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{{was wotd|2023|July|19}}
From {{inh|en|enm|bleren}}, from {{der|en|dum|bleren||to bleat, cry, bawl, shout}} ({{cog|nl|bleren|blèren}}). Possibly ultimately from {{der|en|ine-pro|*bʰleh₁-||to bleat, cry}}. Compare {{cog|nl|blaren}}.
The {{glossary|verb}} is derived from Late {{inh|en|enm|blaren}}, {{m|enm|bleren}}, {{m|enm|bloren|t=to bellow, cry, wail; of a goat: to bleat}}, probably from {{inh|en|ang|*blǣren}},<ref>{{R:MED Online|entry=blēren|pos=''v.''(2)|noformat=1|id=MED5173}}</ref> from {{der|en|dum|blaren}}, {{m|dum|bleren|t=to bawl, cry; to shout; to bleat}} (modern {{cog|nl|blèren}}), possibly from {{der|en|ine-pro|*bʰleh₁-|t=to bleat, cry}} and ultimately {{glossary|imitative}}.<ref>Compare {{R:OED Online|pos=v|id=19907|date=March 2023|nodot=1}}; {{R:Lexico|pos=v}}</ref>
The {{glossary|noun}} is derived from the verb.<ref>{{R:OED Online|pos=''n.''{{sup|1}}|noformat=1|id=19905|date=March 2023|nodot=1}}; {{R:Lexico|pos=n}}</ref>
* {{cog|nds|blaeren}}, {{m|nds|blaren}}, {{m|nds|blarren}}
* {{cog|gmh|blêren}}, {{m|gmh|blerren}} (modern {{cog|de|plärren}})
* {{IPA|en|/blɛə(ɹ)/|a=RP}}
* {{audioIPA|en|en-us-blare.ogg|Audio /blɛ(USə)ɹ/|a=GA}}
* {{audio|en|En-us-blare.ogg|a=GA}}
* {{rhymes|en|ɛə(ɹ)|s=1}}
* {{homophones|en|blair|Blair}}
# {{lb|en|transitive}}
## ''Often followed by'' '''[[out#Preposition|out]]''': of a [[device]] such as a [[loudspeaker]] or a [[radio#Noun|radio]]: to [[produce#Verb|produce]] ([[music]], a [[sound#Noun|sound]], etc.) [[loudly]] and [[piercingly]].
##* {{quote-book|en|author=[[w:Nick Arnold (writer)|Nick Arnold]]|chapter=Body Breakdowns and Recovery|title={{w|Horrible Science}}: Body Owner’s Handbook|edition=revised|location=London|publisher=[[w:Scholastic Corporation|Scholastic Children’s Books]]|year=2014|page=159|pageurl=|isbn=978-1-4071-4450-4|passage=In 2000, a robber held up a bank in San Diego, USA. It seems everyone held their noses rather than sticking their hands up because the man was so smelly! {{...}} Police helicopters '''blared''' loudspeaker warnings about the smelly man.}}
## {{lb|en|figuratively}} To [[express#Verb|express]] ([[idea]]s, [[word#Noun|words]], etc.) loudly; to [[proclaim]].
##* {{RQ:Tennyson Idylls|page=196|passage=[T]he world, the world, / All ear and eye, with such a stupid heart / To interpret ear and eye, and such a tongue / To '''blare''' its own interpretation— {{...}}}}
# {{lb|en|intransitive}}
## To [[make#Verb|make]] a [[loud]] sound, especially like a [[trumpet#Noun|trumpet]].
##: {{ux|en|The trumpet '''blaring''' in my ears gave me a headache.}}
##* {{RQ:Carlyle French Revolution|volume=II|chapter=Mankind|page=49|passage=[O]n plains, and under City-walls, innumerable regimental bands '''blare'''-off into the Inane, without note from us.}}
##* {{RQ:Tennyson Enoch Arden|poem=Alexandra|page=164|passage=Blazon your mottos of blessing and prayer! / Welcome her, welcome her, all that is ours! / Warble, O bugle, and trumpet, '''blare'''! / Flags, flutter out upon turrets and towers!}}
##* {{RQ:Guardian|author=Andrew Khan|title=Music Blog: How Isolationist is British Pop?|archiveurl=|date=14 December 2011|passage=France, even after 30 years of extraordinary synth, electro and urban pop, is still beaten with a stick marked "{{w|Johnny Hallyday}}" by otherwise sensible journalists. Songs that have taken Europe by storm, from the gloriously bleak Belgian disco of {{w|Stromae}}'s [[w:Alors on danse|Alors on Danse]] to {{w|Sexion d'Assaut}}'s soulful [[w:Désolé (Sexion d'Assaut song)|Desole]] '''blare''' from cars everywhere between Lisbon and Lublin but run aground as soon as they hit Dover.}}
## {{lb|en|archaic|except|Britain|dialectal}} To make a [[lengthy]] sound, as of a person [[cry#Verb|crying]] or an [[animal]] [[bellow#Verb|bellowing]] or [[roar#Verb|roaring]].
##* {{RQ:Coverdale Bible|1 Samuel|6|12|folio=xxviij|column=2|passage=And the kyne wente ſtraight waye vnto Beth Semes vpon one ſtreete, and wente on '''blearynge''', and turned nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte.}}
##* {{RQ:Coverdale Bible|Isaiah|15|4–5|folio=vi|verso=1|column=2|passage=The worthies alſo of Moab '''bleared''' and cried for very ſorow of their myndes: Wo is my hert for Moabs ſake.}}
##* {{RQ:Cowper Homer|volume=II|book=X|lines=496–500|page=236|passage=Behold, at eve, the herd returning home / From fruitful meads vvhere they have grazed their fill, / No longer in the ſtalls contain'd, they ruſh / VVith many a friſk abroad, and, '''blaring''' oft, / VVith one conſent all dance their dams around, {{...}}}}
====Derived terms====
{{col-auto|en|ablare|blare out}}
{{trans-top|of a device such as a loudspeaker or a radio: to produce (music, a sound, etc.) loudly and piercingly}}
* Czech: {{t+|cs|řvát|impf}}, {{t|cs|vyřvávat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|vřískat|impf}}
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|pauhata}}
* German: {{t+|de|plärren}}
* Macedonian: {{t|mk|гр́ми}}, {{t|mk|тре́шти}}
{{trans-see|to express (ideas, words, etc.) loudly|proclaim}}
{{trans-top|to make a loud sound, especially like a trumpet}}
* Bulgarian: {{t+|bg|тръбя}}
* Catalan: {{t|ca|resonar}}, {{t+|ca|sonar}}
* Czech: {{t+|cs|řvát|impf}}, {{t+|cs|vřískat|impf}}, {{t+|cs|ječet|impf}}
* Finnish: {{t|fi|raikua}}
* French: {{t+|fr|brailler}}, {{t+|fr|hurler}}, {{t+|fr|beugler}}
* German: {{t+|de|plärren}}
* Italian: {{t+|it|risuonare}}
* Latin: {{t|la|clango}}
* Macedonian: {{t|mk|тру́би}}, {{t|mk|ви́ка}}
* Norwegian: {{t|no|brøle}}, {{t|no|skralle}}
* Portuguese: {{t+|pt|retumbar}}
* Romanian: {{t|ro|face zgomot}}, {{t+|ro|zdrăngăni}}
* Russian: {{t+|ru|гро́мко}} {{t+|ru|труби́ть}}
* Spanish: {{t+|es|resonar}}
* Swedish: {{t+|sv|bröla}}
* Ukrainian: {{t|uk|трубити}}, {{t|uk|гудіти}}, {{t|uk|ревіти}}
{{trans-top|to make a lengthy sound, as of a person crying or an animal bellowing or roaring}}
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|karjua}}
* Macedonian: {{t|mk|ри́ка}}
====See also====
* {{sense|to emit loud shouts or songs}} {{l|en|belt#Verb|pos=v}}, {{l|en|belt out#Verb|pos=v}}
# A [[loud#Adjective|loud]] [[sound#Noun|sound]].
#: ''{{ux|en|I can hardly hear you over the '''blare''' of the radio.''}}
#* {{RQ:Tennyson Wellington|stanza=VI|page=10|passage=[T]heir host of eagles flew / Past the Pyrenean pines, / Follow'd up in valley and glen / With '''blare''' of bugle, clamour of men, / Roll of cannon and clash of arms, / And England pouring on her foes.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|year=1922|author={{w|Michael Arlen}}|title=“Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days|chapter=2/2/2|url=|passage=They danced on silently, softly. Their feet played tricks to the beat of the tireless measure, that exquisitely asinine '''blare''' which is England's punishment for having lost America.}}
#* {{RQ:Arlen Piracy|chapter=II|section=I|page=84|passage=They danced on silently, softly. Their feet played tricks to the beat of the tireless measure, that exquisitely asinine '''blare''' which is England's punishment for having lost America.}}
#* {{quote-book|en|year=1936|author=F.J. Thwaites|authorlink=F.J. Thwaites|title={{w|The Redemption (novel)|The Redemption}}|publisher=H. John Edwards|location=Sydney|year_published=1940|chapter=XXII|page=214|text=The screeching of brakes, the monotonous '''blare''' of motor horns, the clip-clip of shoes on slippery pavements, the rustling of wet mackintoshes were all part of the great metropolis.}}
#* {{RQ:Wodehouse Bill the Conqueror|chapter=Judson Finds an Old Friend|page=242|passage=The '''blare''' of the music and the restlessness of the chorus afflicted his nerves.}}
# Dazzling, often garish, brilliance.
#* {{quote-book|en|author=[[w:F. J. Thwaites|F[rederick] J[oseph] Thwaites]]|chapter=XXII|title=[[w:The Redemption (novel)|The Redemption]]|location=Sydney, N.S.W.|publisher=H. John Edwards Publishing|year=1936|year_published=1940|page=214|oclc=223133222|passage=The screeching of brakes, the monotonous '''blare''' of motor horns, the clip-clip of shoes on slippery pavements, the rustling of wet mackintoshes were all part of the great metropolis.}}
# {{lb|en|figuratively}} Of [[colour#Noun|colour]], [[light#Noun|light]], or some other [[quality#Noun|quality]]: [[dazzling#Adjective|dazzling]], often [[garish]], [[brilliance]].
#* {{RQ:Carlyle French Revolution|volume=II|chapter=The Book of the Law|page=209|passage=Archivist Camus, an Old-Constituent appointed Archivist, he and the Ancient Twelve, amid '''blare''' of military pomp and clangour, enter, bearing the divine Book: and President and all Legislative Senators, laying their hand on the same, successively take the Oath, with cheers and heart-effusion, universal three-times-three.}}
#* {{RQ:Tennyson Ballads|poem=Voyage of Maeldune|stanza=VII|pages=148–149|pageref=148|passage=And we came to the Isle of Fire: we were lured by the light from afar, / For the peak sent up one league of fire to the Northern Star; / Lured by the glare and the '''blare''', but scarcely could stand upright, / For the whole isle shudder'd and shook like a man in a mortal affright; {{...}}}}
# {{lb|en|obsolete|except|Britain|dialectal}} A [[lengthy]] sound, as of a [[person#Noun|person]] [[cry#Verb|crying]] or an [[animal]] [[bellow#Verb|bellowing]] or [[roar#Verb|roaring]].
#* {{RQ:Bulwer-Lytton Strange Story|volume=II|chapter=XLVII|pages=369–370|pageref=369|passage=The herds [of bison], in their flight from the burning pastures had rushed over the bed of the watercourse—scaled the slopes of the banks. {{...}} One cry alone more wild than their own savage '''blare''' pierced the reek through which the Brute Hurricane swept.}}
{{trans-top|a loud sound}}
* Bulgarian: {{t+|bg|тръбенешумно свирене}}, {{t+|bg|шумно свиренетръбене}}, {{t+|bg|трясък}}
* CzechCatalan: {{t+|csca|řev|m}}, {{t+|cs|rámussoroll|m}}
* Czech: {{t+|cs|rámus|m}}, {{t+|cs|řev|m}}
* Finnish: {{t|fi|raikuna}}, {{t+|fi|jysähdys}} {{qualifier|brief}}
* French: {{t+|fr|beuglement|m}}, {{t+|fr|vacarme|m}}
* Italian: {{t+|it|squillo|m}}, {{t|it|strombettio|m}}
* Latin: {{t|la|clangor|m}}
* Macedonian: {{t|mk|тре́сок|m}}, {{t|mk|тре́штење|n}}
* Norwegian: {{t|no|brøl|n}}, {{t|no|skrall|n}}
* Portuguese: {{t+|pt|clangor|m}}, {{t+|pt|estrondo|m}}
* Romanian: {{t+|ro|zgomot|n}}
* Russian: {{t+|ru|рёв[[гро́мкий]] [[звук]]|m}}, {{t+|ru|гро́мкий}} {{t+|ru|звукрёв|m}}
* Spanish: {{t+|es|estruendo|m}}, {{t|es|estrépido|m}}
* Swedish: {{t|sv|bröl|n}}
{{trans-top|of colour, light, or some other quality: dazzling, often garish, brilliance}}
* FrenchFinnish: {{t+|frfi|éclat|m}}, {{t+|fr|brillance|fräikeys}}
* French: {{t+|fr|brillance|f}}, {{t+|fr|éclat|m}}
* Macedonian: {{t|mk|сјај|m}}
* Romanian: {{t+|ro|strălucire|f}}
* Russian: {{t+|ru|ослепительная}} {{t+|ru|вспы́шкацветистость|f}}, {{t+|ru|цветистость[[ослепительная]] [[вспы́шка]]|f}}
{{trans-top|lengthy sound, as of a person crying or an animal bellowing or roaring}}
* Finnish: {{t+|fi|karjunta}}
* Macedonian: {{t|mk|ри́кање|n}}
# {{lb|en|intransitive}} To make a loud sound.
#: ''The trumpet '''blaring''' in my ears gave me a headache.''
#* {{quote-journal|en|date=December 14, 2011|author=Andrew Khan| title=How isolationist is British pop?| work=the Guardian| url=| passage=France, even after 30 years of extraordinary synth, electro and urban pop, is still beaten with a stick marked "Johnny Hallyday" by otherwise sensible journalists. Songs that have taken Europe by storm, from the gloriously bleak Belgian disco of Stromae's Alors on Danse to Sexion d'Assaut's soulful Desole '''blare''' from cars everywhere between Lisbon and Lublin but run aground as soon as they hit Dover.}}
# {{lb|en|transitive}} To cause to sound like the blare of a trumpet; to proclaim loudly.
#* {{RQ:Tennyson LAE}}
#*: to '''blare''' its own interpretation
#* '''2014''', Nick Arnold, ''Horrible Science: Body Owner's Handbook'' (page 159)
#*: Police helicopters '''blared''' loudspeaker warnings about the smelly man.
{{trans-top|to make a loud sound}}
* Bulgarian: {{t+|bg|тръбя}}
* Czech: {{t+|cs|řvát|impf}}
* French: {{t+|fr|brailler}}, {{t+|fr|hurler}}
* German: {{t+|de|plärren}}
* Norwegian: {{t|no|brøle}}, {{t|no|skralle}}
* Romanian: {{t|ro|face zgomot}}, {{t+|ro|zdrăngăni}}
* Russian: {{t+|ru|гро́мко}} {{t+|ru|труби́ть}}
* {{anagrams|en|a=abelr|AlberAbler|Balerbaler|Laberabler|Rabel|ablerblear|balerBarle|Laber|belar|blearBaler|Alber}}
Line 73 ⟶ 139:
# {{plural of|af|blaar}}
Line 82 ⟶ 146:
# {{alternative form of|dlm|vular}}
Line 90 ⟶ 152:
{{head|nl|verb form}}
# {{nl-verb forminfl of|n=sgnl|t=presblaren|m=subj|blarens|pres|sub}}