sa-verb third-singular indicative

This template should be used to generate the headword line for Sanskrit verbs. It supports the following parameters:

|1= (optional)
Verb root. This should be original stem, even if it is an irregular form. For example, for the verb इच्छति, the root should be इष् and not इच्छ्; similarly, for the verb, गच्छति, the root should be गम् and not गच्छ्.
|2= (optional)
Verb class (गण), from 1 through 10. If specified, the page is automatically added to e.g. Category:Sanskrit class 2 verbs (depending on the specified class).
|3= (optional)
Verb type (पद; approximately, the voice of the verb): P = parasmaipada (active voice), A = ātmanepada (middle voice), U = ubhayapada (double voice; verb can be conjugated either in the active or middle voice), UP = ubhayapadaparasmaipada, , UA = ubhayapadaātmanepada. If specified, the page is automatically categorized appropriately, e.g. in Category:Sanskrit parasmaipada verbs or Category:Sanskrit ātmanepada verbs.
|4= (optional)
Verb mode (approximately, the aspect or type of derived verb): present, causative, desiderative, intensive, frequentative, denominative (and its synonym nominal), perfect, imperfect, aorist, passive. They categorize accordingly; see below.
|5= (optional)
Second verb class; see above.
|6= (optional)
Second verb type; see above.
|7= (optional)
Second verb mode; see above.
|head=, |head2=, |head3=, ...
Explicitly specified headword(s), for introducing links in multiword expressions. Note that by default each word of a multiword lemma is linked, so you only need to use this when the default links don't suffice (e.g. the multiword expression consists of non-lemma forms, which need to be linked to their lemmas).
|tr=, |tr2=, |tr3=, ...
Manual transliteration(s), in case the automatic transliteration is incorrect.
Script code. Rarely needs to be given, as the script is normally autodetected.
Sort key. Rarely needs to be given, as the sort key is autogenerated and is usually correct.
Sense ID code, for linking to this headword. See {{senseid}}. Only needed for distinguishing multiple Sanskrit headwords on the same page.

NOTE: This headword template automatically adds the page to a script-specific category, in addition to the normal part of speech category. For example, {{sa-verb}} when used with a term in Devanagari script automatically adds the page to both Category:Sanskrit verbs and Category:Sanskrit verbs in Devanagari script (regardless of whether |sc= was explicitly given; if not given, the correct script is autodetected).

The "mode" parameters categorize as follows:

Value Category
present Category:Sanskrit present verbs
causative Category:Sanskrit causative verbs
desiderative Category:Sanskrit desiderative verbs
intensive Category:Sanskrit intensive verbs
denominative Category:Sanskrit denominative verbs
passive Category:Sanskrit passive verbs
perfect Category:Sanskrit perfect verbs
future Category:Sanskrit future verbs
perfect Category:Sanskrit perfect verbs
aorist Category:Sanskrit aorist verbs
benedictive Category:Sanskrit benedictive verbs
imperfect no categorization
periphrastic future