Wikipedia:WikiProject Animals/Article requests

WikiProject Animals

28 September 2007

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This page is for requesting new animal-related articles be created, or redirects be expanded into articles. To request an existing animal-related article be improved or expanded, see WikiProject Animals/Expansion requests.

See also:


For assistance, see WikiProject Animal anatomy.

Article Known Sources Redirect
Foreface the part of the head of a quadruped that is in front of the eyes
Hump a feature of various animals which doesn't have a centralised article
Tegula (primate anatomy) claw-like nails found in New World monkeys
Article Known Sources Redirect
Animal positions We could do with an equivalent of human positions for animals, focusing on which animals sit, kneel, squat and lie down and in what contexts. It is an interesting subject.--Penbat (talk) 08:02, 21 April 2017 (UTC)[reply] Apparently wolves squat when they howl - Squatting position#Grand Howl.
Cleaning behaviour (includes personal and social grooming and cleaner fish and other interspecific cleaning.
Antipredator defenses in mammals See Tim Caro's Antipredator defenses in birds and mammals


Article Known Sources Redirect
American Alsatian
The Blue Layer in New South Wales.
Faunal interchange
Gryphi (class of aquatic vertebrates) timeline of pterosaur research
List of extinct fishes in the wild List of recently extinct fishes
List of extinct in the wild insects List of recently extinct insects
List of fossorials A fossorial (from Latin fossor, meaning "digger") animal is one adapted to digging which lives primarily, but not solely, underground. Some examples are badgers, naked mole-rats, clams, meerkats, and mole salamanders.
List of land animals that can swim
necrotizing dermatitis in reference to snakes
plant-animal interactions (/animal-plant) (Abrahamson WG (ed.) (1989) Plant–Animal Interactions. New York: McGraw-Hill; Howe HF and Westley LC (1988) Ecological Relationships of Plants and Animals. New York: Oxford University Press.)
primitive vertebrates
Quebrada Honda Fauna Paratrigodon
Vertebrate biomechanics Vertebrate Biomechanics and Evolution
Vertebrate evolution (In creation)
Bremus was there a genus or subgenus of bumblebees called Bremus? What happened to it? TIA

For assistance, see WikiProject Fish.

Scientific Name Common Name Known Sources Redirect
Alienichthys n/a
Acropoma heemstra Phil Heemstra Note: This appears to be a misspelling of Acropoma heemstrai.
Aseraggodes heemstra Phil Heemstra
Bunocephalinae (subfamily of catfish) N/A Acanthobunocephalus nicoi
Cheiracanthoides N/A List of acanthodian genera, Template:Paleontology in Colombia
Congermuraena (genus of eel) N/A Bathycongrus aequoreus
Congrellus (genus of eel) N/A Gilbert's garden eel, lined conger
Congromuraena (genus of eel) N/A
Folipistrix (genus of carpet shark) N/A carpet shark
Melanostomiinae (subfamily of dragonfish) N/A Melanostomias
Mooreodontus (genus of chondrichthyans) N/A Xenacanthida
Palaeobrachaelurus (genus of carpet shark) N/A carpet shark
Pseudoxenomystax (genus of eel) N/A dubious conger
Pteropsaron heemstra Phil Heemstra
Sebastes jordani (species within Sebastes) Shortbelly Rockfish
Thyrsoidea (genus of eel) N/A Muraena augusti
Upeneus heemstra Heemstra goatfish Phil Heemstra Upeneus
Wurdigneria (genus of chondrichthyans) N/A Xenacanthida

For assistance, see WikiProject Amphibians and Reptiles.

Scientific Name Common Name Known Sources Redirect

Hyla swanstoni Swanston's tree frog Hyla
Leptopelis aubreyi Aubrey's tree frog Leptopelis flavomaculatus
Xenopus arabiensis Arabian clawed frog Xenopus
Xenopus hasaunus Xenopus
Xenopus romeri Romer's clawed frog Xenopus
Xenopus stromeri Stromer's clawed frog Xenopus

For assistance, see WikiProject Amphibians and Reptiles.

Scientific Name Common Name Known Sources Redirect
Brasilemys N/A Thalassodromeus palaeoecology
Chelospharginae (subfamily of Protostegidae) N/A Archelon
Daohugoupterus wildi timeline of pterosaur research Daohugoupterus
Diporiphora nobbi coggeri Cogger's nobbi lashtail, Cogger's nobbi Harold Cogger
Dispholidini N/A Boomslang
Eochelone brabantica N/A Cheloniidae template
Eochelone voltregana N/A Cheloniidae template
Euraxemys N/A Thalassodromeus palaeoecology
Glarichelys knorri Knorr's sea turtle Cheloniidae template
Haenamichnus uhangriensis timeline of pterosaur research Haenamichnus
Laopteryx priscus timeline of pterosaur research
Lepidochelys waikatoica N/A Cheloniidae template
Mastigodryas boddaerti boddaerti (Sentzen, 1796) Mastigodryas boddaerti
Mastigodryas boddaerti dunni (Stuart, 1933) Mastigodryas boddaerti
Mastigodryas boddaerti ruthveni (Stuart, 1933) Mastigodryas boddaerti
Nyctisauria N/A Timeline of pterosaur research
Pacifichelys hutchisoni Hutchinson's sea turtle Cheloniidae template
Piocormus N/A Pleurosaurus
Protosteginae (subfamily of Protostegidae) N/A Archelon
Stephanosaurus marginatus N/A Stephanosaurus
Syllomus crispatus N/A Cheloniidae template
Tasbacka aldabergeni Cheloniidae template
Tasbacka ouledabdounensis Cheloniidae template
Tasbacka ruhoffi Ruhoff's Tasbacka Cheloniidae template
Tasbacka salisburgensis Salisburg's Tasbacka Cheloniidae template
Tingitana anoualae Pleurosaurus
Wilburemys Emydidae Template
Wilburemys yakimensis Emydidae Template

Birds topics now have their own page: Wikipedia:WikiProject Birds/Article requests. Please put them there.

For assistance, see WikiProject Mammals.

Scientific Name Common Name Known Sources Redirect
Andinotoxodon N/A Toxodon
Arimidelphis N/A Arimidelphis sorbinii: A New Small Killer Whale-Like Dolphin From The Pliocene Of Marecchia River (Central Eastern Italy) And A Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Orcininae (Cetacea: Odontoceti)
Borealodon N/A List of extinct cetaceans
Bos baikalensis Baikal yak
Calchaquitherium N/A Toxodon
Dinotoxodon N/A Toxodon
Eoastrapostylopidae N/A South American native ungulates Eoastrapostylops
Epomophorini (tribe) N/A Special:WhatLinksHere/Epomophorini
Haplodontheriinae (subfamily of notoungulate) N/A Paratrigodon
Harpyionycterinae (subfamily of megabat) N/A hammer-headed bat
Hyperoxotodon N/A Toxodon
Idiopathic head tremor in dogs N/A N/A
Kollpaniinae N/A South American native ungulates
Manidае sp. (DPC 3972 & DPC 4364) Fayum pangolin Template:Pholidota
Manis hungarica Template:Pholidota
Manis lydekkeri Lydekker's pangolin Template:Pholidota
Manis pentadactyla aurita Template:Pholidota
Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla Taiwanese pangolin;
Formosan pangolin
Manis pentadactyla pusilla Template:Pholidota
Myonycterini (tribe) N/A Special:WhatLinksHere/Myonycterini
Nanictocephalus N/A Baurioidea, Perplexisaurus
Nanictosuchus N/A Baurioidea, Perplexisaurus
Niparajacetus N/A List of extinct cetaceans
Notonychopidae N/A South American native ungulates
Notopterna N/A South American native ungulates
Nyctereutes procyonoides ussuriensis Ussuri raccoon dog Raccoon dog#Subspecies
Nyctimeninae (subfamily of megabat) N/A hammer-headed bat
Ocnerotherium N/A Toxodon
Pampahippus N/A Toxodon
Panameriungulata N/A South American native ungulates
Pholidota sp. (BC 16’08) Template:Pholidota
Posnanskytherium N/A Toxodon
Protolipternidae N/A South American native ungulates
Rousettus (subgenus) N/A Special:WhatLinksHere/Rousettus_(subgenus)
Scotonycterini (tribe) N/A Special:WhatLinksHere/Scotonycterini
Submyotodon caliginosus N/A Lazarus taxon
Submyotodon petersbuchensis N/A Lazarus taxon
Trigonostylopoidae N/A South American native ungulates
Tursiops truncatus truncatus common bottlenose dolphin
Odocoileus hemionus eremicus desert mule deer Silly Mountain (Arizona)
Hegardt or Stroebel's horse Tarpan; fr:Cheval de Hegardt et Stroebel
Scottish Kilts cat Munchkin cat



For assistance, see WikiProject Primates. There are currently no requests in this category.

Arthropods topics now have their own page: Wikipedia:WikiProject Arthropods/Article requests. Please put them there.

In alphabetical order:

Scientific Name Common Name Known Sources Redirect
Acanthobothroides Brooks, 1977
Parasitic worms of the class Actinomyxidia
Amphilimna intersepultosetme
List of organisms named after famous people (born 1950–present)
Belgrandiella boetersi
List of extinct animals of Europe
Bulimulus slevini
Joseph Richard Slevin#Eponymous taxa, Bulimulus
Callitetrarhynchus blochii Winghead shark
Caryophyllaeus laticeps (species) Eucestoda
Cerithidia cingula (species) Heterophyes heterophyes
Choanataenia (genus) Eucestoda
Davainea proglottina (species) Eucestoda
Dipylidiinae Joyeuxiella
Echinococcus multilocaris (Echinococcus multilocularis?) (species) Eucestoda
Eurytrema pancreaticum ()
Fissiculata (order of blastoids) N/A blastoid
Folliculovarium mediterraneum Mediterranean moray
Heteronybelinia heteromorphi Winghead shark
Hirudinea granulosa Dinobdella ferox
Hirundinea viridis Dinobdella ferox
Hobsonia florida A species of tube-dwelling polychaete. Sources:[1], [2], [3], [4] Commons Category

Hymenolepis carioca (species) Eucestoda
Hysterothylacium ganeshi Winghead shark
Joyeuxiella echinorhynchoides (de) Joyeuxiella
Joyeuxiella rossicum Joyeuxiella
Lecithochirium grandiporum Mediterranean moray
Mahasena (genus)
Malo bella Irukandji jellyfish
Macurdablastus N/A blastoid
Mesocestoides leptothylacus (species) Eucestoda
Moniezia expans (species) Eucestoda
Olpium slevini Slevin's pseudoscorpion Joseph Richard Slevin#Eponymous taxa
Otobothrium carcharidis Winghead shark
Otobothrium mugilis Winghead shark
Peromedusae (Unknown)
Phoreiobothrium puriensis Winghead shark
Phyllobothrium (genus) Eucestoda
Phyllobothrium blochii Winghead shark
Proteocephalus ambloplites (species) Eucestoda
Pseudanisakis Winghead shark
Raphidascaroides blochii winghead shark
Rhinobothrium (genus) Eucestoda
Rodentoleptis_nana (species) Eucestoda
Sepia rugulosa cuttlebone
Simsia (annelid) (genus) N/A Simsia
Spirometra erinacea euopaei (species) Eucestoda
Taenia multiceps (species) Eucestoda
Terranova (genus) winghead shark
Trachomedusae (Sub-order)
Sub-order of Trachylina
Trocus (genus) Trocus (also see mention in Moro movement)
Uropodia Odoiporus longicollis
Unclassified? (Ferrea?) Picasso Sponge "A species new to science" (2006); see also [5] [6] [7]
Xylocaris maculipennis ()
Zoogonus lasius () Trematode


taxonomic rank Scientific Name Comments
clade Notochordata
genus Melitea synonym of Melitaea, but listed as preoccupied
Mabe pearl
Blobicusgorgium () - moth genus
Proarticulata (Phylum) Archaeaspinus Fedonkini
PHYLUM Hemichordata, FAMILY Dicranograptidae, GENUS Dicranograptus Dicranograptus Ziczac

PHYLUM Hemichordata, FAMILY Anisograptidae, GENUS Adelograptus Adelograptus Divergens