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Gospel harmony




126 Abram leaving Ur of Chaldees - William Brassey Hole 143 Sarai overhearing the renewal of the promise - William Brassey Hole 39 Abraham and Isaac at mount Moriah - William Brassey Hole 137 Eliezer and Rebekah - William Brassey Hole 50 The despair of Esau - William Brassey Hole 148 Jacob and the angel at peniel - William Brassey Hole 111 Joseph sold into Egypt - William Brassey Hole 141 Josephs brethren at the inn Every mans money in his sack - William Brassey Hole 86 Judah pleading before Joseph for his brother Benjamin - William Brassey Hole 105 The meeting of Jacob and Joseph in Egypt - William Brassey Hole 25 Israelites making bricks in Egypt - William Brassey Hole 107 Moses and the burning bush - William Brassey Hole 45 Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh - William Brassey Hole 88 The passover in Egypt - William Brassey Hole 92 The passage of the Red sea - William Brassey Hole 140 The giving of laws on Sinai - William Brassey Hole 154 The consecration of Eleazar as high priest - William Brassey Hole 151 Moses inspecting the weaving and embroidering of the hangings of the Tebernacle - William Brassey Hole 131 The report of the spies and remonstrance of Caleb - William Brassey Hole 79 Balaam blessing Israel - William Brassey Hole 94 The city of refuge - William Brassey Hole 147 The passage of Jordan - William Brassey Hole 152 The destruction of Jericho - William Brassey Hole 153 Joshuas treaty with the men of Gibeon - William Brassey Hole 67 The sword of the Lord and of Gideon Panic in the camp of the Midianites - William Brassey Hole 5 Samson grinding in prison at Gaza - William Brassey Hole 42 Jael and Sisera - William Brassey Hole 100 Boaz and Ruth - William Brassey Hole 97 Eli and Samuel And he said It is the lord Let him do what seemeth him good - William Brassey Hole 127 Samuel slaying Agag before the lord at Gilgal - William Brassey Hole 74 Samuel anointing David in the midst of his brethren - William Brassey Hole 109 Jonathan defying the outposts of the Philistines - William Brassey Hole 78 David playing on the harp before Saul - William Brassey Hole 128 David and Goliath - William Brassey Hole 138 Davids camp at Engedi - William Brassey Hole 106 David spares the life of Saul - William Brassey Hole 113 The sin of witchcraft - William Brassey Hole 110 The death of Saul at Gilboa - William Brassey Hole 146 The capture of Jerusalem from the Jebusites - William Brassey Hole 130 David bringing ark into Jerusalem - William Brassey Hole 22 Nathan the prophet denounces the sin of David - William Brassey Hole 52 King David purchasing the threshing floor - William Brassey Hole 132 David fleeing from Jerusalem is cursed by Shimei - William Brassey Hole 112 The death of Absalom - William Brassey Hole 1 The sorrow of king David - William Brassey Hole 125 The judgement of Solomon - William Brassey Hole 144 The dedication of the temple - William Brassey Hole 157 The commerce of Solomon - William Brassey Hole 135 The queen of Sheba - William Brassey Hole 121 A prophet of God denounces the idolatry of Jeroboam - William Brassey Hole 80 The division of kingdom under Rehoboam - William Brassey Hole 134 Ahab and Elijah - William Brassey Hole 31 Elijah in the desert of Horeb - William Brassey Hole 54 Elijahs sacrifice at mount Carmel - William Brassey Hole 122 Elisha and the Shunammite - William Brassey Hole 115 Isaiah witnesses the vice and folly of Jerusalem - William Brassey Hole 64 The battle of Rephidim - William Brassey Hole 116 The coronation of Joash and death of Athaliah - William Brassey Hole 99 The death of Jezebel - William Brassey Hole 20 The death of king Josiah at Megiddo - William Brassey Hole 117 The fall of Samaria - William Brassey Hole 65 The four lepers looting the camp of the Syrians - William Brassey Hole 119 Uzziah erects engines of war on the walls of Jerusalem - William Brassey Hole 4 King Josiah cleansing the land of idols - William Brassey Hole 26 The Assyrian Rabshakeh demanding the surrender of Jerusalem - William Brassey Hole 6 Jeremiah and the potter - William Brassey Hole 89 The destruction of Jerusalem by nebuzar adan - William Brassey Hole 82 The murder of Zechariah - William Brassey Hole 145 The submission of Coniah to Nebuchadnezzar - William Brassey Hole 133 Captivity in Babylon - William Brassey Hole 30 Daniel interprets the dream of Nebuchadnezzar - William Brassey Hole 51 Nehemiah makes his petition to Artaxerxes - William Brassey Hole 159 The return of the exiles - William Brassey Hole 56 Rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem under Nehemiah - William Brassey Hole 40 Annunciation - William Brassey Hole 17 Mary goes into the hill country and meets Elizabeth - William Brassey Hole 3 Joseph and Mary arrive at Bethlehem but find there is no room for them at the inn - William Brassey Hole 11 An angel announcing to the shepherds of Bethlehem the birth of Jesus - William Brassey Hole 76 The shepherds finding the infant Christ lying in a manger - William Brassey Hole 59 The child Jesus brought to the temple and recognised by Simeon as the saviour - William Brassey Hole 149 Wise men enquiring of the birth of the King of the Jews - William Brassey Hole 66 Three kings worshipping Christ - William Brassey Hole 124 The flight into Egypt - William Brassey Hole 142 Christ as a young boy - William Brassey Hole 103 Christ working with Joseph as a carpenter - William Brassey Hole 96 Christ speaking with the doctors in the temple in Jerusalem - William Brassey Hole 83 Christ baptised by John the Baptist - William Brassey Hole 55 Jesus being led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil - William Brassey Hole 129 Forty days in the wilderness tempted by Satan - William Brassey Hole 120 Jesuss lodging on the banks of the Jordan - William Brassey Hole 10 Jesus resting by Jacobs Well - William Brassey Hole 16 Jesus teaching from Peters fishing boat - William Brassey Hole 24 Jesus at the house of Simon the Pharisee - William Brassey Hole 57 Jesus in conversation with Nicodemus - William Brassey Hole 69 The marriage in Cana - William Brassey Hole 70 Jesus commanding Matthew the publican to follow him - William Brassey Hole 77 Christ driving the money changers from the temple - William Brassey Hole 90 Jesuss teaching rejected by his own townsfolk in Nazareth - William Brassey Hole 12 Jesus and his disciples travelling into Galilee - William Brassey Hole 14 A paralytic man being let down through the roof - William Brassey Hole 15 Jesus withe the one leper who returned to give thanks - William Brassey Hole 19 Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead - William Brassey Hole 23 The transfiguration - William Brassey Hole 27 Jesus about to heal a boy from whom his disciples had failed to cast out a devil - William Brassey Hole 29 Jesus blessing little children - William Brassey Hole 35 Jesus meeting with a demoniac in the country of the Gadarenes - William Brassey Hole 41 Jesus and the woman taken in adultery - William Brassey Hole 47 Jesus walking upon the sea - William Brassey Hole 49 Get thee hence Satan - William Brassey Hole 53 Jesus stilling the tempest - William Brassey Hole 58 Jesus healing a woman in the crowd while on the way to the house of Jairus - William Brassey Hole 60 Feeding the multitude - William Brassey Hole 68 Jesus reviving Jairuss daughter - William Brassey Hole 72 Jesus healing a leper - William Brassey Hole 81 The centurion beseaching Jesus on behalf of his servant - William Brassey Hole 91 Jesus raising a young man from the dead in a city called Nain - William Brassey Hole 95 Christ preaching to this disciples and others - William Brassey Hole 98 Jesus asking his disciples whom the people say he is - William Brassey Hole 101 The people of Capernaum bringing Jesus many to heal - William Brassey Hole 139 Jesus at the pool of Bethseda - William Brassey Hole 150 Jesus testing the faith of a woman - William Brassey Hole 33 Jesus summoning Zacchaeus the publican to entertain him at his house - William Brassey Hole 93 Restoring blind Bartimaeus to sight - William Brassey Hole 61 Jesus resting at Bethany at the house of his friends - William Brassey Hole 75 Jesus preaching in the Temple - William Brassey Hole 84 Jesus entering Jesusalem - William Brassey Hole 7 Jesus washing his disciples feet - William Brassey Hole 13 Jesus breaking bread and giving his disciples the cup - William Brassey Hole 2 Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane - William Brassey Hole 18 Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss in the garden of Gethsemane - William Brassey Hole 36 Jesus brought before Caiaphas and the Council - William Brassey Hole 85 Peter having denied him thrice repents as Jesus turns and looks at him - William Brassey Hole 43 Jesus brought before Pilate - William Brassey Hole 37 Jesus being interviewed privately by Pontius Pilate - William Brassey Hole 136 Pilate sends Jesus to Herod - William Brassey Hole 21 Jesus mocked by Roman soldiers - William Brassey Hole 44 Jesus being scourged - William Brassey Hole 102 Pilate yielding Jesus to be crucified - William Brassey Hole 87 Jesus sinking under the weight of his cross - William Brassey Hole 34 Jesus being crucified - William Brassey Hole 8 Crucifixion - William Brassey Hole 46 Jesus yielding up the ghost - William Brassey Hole 73 Joseph of Arimathaea lying the body of Jesus in his own tomb - William Brassey Hole 71 Angels declaring that Jesus is risen from the dead - William Brassey Hole 123 Peter and John in the sepulchre - William Brassey Hole 32 Jesus revealing himself to Mary Magdalene - William Brassey Hole 9 Jesus appearing to two disciples on the road to Emmaus - William Brassey Hole 104 Jesus appearing to Simon Peter - William Brassey Hole 48 Jesus childing Thomas for his unbelief - William Brassey Hole 38 Jesus showing himself to Peter and others by the Sea of Galilee - William Brassey Hole 62 Jesus on the mount of Olives - William Brassey Hole 28 Jesus ascending into heaven - William Brassey Hole 108 The ever present - William Brassey Hole 63 Prince Charles Edward Stuart in Edinburgh - William Brassey Hole 114 Fanny Hamilton Bruce 1855-81 - William Brassey Hole 118 News of Flodden - William Brassey Hole 155 Compiling and editing the canon of Scripture from ancient documents and records - William Brassey Hole 156 After Flodden - William Brassey Hole 158 End of the 45 - William Brassey Hole


  • Kalsia – Gur Bakhash Singh, Raja of Kalsia (1760–? )
  • Ramgarh Raj – Bishan Singh, Raja of Ramgarh (1724–1763)

Northeast India



  • Doti – Hrishna Shahi


Free City under League of Nations protection, 1920–1939


UN Security Council-controlled temporary military government, 1947–1954

United States

United Nations Trust Territory under the administration of the United States, 1947–1994


UN Security Council-controlled temporary military government, 1947–1954

French Polynesia

Overseas territory of France, 1959–2003
Overseas collectivity of France, 2003–present



Africa: Central



Colony, 1575–1951
For details see the Kingdom of Portugal under Southwest Europe



Americas: Caribbean



Dutch colony 1634–1828, 1845–1954
For details see the Netherlands under western Europe
Constituent country 1954–2010
For details see the Netherlands under western Europe

Saint Kitts and Nevis

British colony, 1882–1983
For details see the United Kingdom under British Isles, Europe



Asia: Southeast



United Nations protectorate, 1992–1993

East Timor

United Nations protectorate, 1999–2002


United Nations protectorate, 1962–1963



Europe: Balkans



United Nations protectorate, 1996–1998

Europe: Central



Free City under League of Nations protection, 1920–1939

Europe: Southcentral



UN Security Council-controlled temporary military government, 1947–1954



Oceania: Australia and Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea

German colony, 1884–1919
For details see the German Empire under central Europe
League of Nations Mandate of Australia, 1920–1946
United Nations Trust Territory of Australia, 1946–1975
For details see Australia
British protectorate, 1884–1888
British colony, 1888–1902
League of Nations Mandate of Australia, 1920–1946
United Nations Trust Territory of Australia, 1946–1975
For details see Australia or the United Kingdom under the British Isles, Europe
New Guinea: United Nations Trust Territory of Australia, 1949–1975
Papua: Australian external territory (1949–1975)
For details see Australia

Oceania: Pacific


French Polynesia

Protectorate of France, 1887/1888–1959
Overseas territory of France, 1959–2003

New Zealand

United States

United Nations Trust Territory under the administration of the United States




Day Day Readings Topic
1-Oct 16-Nov Luke 1; John 1:1-14 Birth of John the Baptist
2-Oct 17-Nov Matthew 1; Luke 2:1-38 Birth of Jesus
3-Oct 18-Nov Matthew 2; Luke 2:39-52 Visit of the Magi, Youth of Jesus
4-Oct 19-Nov Matthew 3; Luke 3 John the Baptist prepares the way
5-Oct 20-Nov Matthew 4; Mark 1 Temptation of Jesus, calling the First Disciples
6-Oct 21-Nov Luke 4; John 1:15-2:25 Wedding at Cana
7-Oct 22-Nov John 3-4 Nicodemus & Samaritan woman
8-Oct 23-Nov Mark 2; Luke 5 Jesus’ great ministry in Galilee
9-Oct 24-Nov Matthew 12:1-21; Mark 3:1-19; John 5 The Pool of Bethesda
10-Oct 25-Nov Matthew 5; Luke 6 Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
11-Oct 26-Nov Matthew 6-7 Sermon on the Mount
12-Oct 27-Nov Matthew 8:1-13; 11; 12:22-50 Jesus heals the centurion's servant, answers John's Disciples
13-Oct 28-Nov Mark 3:20-35; Luke 7; 11:14-28 Jesus Lord of the Sabbath
14-Oct 29-Nov Matthew 13; Luke 8 Jesus speaks many parables
15-Oct 30-Nov Matthew 8:14-34; Mark 4-5 Jesus heals a demoniac


Day Day Readings Topic
16-Oct 1-Dec Matthew 9-10 Jesus sends out the twelve apostles
17-Oct 2-Dec Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9:1-17 John the Baptist beheaded
18-Oct 3-Dec John 6 Jesus feeds the 5,000
19-Oct 4-Dec Matthew 15; Mark 7 Teachings on clean and unclean
20-Oct 5-Dec Matthew 16; Mark 8; Luke 9:18-27 Peter's confession of Christ
21-Oct 6-Dec Matthew 17; Mark 9 The Transfiguration
22-Oct 7-Dec Matthew 18; Luke 9:28-62 Greatest and Least in the Kingdom
23-Oct 8-Dec John 7-8 Jesus teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles
24-Oct 9-Dec John 9:1-10:21 Jesus teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles
25-Oct 10-Dec Luke 10-11 Jesus sends out the Seventy-two
26-Oct 11-Dec Luke 12-13 Jesus speaks more parables
27-Oct 12-Dec Luke 14-15 Jesus speaks more parables
28-Oct 13-Dec Luke 16:1-17:10 Jesus speaks more parables
29-Oct 14-Dec Luke 17:11-18:14; John 10:22-42 Final journey to Jerusalem
30-Oct 15-Dec Matthew 19; Mark 10 Final journey to Jerusalem
31-Oct 16-Dec John 11 Jesus raises Lazarus


Day Day Readings Topic
1-Nov 17-Dec Luke 18:15-19:48 Triumphal entry
2-Nov 18-Dec Matthew 20-21 Triumphal entry
3-Nov 19-Dec Mark 11; John 12 Triumphal entry
4-Nov 20-Dec Matthew 22; Mark 12 Closing ministry in Jerusalem
5-Nov 21-Dec Matthew 23; Luke 20 Thursday before Passover
6-Nov 22-Dec Mark 13; Luke 21 Jesus’ final week in Jerusalem
7-Nov 23-Dec Matthew 24-25 Jesus’ final week in Jerusalem
8-Nov 24-Dec Matthew 26; Mark 14 Jesus' last supper
9-Nov 25-Dec John 13:1-14:14 Jesus comforts the Disciples
10-Nov 26-Dec John 14:15-16:33 Jesus comforts the Disciples
11-Nov 27-Dec Luke 22; John 17-18 Jesus' last supper, arrest, trails
12-Nov 28-Dec Matthew 27; Mark 15 Jesus' trials, crucifixion
13-Nov 29-Dec Luke 23; John 19 Jesus' trials, crucifixion
14-Nov 30-Dec Matthew 28; Mark 16 Jesus’ resurrection appearances
15-Nov 31-Dec Luke 24; John 20-21 Jesus’ resurrection appearances

other Europe










Americas: North


Americas: South




Asia: C


Asia: S


Asia: SE





Day Readings Topic
Jan 01 Genesis 1-3 Creation & sin
Jan 02 Genesis 4-7 Cain, Able, Noah, & the flood
Jan 03 Genesis 8-11 The flood subsides, descendants of Noah are scattered
Jan 04 Genesis 12-15 God tells Abram to go, promises descendants & blessings, meets Melchizedek
Jan 05 Genesis 16-18 Abram & Hagar have Ishmael; a son is promised to Abraham in a year by three visitors
Jan 06 Genesis 19-21 Life of Abraham
Jan 07 Genesis 22-24 Life of Abraham
Jan 08 Genesis 25-26 Esau & Jacob conflict, Isaac avoids conflict
Jan 09 Genesis 27-29 Life of Jacob
Jan 10 Genesis 30-31 Life of Jacob
Jan 11 Genesis 32-34 Life of Jacob
Jan 12 Genesis 35-37 Jacob, Esau, Joseph
Jan 13 Genesis 38-40 Judah, Joseph
Jan 14 Genesis 41-42 Joseph and Jacob’s family
Jan 15 Genesis 43-45 Joseph and Jacob’s family
Jan 16 Genesis 46-47 Joseph and Jacob’s family
Jan 17 Genesis 48-50 Jacob blesses his family
Jan 18 Job 1-5 Job anguished greatly, Job curses being born day, Eliphaz asserts God only punishes the guilty
Jan 19 Job 6-9 Job asserts his right to complain, Bildad replies all suffering is punishment, Job speaks
Jan 20 Job 10-13 Job asserts innocence, Zophar replies to defends God, Job speaks
Jan 21 Job 14-16 Job laments his fate & that all die, Eliphaz replies that Job’s words show guilt, Job speaks
Jan 22 Job 17-20 Job asserts God punishes the innocent, Bildad rejects it, Job confronts them, Zophar responds
Jan 23 Job 21-23 Job says the wicked prosper, Eliphaz accuses of corruption, Job speaks of debating God
Jan 24 Job 24-28 Job laments injustices, Bildad says nobody is perfect before God, Job praises mankind
Jan 25 Job 29-31 Job recalls the good old days, defiantly swears he did not commit a list of sins
Jan 26 Job 32-34 Elihu says God is a righteous judge
Jan 27 Job 35-37 Elihu defends & praises God
Jan 28 Job 38-39 God questions & humbles Job
Jan 29 Job 40-42 God humbles & delivers of Job
Jan 30 Exodus 1-3 Israelites in Egypt, Moses flees, meets God in Midian
Jan 31 Exodus 4-6 Moses & Aaron speak to Pharaoh


Day Readings Topic
Feb 01 Exodus 7-9 Pleas for liberation, plagues of judgment
Feb 02 Exodus 10-12 Plagues of judgment, Pharaoh relents when all firstborn die
Feb 03 Exodus 13-15 Exodus
Feb 04 Exodus 16-18 Exodus
Feb 05 Exodus 19-21 Exodus
Feb 06 Exodus 22-24 Exodus
Feb 07 Exodus 25-27 Exodus
Feb 08 Exodus 28-29 Exodus
Feb 09 Exodus 30-32 Exodus
Feb 10 Exodus 33-35 Exodus
Feb 11 Exodus 36-38 Exodus
Feb 12 Exodus 39-40 Exodus
Feb 13 Leviticus 8-10 Leviticus
Feb 14 Numbers 1-2 Numbers
Feb 15 Numbers 3-4 Numbers
Feb 16 Numbers 5-6 Numbers
Feb 17 Numbers 7 Numbers
Feb 18 Numbers 8-10 Numbers
Feb 19 Numbers 11-13 Numbers
Feb 20 Numbers 14-15; Psalm 90 Numbers; Psalm
Feb 21 Numbers 16-17 Numbers
Feb 22 Numbers 18-20 Numbers
Feb 23 Numbers 21-22 Numbers
Feb 24 Numbers 23-25 Numbers
Feb 25 Numbers 26-27 Numbers
Feb 26 Numbers 28-30 Numbers
Feb 27 Numbers 31-32 Numbers
Feb 28 Numbers 33-34 Numbers


Day Readings Topic
Mar 01 Numbers 35-36 Numbers
Mar 02 Deuteronomy 1-2 Deuteronomy
Mar 03 Deuteronomy 3-4 Deuteronomy
Mar 04 Deuteronomy 5-7 Deuteronomy
Mar 05 Deuteronomy 8-10 Deuteronomy
Mar 06 Leviticus 1-4 Leviticus
Mar 07 Leviticus 5-7 Leviticus
Mar 08 Leviticus 11-13 Leviticus
Mar 09 Leviticus 14-15 Leviticus
Mar 10 Leviticus 16-18 Leviticus
Mar 11 Leviticus 19-21 Leviticus
Mar 12 Leviticus 22-23 Leviticus
Mar 13 Leviticus 24-25 Leviticus
Mar 14 Leviticus 26-27 Leviticus
Mar 15 Deuteronomy 11-13 Deuteronomy
Mar 16 Deuteronomy 14-16 Deuteronomy
Mar 17 Deuteronomy 17-20 Deuteronomy
Mar 18 Deuteronomy 21-23 Deuteronomy
Mar 19 Deuteronomy 24-27 Deuteronomy
Mar 20 Deuteronomy 28-29 Deuteronomy
Mar 21 Deuteronomy 30-31 Deuteronomy
Mar 22 Deuteronomy 32-34; Psalm 91 Deuteronomy; Psalm
Mar 23 Joshua 1-4 Joshua
Mar 24 Joshua 5-8 Joshua
Mar 25 Joshua 9-11 Joshua
Mar 26 Joshua 12-15 Joshua
Mar 27 Joshua 16-18 Joshua
Mar 28 Joshua 19-21 Joshua
Mar 29 Joshua 22-24 Joshua
Mar 30 Judges 1-2 Judges
Mar 31 Judges 3-5 Judges


Day Readings Topic
Apr 01 Judges 6-7 Judges
Apr 02 Judges 8-9 Judges
Apr 03 Judges 10-12 Judges
Apr 04 Judges 13-15 Judges
Apr 05 Judges 16-18 Judges
Apr 06 Judges 19-21 Judges
Apr 07 Ruth 1-4 Ruth
Apr 08 1 Samuel 1-3 1 Samuel
Apr 09 1 Samuel 4-8 1 Samuel
Apr 10 1 Samuel 9-12 1 Samuel
Apr 11 1 Samuel 13-14 1 Samuel
Apr 12 1 Samuel 15-17 1 Samuel
Apr 13 1 Samuel 18-20; Psalms 11, 59 1 Samuel; Psalms
Apr 14 1 Samuel 21-24 1 Samuel
Apr 15 Psalms 7, 27, 31, 34, 52 Psalms
Apr 16 Psalms 56, 120, 140-142 Psalms
Apr 17 1 Samuel 25-27 1 Samuel
Apr 18 Psalms 17, 35, 54, 63 Psalms
Apr 19 1 Samuel 28-31; Psalm 18 1 Samuel; Psalms
Apr 20 Psalms 121, 123-125, 128-130 Psalms
Apr 21 1 Chronicles 1-2 1 Chronicles
Apr 22 Psalms 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19 Psalms
Apr 23 1 Chronicles 3-5 1 Chronicles
Apr 24 Psalms 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87 Psalms
Apr 25 1 Chronicles 6 1 Chronicles
Apr 26 Psalms 73, 77-78 Psalms
Apr 27 1 Chronicles 7-10 1 Chronicles
Apr 28 Psalms 81, 88, 92-93 Psalms
Apr 29 2 Samuel 1-4 2 Samuel
Apr 30 Psalms 102-104 Psalms


Day Readings Topic
May 01 2 Samuel 5:1-10; 1 Chronicles 11-12 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles
May 02 Psalm 133 Psalm 133
May 03 Psalms 106-107 Psalms
May 04 2 Samuel 5:11-6:23; 1 Chronicles 13-16 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles
May 05 Psalms 1-2, 15, 22-24, 47, 68 Psalms
May 06 Psalms 89, 96, 100, 101, 105 Psalms
May 07 2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles
May 08 Psalms 25, 29, 33, 36, 39 Psalms
May 09 2 Samuel 8-9; 1 Chronicles 18 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles
May 10 Psalms 50, 53, 60, 75 Psalms
May 11 2 Samuel 10; 1 Chronicles 19, Psalm 20 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles; Psalms
May 12 Psalms 65-67, 69-70 Psalms
May 13 2 Samuel 11-12; 1 Chronicles 20 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles
May 14 Psalms 32, 51, 86, 122 Psalms
May 15 2 Samuel 13-15 2 Samuel
May 16 Psalms 3-4, 12-13, 28, 55 Psalms
May 17 2 Samuel 16-18 2 Samuel
May 18 Psalms 26, 40, 58, 61-62, 64 Psalms
May 19 2 Samuel 19-21 2 Samuel
May 20 Psalms 5, 38, 41-42 Psalms
May 21 2 Samuel 22-23; Psalm 57 2 Samuel; Psalms
May 22 Psalms 95, 97-99 Psalms
May 23 2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21-22, Psalm 30 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles; Psalms
May 24 Psalms 108-110 Psalms
May 25 1 Chronicles 23-25 1 Chronicles
May 26 Psalms 131, 138-139, 143-145 Psalms
May 27 1 Chronicles 26-29; Psalm 127 1 Chronicles; Psalms
May 28 Psalms 111-118 Psalms
May 29 1 Kings 1-2; Psalms 37, 71, 94 1 Kings; Psalms
May 30 Psalm 119:1-88 Psalms
May 31 1 Kings 3-4; 2 Chronicles 1, Psalm 72 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles; Psalms


Day Readings Topic
Jun 01 Psalm 119:89-176 Psalms
Jun 02 1 Kings 5-6; 2 Chronicles 2-3 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jun 03 1 Kings 7; 2 Chronicles 4 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jun 04 1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 5 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jun 05 2 Chronicles 6-7; Psalm 136 2 Chronicles; Psalms
Jun 06 Psalms 134, 146-150 Psalms
Jun 07 1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jun 08 1 Kings 10-11; 2 Chronicles 9 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jun 09 Proverbs 1-3 Proverbs
Jun 10 Proverbs 4-6 Proverbs
Jun 11 Proverbs 7-9 Proverbs
Jun 12 Proverbs 10-12 Proverbs
Jun 13 Proverbs 13-15 Proverbs
Jun 14 Proverbs 16-18 Proverbs
Jun 15 Proverbs 19-21 Proverbs
Jun 16 Proverbs 22-24 Proverbs
Jun 17 Proverbs 25-26 Proverbs
Jun 18 Proverbs 27-29 Proverbs
Jun 19 Proverbs 30-31 Proverbs
Jun 20 Song of Solomon 1-8 Song of Songs
Jun 21 Ecclesiastes 1-6 Ecclesiastes
Jun 22 Ecclesiastes 7-12 Ecclesiastes
Jun 23 1 Kings 12-14 1 Kings
Jun 24 2 Chronicles 10-12 2 Chronicles
Jun 25 1 Kings 15:1-24; 2 Chronicles 13-16 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jun 26 1 Kings 15:25-16:34; 2 Chronicles 17 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jun 27 1 Kings 17-19 1 Kings
Jun 28 1 Kings 20-21 1 Kings
Jun 29 1 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 18 1 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jun 30 2 Chronicles 19-23 2 Chronicles


Day Readings Topic
Jul 01 2 Kings 1-4 2 Kings
Jul 02 2 Kings 5-8 2 Kings
Jul 03 2 Kings 9-11 2 Kings
Jul 04 2 Kings 12-13; 2 Chronicles 24 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jul 05 2 Kings 14; 2 Chronicles 25 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jul 06 Jonah 1-4 Jonah
Jul 07 Amos 1-5 Amos
Jul 08 Amos 6-9 Amos
Jul 09 Hosea 1-7 Hosea
Jul 10 Hosea 8-14 Hosea
Jul 11 2 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 26 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Jul 12 Isaiah 1-4 Isaiah
Jul 13 Isaiah 5-8 Isaiah
Jul 14 2 Chronicles 27; Isaiah 9-12 2 Chronicles; Isaiah
Jul 15 2 Chronicles 28; 2 Kings 16-17 2 Chronicles; 2 Kings
Jul 16 Isaiah 13-17 Isaiah
Jul 17 Isaiah 23-27 Isaiah
Jul 18 Isaiah 18-22 Isaiah
Jul 19 2 Kings 18:1-8; 2 Chronicles 29-31, Psalm 48 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles; Psalms
Jul 20 2 Kings 18:9-19:37; Psalms 46, 80, 135 2 Kings; Psalms
Jul 21 Isaiah 28-30 Isaiah
Jul 22 Isaiah 31-34 Isaiah
Jul 23 Micah 1-7 Micah
Jul 24 Isaiah 35-36 Isaiah
Jul 25 Isaiah 37-39; Psalm 76 Isaiah; Psalms
Jul 26 2 Kings 20-21 2 Kings
Jul 27 Isaiah 40-43 Isaiah
Jul 28 Isaiah 44-48 Isaiah
Jul 29 Isaiah 49-53 Isaiah
Jul 30 Isaiah 54-58 Isaiah
Jul 31 Isaiah 59-63 Isaiah


Day Readings Topic
Aug 01 Isaiah 64-66 Isaiah
Aug 02 2 Chronicles 32-33 2 Chronicles
Aug 03 Zephaniah 1-3 Zephaniah
Aug 04 Jeremiah 1-3 Jeremiah
Aug 05 Jeremiah 4-6 Jeremiah
Aug 06 Jeremiah 7-9 Jeremiah
Aug 07 Jeremiah 10-13 Jeremiah
Aug 08 2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Aug 09 Nahum 1-3 Nahum
Aug 10 Habakkuk 1-3 Habakkuk
Aug 11 Daniel 1-3 Daniel
Aug 12 Jeremiah 14-17 Jeremiah
Aug 13 Jeremiah 18-20, 25-26 Jeremiah
Aug 14 Jeremiah 46-48 Jeremiah
Aug 15 Jeremiah 49-50 Jeremiah
Aug 16 Jeremiah 51-52 Jeremiah
Aug 17 Jeremiah 35-37 Jeremiah
Aug 18 2 Kings 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles
Aug 19 Jeremiah 21-24 Jeremiah
Aug 20 Jeremiah 27-29 Jeremiah
Aug 21 Ezekiel 1-4 Ezekiel
Aug 22 Ezekiel 5-8 Ezekiel
Aug 23 Ezekiel 9-12 Ezekiel
Aug 24 Ezekiel 13-15 Ezekiel
Aug 25 Ezekiel 16-17 Ezekiel
Aug 26 Ezekiel 18-19 Ezekiel
Aug 27 Joel 1-3 Joel
Aug 28 Ezekiel 20-21 Ezekiel
Aug 29 Ezekiel 22-24 Ezekiel
Aug 30 Jeremiah 30-31 Jeremiah
Aug 31 Jeremiah 32-34 Jeremiah


Day Readings Topic
Sep 01 Ezekiel 25-27 Ezekiel
Sep 02 Ezekiel 28-31 Ezekiel
Sep 03 Jeremiah 38-40; Psalms 74, 79 Jeremiah; Psalms
Sep 04 Lamentations 1:1-3:36 Lamentations
Sep 05 Lamentations 3:37-5:22 Lamentations
Sep 06 Obadiah; Psalms 82-83 Obadiah; Psalms
Sep 07 Jeremiah 41-45 Jeremiah
Sep 08 Ezekiel 32-34 Ezekiel
Sep 09 Ezekiel 35-37 Ezekiel
Sep 10 Ezekiel 38-39 Ezekiel
Sep 11 Ezekiel 40-41 Ezekiel
Sep 12 Ezekiel 42-43 Ezekiel
Sep 13 Ezekiel 44-45 Ezekiel
Sep 14 Ezekiel 46-48 Ezekiel
Sep 15 Daniel 4-5 Daniel
Sep 16 Daniel 7-9 Daniel
Sep 17 Ezra 1-3 Ezra
Sep 18 Daniel 10-12, 6 Daniel
Sep 19 Ezra 4-6; Psalm 137 Ezra; Psalms
Sep 20 Haggai 1-2 Haggai
Sep 21 Zechariah 1-8 Zechariah
Sep 22 Zechariah 9-14 Zechariah
Sep 23 Esther 1-5 Esther
Sep 24 Esther 6-10 Esther
Sep 25 Malachi 1-4 Malachi
Sep 26 Ezra 7-10 Ezra
Sep 27 Nehemiah 1-5 Nehemiah
Sep 28 Nehemiah 6-7 Nehemiah
Sep 29 Nehemiah 8-10 Nehemiah
Sep 30 Nehemiah 11-13; Psalm 126 Nehemiah; Psalms


Day Readings Topic
1-Oct Luke 1; John 1:1-14 Birth of John the Baptist
2-Oct Matthew 1; Luke 2:1-38 Birth of Jesus
3-Oct Matthew 2; Luke 2:39-52 Visit of the Magi, Youth of Jesus
4-Oct Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3 John the Baptist prepares the way
5-Oct Matthew 4; Luke 4-5; John 1:15-51 Temptation of Jesus, calling the First Disciples
6-Oct John 2-4 Wedding at Cana
7-Oct Mark 2 Jesus’ great ministry in Galilee
8-Oct John 5 The Pool of Bethesda
9-Oct Matthew 12:1-21; Mark 3; Luke 6 Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
10-Oct Matthew 5-7 Sermon on the Mount
11-Oct Matthew 8:1-13; Luke 7 Jesus heals the centurion's servant, answers John's Disciples
12-Oct Matthew 11 Jesus Answers John's Disciples
13-Oct Matthew 12:22-50; Luke 11 Jesus Lord of the Sabbath
14-Oct Matthew 13; Luke 8 Jesus speaks many parables
15-Oct Matthew 8:14-34; Mark 4-5 Jesus heals a demoniac
16-Oct Matthew 9-10 Jesus sends out the twelve apostles
17-Oct Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9:1-17 John the Baptist beheaded
18-Oct John 6 Jesus feeds the 5,000
19-Oct Matthew 15; Mark 7 Teachings on clean and unclean
20-Oct Matthew 16; Mark 8; Luke 9:18-27 Peter's confession of Christ
21-Oct Matthew 17; Mark 9; Luke 9:28-62 The Transfiguration
22-Oct Matthew 18 Greatest and Least in the Kingdom
23-Oct John 7-8 Jesus teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles
24-Oct John 9:1-10:21 Jesus teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles
25-Oct Luke 10-11; John 10:22-42 Jesus sends out the Seventy-two
26-Oct Luke 12-13 Jesus speaks more parables
27-Oct Luke 14-15 Jesus speaks more parables
28-Oct Luke 16:1-17:10 Jesus speaks more parables
29-Oct Luke 17:11-18:14 Final journey to Jerusalem
30-Oct Matthew 19; Mark 10 Final journey to Jerusalem
31-Oct John 11 Jesus raises Lazarus


Day Readings Topic
1-Nov Luke 18:15-19:48 Triumphal entry
2-Nov Matthew 20-21 Triumphal entry
3-Nov Mark 11; John 12 Triumphal entry
4-Nov Matthew 22; Mark 12 Closing ministry in Jerusalem
5-Nov Matthew 23; Luke 20-21 Thursday before Passover
6-Nov Mark 13; Matthew 24 Jesus’ final week in Jerusalem
7-Nov Matthew 25 Jesus’ final week in Jerusalem
8-Nov Matthew 26; Mark 14 Jesus' last supper
9-Nov John 13 Jesus comforts the Disciples
10-Nov John 14-17 Jesus comforts the Disciples
11-Nov Luke 22 Jesus' last supper, arrest, trails
12-Nov Matthew 27; Mark 15 Jesus' trials, crucifixion
13-Nov Luke 23; John 18-19 Jesus' trials, crucifixion
14-Nov Matthew 28; Mark 16 Jesus’ resurrection appearances
15-Nov Luke 24; John 20-21 Jesus’ resurrection appearances
16-Nov Acts 1-3 Acts
17-Nov Acts 4-6 Acts
18-Nov Acts 7-8 Acts
19-Nov Acts 9-10 Acts
20-Nov Acts 11-12 Acts
21-Nov Acts 13-14 Acts
22-Nov James 1-5 James
23-Nov Acts 15-16 Acts
24-Nov Galatians 1-3 Galatians
25-Nov Galatians 4-6 Galatians
26-Nov Acts 17:1-18:18 Acts
27-Nov 1 Thessalonians 1-5; 2 Thessalonians 1-3 1 Thessalonians; 2 Thessalonians
28-Nov Acts 18:19-19:41 Acts
29-Nov 1 Corinthians 1-4 1 Corinthians
30-Nov 1 Corinthians 5-8 1 Corinthians


Day Readings Topic
Dec 01 1 Corinthians 9-11 1 Corinthians
Dec 02 1 Corinthians 12-14 1 Corinthians
Dec 03 1 Corinthians 15-16 1 Corinthians
Dec 04 2 Corinthians 1-4 2 Corinthians
Dec 05 2 Corinthians 5-9 2 Corinthians
Dec 06 2 Corinthians 10-13 2 Corinthians
Dec 07 Acts 20:1-3; Romans 1-3 Acts; Romans
Dec 08 Romans 4-7 Romans
Dec 09 Romans 8-10 Romans
Dec 10 Romans 11-13 Romans
Dec 11 Romans 14-16 Romans
Dec 12 Acts 20:4-23:35 Acts
Dec 13 Acts 24-26 Acts
Dec 14 Acts 27-28 Acts
Dec 15 Colossians 1-4; Philemon Colossians; Philemon
Dec 16 Ephesians 1-6 Ephesians
Dec 17 Philippians 1-4 Philippians
Dec 18 1 Timothy 1-6 1 Timothy
Dec 19 Titus 1-3 Titus
Dec 20 1 Peter 1-5 1 Peter
Dec 21 Hebrews 1-6 Hebrews
Dec 22 Hebrews 7-10 Hebrews
Dec 23 Hebrews 11-13 Hebrews
Dec 24 2 Timothy 1-4 2 Timothy
Dec 25 2 Peter 1-3; Jude 2 Peter; Jude
Dec 26 1 John 1-5 1 John
Dec 27 2 John; 3 John 2 John; 3 John
Dec 28 Revelation 1-5 Revelation
Dec 29 Revelation 6-11 Revelation
Dec 30 Revelation 12-18 Revelation
Dec 31 Revelation 19-22 Revelation
  1. ^ "New King Of Wallis Crowned Today". Ocean Flash. Pacific Magazine, King. 2008-07-25. Retrieved 2008-07-27.[permanent dead link]