molior: difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
Mehdi khazaee (talk | contribs)
adding an antonym
m {{sense}} -> {{antsense}} in Antonyms section (2)
(8 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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From {{m|la|mōlēs||a pile, heap}}.
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# Ito [[strive]], [[endeavor]], work at.
# Ito [[put in motion]], [[shake]], [[move]].
# Ito [[rouse]], [[bestir]].
# Ito [[undertake]], [[start]], [[begin]], [[commence]]
# Ito [[erect]], [[construct]].
# {{lb|la|figuratively}} Ito [[attempt]], [[stir up]].
#* '''''[[circa|c.]]'' 190 {{BCE}} – 185 {{BCE}}''', [[w:Plautus|Plautus]], ''[[w:Persa (play)|Persa]]'' 5.2.8:
#*: Quia eī fidem nōn habuī argentī, eō mihi eās māchinās '''mōlītu'st'''.
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#* {{Q|la|Cicero|Catiline Orations|1|8|quote=Nihil agis, nihil '''mōlīris''', nihil cōgitās quod nōn ego nōn modo audiam sed etiam videam plānēque sentiam.|trans=You do nothing, you '''plan''' nothing, you think of nothing which I not only do not hear, but which I do not see and know every particular of.}}
#* {{Q|la|Vergil|Georgicon|1|268|thru=272|quote=Quippe etiam fēstīs quaedam exercēre diēbus<br>fās et iūra sinunt: rīvōs dēdūcere nūlla<br>rēligiō vetuit, segetī praetendere saepem,<br>īnsidiās avibus '''mōlīrī''', incendere veprēs,<br>bālantumque gregem fluviō mersāre salūbrī.|trans=Of course, even on holidays to do some tasks<br>divine order and laws allow: to guide down the rills no<br>religion has forbidden, to lay a hedge in front of a crop,<br>to '''set''' the birds traps, to burn bushes,<br>to bathe the bleating herd in the clean river.}}
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* {{sense|strive}} {{l|la|lūctor}}, {{l|la|ēlabōrō}}, {{l|la|certō}}, {{l|la|cōnītor}}, {{l|la|cōnor}}, {{l|la|temptō}}, {{l|la|affectō}}, {{l|la|tendō}}, {{l|la|quaerō}}, {{l|la|studeō}}, {{l|la|contendō}}, {{l|la|appetō}}, {{l|la|adnītor}}, {{l|la|labōrō}}, {{l|la|pugnō}}, {{l|la|ēnītor}}, {{l|la|perīclitor}}, {{l|la|nītor}}, {{l|la|spectō}}
* {{sense|construct}} {{l|la|aedificō}}, {{l|la|exaedificō}}, {{l|la|inaedificō}}, {{l|la|struō}}, {{l|la|cōnstruō}}, {{l|la|condō}}, {{l|la|compōnō}}, {{l|la|fundō}}, {{l|la|cōnstituō}}, {{l|la|exstruō}}, {{l|la|statuō}}
* {{sense|start}} {{l|la|incohō}}, {{l|la|exōrdior}}, {{l|la|occipiō}}, {{l|la|incipiō}}, {{l|la|coepiō}}, {{l|la|ōrdior}}, {{l|la|initiō}}, {{l|la|ineō}}, {{l|la|ingredior}}, {{l|la|aggredior}}, {{l|la|sūmō}}, {{l|la|committō}}, {{l|la|exorior}}
* {{sense|rouse}} {{l|la|cieocieō}}, {{l|la|perpelloirrītō}}, {{l|la|stimulō}}, {{l|la|impellō}}, {{l|la|concitō}}, {{l|la|instigoinstigō}}, {{l|la|instinguoinstinguō}}, {{l|la|excioexciō}}, {{l|la|ădhortor}}, {{l|la|inflammō}}, {{l|la|flammō}}, {{l|la|sollicitō}}, {{l|la|incendō}}, {{l|la|ērigō}}
* {{senseantsense|start}} {{l|la|subsistō}}, {{l|la|dēsistō}}, {{l|la|cessō}}
* {{senseantsense|rouse}} {{l|la|domō}}, {{l|la|lēniō}}, {{l|la|sōpiō}}, {{l|la|sēdō}}, {{l|la|plācō}}, {{l|la|restinguō}}, {{l|la|dēlēniō}}, {{l|la|coerceō}}, {{l|la|mītigō}}, {{l|la|commītigō}}, {{l|la|ēlevō}}, {{l|la|levō}}, {{l|la|allevō}}, {{l|la|alleviō}}
====Derived terms====
Line 44 ⟶ 43:
* {{l|la|ēmōlior}}
* {{l|la|mōlīmen}}
* {{l|la|mōlīmentum}}
* {{l|la|mōlītiō}}