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Nick Fuentes

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Revision as of 11:06, 24 September 2024 by Philip Cross (talk | contribs) (2023–2024: comments on Telegram from May last year cited in a recent article in the Atlantic)
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Nick Fuentes in 2022
America First with Nick Fuentes logo

Nicholas Joseph Fuentes (born August 18, 1998) also known as the Groyper King is an American far-right and white nationalist political commentator and live streamer. The Anti-Defamation League has described Fuentes as a white supremacist. A former YouTuber, his channel was permanently suspended in February 2020 for violating YouTube's hate speech policy. Fuentes has described himself as an American nationalist, Christian conservative, and paleoconservative. He has expressed antisemitic views, denied the Holocaust, and is opposed to women's right to vote.

Fuentes has feuded with Turning Point USA and its founder, Charlie Kirk, for supporting views that Fuentes believes to be insufficiently conservative. On October 29, 2019, Fuentes' followers, known as Groypers, began to heckle Turning Point's Culture War Tour, including a speaking event for Donald Trump Jr. In 2020, seeking to rival CPAC, Fuentes began holding the annual America First Political Action Conference.


Having sex with women is gay.
I'm like, you know, the straightest guy that's ever lived.
Monkeys are like funny and endearing, and women are just kind of like annoying and cringe.
You know what? I give up. I'm done.
I don't know what I need to do, but something radical. I'm thinking maybe heavily into illicit drugs.
Arrogance and hatred for my fellow man propel me forward. That's the only thing that keeps me getting out of bed.
No rabbi will put their hands on Candace Owens. Not while I'm around! They're gonna have to go through me first!
That's what gets me out of bed in the morning is knowing that even Hitler wasn't six feet tall. So that makes me feel a little bit better.
I'm a special guy.
I don't care how gay they are as long as they're my loyal cult members who give me money and dox hillbillies when I give the command.


  • Keep moving towards the Capitol, it appears we are taking the Capitol. Keep marching and don’t relent, never relent. Break down the barriers and disregard the police. This Capitol belongs to us now. Let those politicians know. That’s exactly how it should be. These politicians do not represent us. They betray us and now we are forcibly evicting them from the people’s house. They should live in fear of the American people.
  • Our civilization is being dismantled, our people are being genocided, and conservatives can’t think past what will play well with liberal media in the next election.
    These new “Populists” think just like every other loser Republican that came before.
  • If you are a White male zoomer, remember that the people in power hate you and your unborn children and they will try to genocide you in your lifetime.
    • June 2021 tweet (no archive) also quoted by ADL here
  • What, people calling me gay because I've never had a girlfriend? I think if anything—if anything—it makes me less gay. If anything it makes me not gay. As opposed to less gay. Not that there's any gay, but it makes me not gay.
  • If we're really being honest, never having a girlfriend, never having sex with a woman, really makes you more heterosexual, because honestly, dating women is gay. [...] And if you want to know the truth, the only really straight, heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel.
  • if we're really being honest, never having a girlfriend, never having sex with a woman, really makes you more heterosexual. Because honestly, dating women is gay. Having sex with women is gay. And having sex with men is gay. And you know, really it's all gay. And if you wanna know the truth, the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel.
  • Yeah, I mean, I want a family eventually but the problem is like I don't think I'll get the same joy out of a woman that I would with a monkey. Because monkeys are, like, funny, so, I just feel like that would be a better option. I feel like that's gonna be, like, more enjoyable honestly. Because monkeys are like funny and endearing, and women are just kind of like annoying and cringe.
    • [1] Timestamp 11:30
  • We are not a benign hegemon, this is not a peaceful democracy, this is not what you think it is. This is a malevolent empire, the US regime is a malevolent empire; and behind all the nice words, all the flowery language - about who we are and our democracy - behind all of that is real hard power. Real hard power; and they're willing to back it up: behind all of that is a global conspiracy of the most powerful people in the world, and they control communication; transportation; finance; the currency, and the flow of information. That's what underlies the whole thing, and their advantage - their profit - and their benefit - that's what it's all about. And they can dress it up real nice and talk about "our democracy" and "he's like Churchill" and all this kind of stuff, but its a big protection racket, it is a global criminal syndicate. Make no mistake about it.
  • I'm a reactionary [...] I support autocracy.
  • I'm a 12th century man.
    Fuck the UN, and the internet, and democracy [...] You know what democracy has given us? Obesity. Low rates of literacy. It's given us divorce, abortion, gay marriage, liberalism, pornography. That's what democracy has given us. Ghettos and crime and political correctness. Diversity. Yeah, the track record of democracy? Not so good. Catholic autocracy? Pretty strong. Pretty strong record. Catholic monarchy? Catholic monarchy, and just war, and crusades, and inquisitions? Pretty good stuff.
  • Our national myth is a lie. Liberal democracy, capitalism, freedom - it's a lie. If it wasn't a lie before, it certainly is after the pandemic, when a government can say that you can't leave your house, you can't enter a restaurant unless you're vaccinated - it's a lie. So, the nation is weak morally, the nation is weak in terms of its patriotism. The leaders are unpopular. The institutions are not trusted, and then what's more, the economy is totally weak.
  • These people don't just come from nowhere, we can't pretend they got beamed down from outer space and then picked up a gun. They came from this country, just like a lot of other things, big problems in the country. A society that aborts its babies; a society that gives its children away to daycare and nannies to raise them, this society which says that we're on a blue marble floating through space without a rhyme or reason. An atheist secular country and we're surprised that we see evil? It's not a surprise at all, and you can't blame it on the guns, and you can't blame it on Whites this time. You can't blame it on mental illness or institutions - some things are bigger than an act of public policy. We wouldn't need public policy if people didn't want to kill children, but they do. Why? You wouldn't need gun control and mental health institutions and all this - press conferences and the hullabaloo - marches for our lives, if you didn't have people that are 18 years old and want to get a gun and shoot up little babies for no reason. Why is our society producing something like that? Something has gone terribly wrong - the chain has been broken - and now were living through the consequences. And you see it. You see it everywhere, everywhere you look, and you don't have to look very far. You start turning over some rocks and you can see the general societal decay, and the anger and the violence and the barbarism. You see it. It's hell's gate; it's open wide open.


  • When I began my career in 2017, [...] I was considered radioactive in the American Right for my White Identitarian, race realist, 'Jewish aware,' counter-Zionist, authoritarian, traditional Catholic views ... In 2023, on almost every count, our previously radioactive views are pounding on the door of the political mainstream.
  • Yesterday I got a little sick. I was gonna do a show yesterday and then I just, uh, had a lot of problems. Yesterday I was so congested I couldn't breathe out of my nose at all. Then I took this Afrin nasal spray, and I don't know if it was this or if it was because it was expired. But I took this and it opened up my nose, but then my nose was tingling all night and I was having this terrible, uh, like, nasal drainage, like my nose was running uncontrollably. And I don't know if– I know that's a side-effect of Afrin because I've taken this before and I've had that before. But it was really bad. Like, I couldn't breathe at all yesterday.
I was about to go live and I just couldn't breathe. I can't really breathe right now. Then I took this and my nose was tingling and was running and I was just literally went through like a whole roll of toilet paper blowing my nose. And I just lost my mind, I started throwing stuff, punching stuff, because I was frustrated. Then, I was about to go live, and then my internet crashed for like a half hour so I was like, you know what? I give up. I'm done. I'm cooked. I didn't even want to go live to begin with yesterday because there was nothing to talk about, I was tired, I was ready to go to bed, then I have all these problems. So I don't know what to do.
I don't feel good lately, I feel like shit all the time. I gotta get really into drugs. I think that's the next arc is I gotta get really heavy into drugs because I hate the way I feel all the time. Stomach aches, tired, nasal congestion, I just feel like garbage. So I don't know what I need to do, but something radical. I'm thinking maybe heavily into illicit drugs. And I don't know, I'll start with, uh, amphetamines or something and ramp up maybe to, uh, heroin, or something off the street. I don't know.
  • I shoulda never broke that first chair. That was really the beginning of the end of this show. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I already was dealing with enough, then I broke the chair. Now it squeaks every time I move. So really, it's over.
  • You know what's been my downfall? Jews censoring me. Okay? Arrogance and hatred for my fellow man propel me forward. That's the only thing that keeps me getting out of bed. If it wasn't for arrogance and my hatred for you, I would be in bed all day.
  • I can barely contain my true feeling about you. My true animosity and hatred. Utter disdain. I wouldn't describe it any other way other than pure contempt and utter disdain. Distilled hatred. And it's not a joke. It's completely serious. And I can barely hold it in.
  • Leave her alone! Get your filthy paws off of her! Get your hands off of her beautiful, supple black skin. Leave her alone! I'll protect you. I'll protect you Candace. The groypers, we got your back. If they try to come around and mess with you, you just give us a call. And no rabbi will put their hands on Candace Owens. Not while I'm around! They're gonna have to go through me first!
  • I'm a manlet. Could I ever be the dictator if I'm under six feet tall? That's the real – You know lately, I'm just like, 'Manlet L'. Lately I'm just like, man, like, it's over. If you're under six feet, it's kind of over isn't it? No, but uh, Hitler wasn't six feet tall. That's what gives me – Hitler, Stalin, that's what gives me a little boost. That's what gets me out of bed in the morning is knowing that even Hitler wasn't six feet tall. So that makes me feel a little bit better.
  • I would like to have a kid eventually, but on my terms. I want to have a kid on my terms, which means I need to meet a very special woman who is gonna be okay, she's gonna let me be me. Most women would never let me – Do you know any woman that would want to marry a guy like me? And before you say yes, before you jump and say 'Yes of course, you're handsome, rich, charming, intelligent, funny' before you say yes, think of the downsides okay? I have a nocturnal sleep schedule, I'm awake during the night, I'm asleep during the day, I'm late to everything, I don't give Christmas gifts, I'm moody, temperamental, hot and cold, you know sometimes I have the worst mood ever, sometimes I'm in the best mood ever, I drive like a maniac, my life is crazy, you know, people want to kill me, some people think I'm a cult leader, I hate women, like, so there's a lot of, there's a lot of stuff that comes with that, and so I'm gonna need a special woman who is gonna not cramp my style too much, because I'm a special guy.
  • Abbott, Hawley, Vance, Masters are all talking tough about shutting down the protest at the behest of Israel. The mass mobilization of anti-war protesters could become a serious detriment to Israel if it were to call on America to support a war against Hezbollah or even if it were to follow through with a ground campaign in Rafah.All of this fake politician “tough guy” talk is ridiculous farce, barely masking the corruption underneath. No, Greg Abbott is not “tough on crime,” just like Bill Ackman is not a conservative now. All of these narratives are completely ad hoc, created to service a pro-Israel agenda.
  • I don't judge. I don't care what they do in their personal lives. As long as they're here to dox hillbillies – look, as long as they are soldiers, look. I don't care how gay they are as long as they're my loyal cult members who give me money and dox hillbillies when I give the command.
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