Awhad ad-Din 'Ali ibn Mahmud, or Awhad ad-Din 'Ali ibn Mohammad Khavarani (1126–1189) was a Persian poet and astronomer. He was court-poet of Seljuq Empire.




  • O mighty Prince, whose majesty sublime
    Scarce deigns to mount the piebald steed of Time;
    Whose judgment hits the mark of empire high,
    As 'twere an arrow quivered in the Sky–
    To-day hath Heav'n arrayed his cloudy throne,
    The wind shoots keener shafts than Arish's own;
    On every mountain-angle snowflakes star
    The landscape, like a jewelled scimitar.
    And I have graced my song, as well I may,
    With the sweet prelude of another's lay.
    For whose'er of such a day hath sight,
    (Now chiefly when the tangled locks of Night
    Fall thickliest) to his mind will come the line,
    "To-day's the day for tent and fire and wine."
    The Nine Spheres' influence keep thee safe and fast,
    While the Four Elements and Six Directions last!
    • Muhammad Aufi's Lubab ul-Albab: vol. 2, p. 137, quoted in Islamic Poetry and Mysticism, p. 17

The Tears of Khorassan

  • Waft, gentle gale, oh waft to Samercand,
    When next thou visitest that blissful land,
    The plaint of Khorassania plung'd in woe:
    Bear to Turania's King our piteous scroll,
    Whose opening breathes forth all the anguish'd soul,
    And close denotes whate'er the tortur'd know.
    • The Tears of Khorassan, translated by William Kirkpatrick, quoted in A Literary History of Persia, 1908
Wikipedia has an article about:
  • Muhammad Aufi's Lubab ul-Albab: vol. 2
  • A Literary History of Persia by Edward Granville Browne, 1908