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User:Under user

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This user is on vacation, sabbatical, administrative leave, or is otherwise goofing off with the knowledge and/or consent of the Admins. Or, more likely, they've buggered off without saying boo to anyone. Their expected date of return is unlikely.. If you're lonely, or you miss them, leave a message.

UU is out there... somewhere... underground...
UU, I am seriously considering taking you off the case!

Stuff by other people that UU rates

If you don't find these funny, you are wrong.

File 8AO4F: The God Case

HowTo:Survive a Baby

UnScripts: Grass in the Mist

Is This Some Kind of Fucking Joke?!
by RAHB Park.png

Polish Inquisition
by Southparkmordillo.JPG

Jewish Holidays
by Southparkmordillo.JPG

Lord Sauron

HowTo:Check for Lumps
by LedPicture.PNG

Stuff by UU that other people rate

If you don't find these funny, go read something else.

Down With This Sort Of Thing! (rw)
Featured 24 Sept '07

Shopping List (rw)
Featured 11 Oct '07

HowTo:Fuck Off
Featured 14 Nov '07

Hyperdrinking (rw)
Featured 21 Mar '08

UnScripts:Average Cop
Featured 4 Apr '08
#1 Article of April '08!
Top 10 Article of 2008!

Royal Pointless Military Things Tournament (rw)
(with Codeine, in a way)
Featured 25 Apr '08

Bubble Wrap
Featured 4 Jun '08

Spontaneous Combustion (rw)
Featured 21 Jul '08

UnMysteries:A Tissue Of Lies
Featured 28 Jul '08

HowTo:Be A Supervillain (rw)
Featured 18 Sept '08
PLS Summer '08 1st runner up!
#3 Article of September '08!
Top 10 of 2008 honourable mention!

Fish Puns
(With MrN)
Featured 24 Oct '08
=#3 Article of October '08!

Why?:Do I Like Tango and Cash?
Featured 25 Nov '08

The Millennium (rw)
Featured 22 Dec '08

Jesus Christ, who brought that guitar?
(By Prettiestpretty really, UU just helped a little)
Featured 19 Jan '09

Gazelle (rw)
Featured 15 May '09
#3 Article of May '09!

Waterloo Baron.jpg
Featured image

Test Match Special
Featured 16 Aug '09

Röak Band - Teutonic Invasion
(mit Mördillö)
Feätured 3Ö Sept 'Ö9
=#3 Ärticle öf September 'Ö9!
Top 1Ö Ärticle öf 2ÖÖ9!

Why?:Wear clothes 3 sizes too small
(Sort of collab with AE. Kind of)
Featured 6 Oct '09

Ich Bin Ein Celebrity Juden, Get Me Out Of Here!
Featured 7 Jan '10
Turkey Day Ball Best Bad Taste Article 2009!

José Mourinho (rw)
Featured 24 Jan '10

Death of the author
Featured 10 Mar '10

The Radio Star Murder
Featured 4 Apr '10

Lobster (rw)
(with Cajek and Gerry)
Featured 9 May '10

UnBooks:Conversations With My Father
(with some unshaven dunderhead)
Featured 25 Aug '10

UnBooks:Fear And Loathing In Blackpool, Lancs
(with Mhaille)
Featured 8 Nov '10

Scraggle (rw)
Featured 12 Dec '10
=#2 Article of December '10!
Top 10 Article of 2010!

Mark Robinson
(with Ptok)
Featured 19 Dec '10

Polar Bear (rw)
Featured 25 Mar '11

UnBooks:The Revelations of St John the Divine of Woking
Featured 15 Apr '11

Uh oh!
(with Cajek, Mhaille and TKF)
Featured 7 Jul '11

PE Teacher (rw)
Featured 10 Aug '11

Lynx Cool Metal Shower Gel
Featured 9 Sept '11

UnTunes:Uncyclopedia Didn't Start The Fire
Featured 22 Sept '11

Other stuff by UU

If you don't find these funny, why not try to improve them?

Leeds (rw)

Simon and Garfunkel (rw)

UnPoetia:Ode To Mrs Amanda McKitterick Ros

The Jam (rw)

James Brown (rw)

Load (rw)

UnNews:Brown To Britain: If You Don't Eat Your Greens, You Get No Dessert

UnNews:Carter Ruck prepares to sue whole of Twitter

UnNews:Hunter S Thompson admits drug use

UnNews:UK Schools to teach domestic violence

UnNews:Christians And Atheists Call In Independent Adjudicators‎

UnNews:UK Government gives itself power to ban the internet for thinking bad thoughts. Uncyclopedia likely to be high on hitlist‎

A bunch of UnSignposts