Anna Shipton

British religious writer

Anna Shipton née Savage (January 1815 – 5 November 1901) was an English religious writer who, from a relatively early age, wrote essays on Christianity.


  • Before I knew the Lord, my love for children led me to desire to write for them and those who educated them, keenly feeling my own need of sympathy in childhood, and still smarting from the loveless surroundings of a delicate organisation and uncomprehended mind.
    • The Upper Springs and the Nether Springs; or, Life Hid With Christ In God (1882), p. 26.

Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895)


Quotes reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895).

  • Fellowship with Jesus lies not alone in pleasurable emotions; you must learn it in suffering and in service.
    • P. 246.
  • Just in proportion as the soul is in fellowship with the Lord Jesus, in communion with His will, shall we trace His leadings, hear His voice, and understand in part.
    • P. 247.
  • The thief upon the cross and the beloved John were alike complete in Christ.
    • P. 362.
  • The disciple whom Jesus loved leaned on His bosom. Dear friend, where are you?
    • P. 397.
  • Give me a baptism of glowing love,
    Thy power and presence wheresoe'er I rove;
    And my last prayer, all other prayers above —
    Oh, give to me
    More of Thyself, Lord Jesus: more of Thee!
    • P. 397.
  • Are we silent to Jesus? Think! Have you nothing to ask Him? Nothing to thank Him for? Nothing to praise Him for? Nothing to confess? Oh, poor soul, go back to Bethlehem — to Gethsemane, to Calvary, and remember at what a cost the vail before the Holies was rent in twain that thou mightest enter it.
    • P. 474.
  • Deny thyself, take up thy cross, and follow me. This is war, not peace. It is battle declared against the world, the flesh, and the devil. In me said Christ, "ye have peace,"—not in the world; there is no promise of it there.
    • P. 535.
  • I have never committed the least matter to Him that I have not had reason for endless praise.
    • P. 596.
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