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m r2.7.2) (Robot: Adding chr:poxa
m obsolete/orphan {{pt-interj}} per WT:RFDO#interjection templates (manually assisted)
(20 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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===AlternativeEtymology forms1===
14th century (''poja''). {{back-formation|gl|poxar}}.
* {{l|gl|proia}}
* {{IPA|gl|/ˈpoʃa̝/}}
# [[auction]]
*#: {{sense|auction}} {{lsyn|gl|almoeda}}
#* {{quote-book|gl|year=1394|editor=A. Cabana Outeiro|title=O Tombo H da catedral de Santiago. Documentos anteriores a 1397|location=Valga|publisher=Concello de Valga|page=97
|passage=''que ficase a dita teença ẽna '''poja''' em que a tijña o dito meestrescolla e que a desem a quen máis por ella dese.''
|translation=that this possession should remain on the same '''auction''' that the schoolmaster has put it, and that it should be granted to the one that gives more for it}}
# an instance of [[outbid]]ding
# [[bid]]
# [[tip]]
# {{lb|gl|in the plural}} sow tits
# [[chaff]]
====Synonyms=Related terms=====
* {{sense|auction}} {{l|gl|almoeda}}
====Related terms====
* {{l|gl|poxador}}
* {{l|gl|proiapoxamento}}
* {{l|gl|poxar}}
* {{R:gl:DDGM|poja}}
* {{R:gl:CX|poj}}
* {{R:gl:DDLG}}
* {{R:gl:TILG}}
* {{R:TLPGP}}
===Etymology 2===
{{head|gl|verb form}}
# {{gl-verb form of|poxar}}
# {{alternative form of|pt|puxa}}