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Mizoram pronunciation is one of the Seven Sister States in northeastern India on the border with Myanmar. Its population at the 2001 census stood at 888,573. Mizoram boasts the highest literacy rate among all Indian states with a remarkable 91.1% [1].

 • Rank24th
 • Total888,573
 • Rank27th

Mizoram is a mountainous region which became the 23rd state of the Indian Union in February, 1987. It was one of the districts of Assam until January 21, 1972 when it became a Union Territory. Sandwiched between Myanmar in the east and south and Bangladesh in the west, Mizoram occupies an area of great strategic importance in the northeastern corner of India. The boundaries with Myanmar and Bangladesh total 722 kilometers.

Mizoram has the most variegated hilly terrain in the eastern part of India. The hills are steep (avg. height 1000 metres) and separated by rivers which flow either to the north or south creating deep gorges between the hill ranges. The highest peak in Mizoram is the Blue Mountain (Phawngpui) with a height of 2210 metres.

Mizoram has a mild climate: it is generally cool in summer and not very cold in winter. During winter, the temperature varies from 11°C to 21°C and in summer it varies between 20°C to 29°C. The entire area is under the regular influence of monsoons. It rains heavily from May to September and the average rainfall is 254 cm, per annum. The average annual rainfall in Aizawl and Lunglei are 208 centimetres and 350 centimetres, respectively. Winter in Mizoram is normally rain-free. Mizoram is rich in flora and fauna and many kinds of tropical trees and plants thrive in the area.



The origin of the Mizos, like those of many other tribes in the northeastern India is shrouded in mystery. The generally accepted view is that they were part of a great wave of migration from China and later moved out to India to their present habitat. It is possible that the Mizos came from Sinlung or Chhinlungsan located on the banks of the Yalung River in China. They first settled in the Shan State and moved on to Kabaw Valley to


The earliest Mizos who migrated to India were known as Kukis, the second batch of immigrants were called New Kukis. The Lushais were the last of the Mizo tribes to migrate to India. The Mizo history in the 18th and 19th century is marked by many instances of tribal raids and retaliatory amount of autonomy was accepted by the government and enshrined in the Six Schedule of the Indian Constitution. The Lushai Hills Autonomous District Council came into being in 1952 followed by the formation of these bodies led to the abolition of chieftainship in the Mizo society. The autonomy however met the aspirations of the Mizos only partially. Representatives of the District Council and the Mizo Union pleaded with the States Reorganization Commission (SRC) in 1954 for integrated the Mizo-dominated areas of Tripura and Manipur with their District Council in Assam. The tribal leaders in the northeast were laboriously unhappy with the SRC recommendations. They met in Aizawl in 1955 and formed a new political party, Eastern India Union (EITU) and raised their demand for a separate state comprising of all the hill districts of Assam. The Mizo Union split and the breakaway faction joined the EITU. By this time, the UMFO also joined the EITU and then understanding of the Hill problems by the Chuliha Ministry, the demand for a separate Hill state by EITU was kept in abeyance.

Mautam famine

In 1959, the Mizo Hills was devastated by a great famine known in Mizo history as 'Mautam Famine'. The cause of the famine was attributed to flowering of bamboos which resulted in a boom of the rat population. After eating bamboos seeds, the rats turned towards crops and infested the huts and houses and became a plague to the villages. The havoc created by the rats was terrible and very little of the grain was harvested. For sustenance, many Mizos had to collect roots and leaves from the jungles. Others searched for edible roots and leaves in the jungles. Still others moved to far away places, and a considerable number died of starvation. In this hour of darkness, many welfare organizations tried their best to help starving villagers. Earlier in 1955, the Mizo Cultural Society was formed with Pu Laldenga as its secretary. In March 1960, the name of the Mizo Cultural Society was changed to 'Mautam Front'. During the famine of 1959-1960, this society took the lead in demanding relief and managed to attract the attention of all sections of the people. In September 1960, the Society adopted the name of Mizo National Famine Front (MNFF). The MNFF gained considerable popularity as a large number of Mizo Youth assisted in transporting rice and other essential commodities to interior villages.


The Mizo National Famine Front dropped the word 'famine' and a new political organisation, the Mizo National Front (MNF) was born on 22 October 1961 under the leadership of Laldenga with the specified goal of achieving sovereign independence of Greater Mizoram. Simultaneous large scale disturbances broke out on 28 February 1966 government installations at Aizawl, Lunglei, Chawngte, Chhimluang and other places. The Government of India bombed the city of Aizawl with Toofani and Hunter Jet fighters. This was the first time that India had used its air force to quell a movement of any kind among its citizens.[2] While the MNF took to violence to secure its goal of establishing a sovereign land, other political forces in the hills of Assam were striving for a separate state. The search for a political solution to the problems facing the hill regions in Assam continued. The Mizo National Front was outlawed in 1967. The demand for statehood gained fresh momentum. A Mizo District Council delegation, which met prime minister Indira Gandhi in May 1971 demanded fullfledged statehood for the Mizos. The union government on its own offered the proposal of turning Mizo Hills into a Union Territory (U.T.) in July 1971. The Mizo leaders were ready to accept the offer on the condition that the status of U.T. would be upgraded to statehood sooner rather than later. The Union Territory of Mizoram came into being on 21 January, 1972. Mizoram got two seats in Parliament, one each in the Lok Sabha and in the Rajya Sabha

Birth of Mizoram state

Rajiv Gandhi's election to power following his mother's death signaled the beginning of a new era in Indian politics. Laldenga met the prime minister on 15 February 1985. Some contentious issues which could not be resolved during previous talks were referred to him for his advice. With Pakistan having lost control of Bangladesh and no support from Pakistan, the Mizo National Front used the opportunity that had now presented itself. New Delhi felt that the Mizo problem had been dragging on for a long time, while the Mizo National Front was convinced that bidding farewell to arms to live as respectable Indian citizens was the only way of achieving peace and development. Statehood was a prerequisite to the implementation of the accord signed between the Mizo National Front and the Union Government on 30 June 1986. The document was signed by Pu Laldenga on behalf of the Mizo National Front, and the Union Home Secretary R.D. Pradhan on behalf of the government. Lalkhama, Chief Secretary of Mizoram, also signed the agreement. The formalization of the state of Mizoram took place on 20 February 1987. Chief Secretary Lalkhama read out the proclamation of statehood at a public meeting organised at Aizawl's parade ground. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi flew in to Aizawl to inaugurate the new state. Hiteshwar Saikia was appointed as Governor of Mizoram.



Mizoram is a land of rolling hills, rivers and lakes. As many as 21 major hills ranges or peaks of different heights run through the length and breadth of the state, with plains scattered here and there. The average height of the hills to the west of the state are about 1,000 metres. These gradually rise up to 1,300 metres to the east. Some areas, however, have higher ranges which go up to a height of over 2,000 metres. The Blue Mountain, situated in the southeastern part of the state, is the highest peak in Mizoram.


The biggest river in Mizoram is River Kaladan also known as Chhimtuipui Lui in local Mizo language. It originates from Chin State in Myanmar and passes through Saiha and Lawngtlai districts in Southern tip of Mizoram and goes back to Myanmar Rakhine state, finally it enters Bay of Bengal at [Akyab], a very popular port in [Sittwe], [Myanmar]. Indian government has invested millions of rupees to set up inland water ways along this river to trade with Myanmar. The project name is known as Kaladan Multipurpose project[3].

Although many more rivers and streamlets drain the hill ranges, the most important and useful rivers are the Tlawng (also known as Dhaleswari or Katakhal), Tut (Gutur), Tuirial (Sonai) and Tuivawl which flow through the northern territory and eventually join the Barak River in Cachar District. The Koldoyne (Chhimtuipui) which originates in Myanmar, is an important river in the south of Mizoram. It has four tributaries and the river is in patches. The western part is drained by Karnaphuli (Khawthlang tuipui) and its tributaries. A number of important towns, including Chittagong in Bangladesh, are situated at the mouth of the river. Before Independence, access to other parts of the country was only possible through the river routes via Cachar in the north, and via Chittagong in the south. Entry through the latter was cut off when the subcontinent was partitioned and ceded to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1947.

Lakes (Dil)

Lakes are scattered all over the state, but the most important among these are Palak, Tamdil, Rungdil, and Rengdil. The Palak lake is situated in Chhimtuipui District which is part of southern Mizoram and covers an area of 30 hectares. It is believed that the lake was created as a result of an earthquake or a flood. The local people believe that a village which was submerged still remains intact deep under the waters. The Tamdil lake is a natural lake situated 110/85 km from Aizawl. Legend has it that a huge mustard plant once stood in this place. When the plant was cut down, jets of water sprayed from the plant and created a pool of water, thus the lake was named 'Tamdil which means of 'Lake of Mustard Plant'. Today the lake is an important tourist attraction and a holiday resort.

However, the most significant lake in Mizo history Rih Dil is ironically located in Myanmar, a few kilometres from the India-Myanmar border. It was believed that the departed souls pass through this lake before making their way to "Pialral" or heaven.



The great majority of Mizoram's population is comprised of several ethnic tribes who are either culturally or linguistically linked. These myriad ethnic groups are collectively known as the Lushais/Lusais (People who play with heads) /Luseis (Long-Headed people) or otherwise called Mizos (Mi= People, Zo= Hill) both of which are umbrella terms. These days, there is an escalating awareness of the importance of unity among all the Mizo tribes living in different parts of the northeastern states of India, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The Mizos are divided into numerous tribes, the largest of which is possibly the Lushais, which comprises almost two-thirds of the state's population. Other Mizo tribes include Hmar, Mara, Paite, Pawi, Ralte. The Riang, a subtribe of Tripuri and the Chakma of Arakanese origin, are a non-Mizo tribe living in Mizoram.


Some 87% of the population (including almost all ethnic Mizos) is Christian.[1] The major Christian denominations are the Presbyterian[4], Baptist Church of Mizoram[5], Salvation Army, Seventh-day Adventist Church[6], Roman Catholic, and the Pentecostals. The Chakma practice Theravada Buddhism mixed with elements of Hinduism and Animism.

In recent decades a number of Southeast Asian-looking tribespeople from Mizoram, Assam, and Manipur have claimed themselves as Jews. This group is known collectively as the Bnei Menashe, and include Chin, Kuki, and Mizo. Several hundred have formally converted to Orthodox Judaism, [while] many openly practise an Orthodox type of Judaism. The Bnei Menashe do not see themselves as converts, but believe themselves to be ethnically Jewish, descendants of one of the Lost Tribes of Israel (see Bnei Menashe). The Jewish population of the Bnei Menashe currently is estimated at 9,000 people.

Other faiths include Hindus who form a very small minority in the state, at 3.6% of the population following the religion.[2] Muslims also form a small minority with 1.1% of the population following the faith.[3]


As in other Indian states, the head of the state government is a governor appointed by the Central Indian Government. His/ her appointment is largely ceremonial, and his/her main role is to oversee the swearing in of the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister, who holds the real executive powers, is the head of the party or coalition garnering the largest majority in the state elections. The governor also appoints the cabinet ministers on the advice of the Chief Minister. Mizoram has a unicameral legislature like most other Indian states. Mizoram has one seat in the Lok Sabha and one in the Rajya Sabha. (There are a total of 40 State Assembly seats.) The Lais, Maras and Chakmas have separate autonomous District Councils. The present Chief Minister of Mizoram is Pu Zoramthanga.


After the 1986 signing of the Historic Memorandum of Settlement between the Government of India and the Mizo National Front, Mizoram was granted Statehood on February 20, 1987 (as per the Statehood Act of 1986). Mizoram became the 23rd State of the Indian Union.

The capital of Mizoram is Aizawl. The Mizoram State Legislative Assembly has 40 seats. Mizoram is now represented at the Parliamenty by two MPs, one in the Lok Sabha and the other in the Rajya Sabha.

Mizoram has witnessed vast constitutional, political and administrative changes in recent years. The traditional chieftainship was abolished and the District and Regional Councils (created under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India) gave a substantial measure of local control. Today the Lais, Maras, and the Chakmas have separate Autonomous District Councils. The Village Councils are the grassroots of democracy in Mizoram.

Mizoram is divided into 8 districts:


The College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram[7] is the premier institute of Veterinary Medicine catering the needs of north-eastern states of India.

Under Mizoram University, there are 29 undergraduate colleges including 2 professional institutions affiliated with the university. The total enrollment in these institutions is approximately 5200 students.


In terms of economic development, Mizoram has lagged behind in comparison to the rest of the country. Cottage industry and other small-scale industries play an important role in its current economy. The people of Mizoram have not taken a keen responsibility for the development of industry due to lack of market raw materials. The industry is wanting but lately there is a much wider chance for the development of forest products. The 9th Five Year Plan (19972002) gives much priority to the "agro-based industry" as nearly 70% of the population is engaged in agriculture.

Sister Organisations Of Industry Department:

  • Zoram Industrial Development Corporation. (ZIDCO)
  • Mizoram Khadi and Village Industry Board. (MKVIB)
  • Zoram Handloom and Handicraft Corporation Limited. (ZOHANCO)
  • Mizoram Food and Allied Industries Corporation Limited. (MIFCO)
  • Zoram Electronics Development Corporation. (ZENICS)

Macro-economic trend

Below is a chart of trends in gross state product of Mizoram at market prices estimated by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation with figures in millions of Indian rupees.

Year Gross State Domestic Product
1980 680
1985 1,810
1990 3,410
1995 9,370
2000 17,690

Mizoram's gross domestic state product for 2004 is estimated at $685 million in current prices.


30% of Mizoram is covered with wild bamboo forests, many of which are largely unexploited. In spite of that, Mizoram harvests 40% of India's 80 million-ton annual bamboo crop. The current state administration wishes to increase revenue streams from bamboo and aside from uses as a substitute for timber, there is research underway to utilize bamboo more widely such as using bamboo chippings for paper mills, bamboo charcoal for fuel, and a type of "bamboo vinegar" which was introduced by Japanese Scientist Mr. Hitoshi Yokota, and used as a fertilizer.

Bamboo harvests, rats and famine

Many of the plans that the administration had were disrupted with the advent of the flowering season for bamboo in May 2006, an event which takes place once every forty or so years.

"After the bamboo flowers, it dies and is finished," current Chief Minister Pu Zoramthanga said in an interview to Reuters in May 2006. "Unless we harvest it, we are going to waste billions and billions of rupees. We have to make roads into the jungle and harvest it as soon as possible." He admitted it will only be possible to harvest five percent of the bamboo before it flowers.

The flowering of the bamboo leads to a dramatic increase in the local rat population; some experts believe that the flower has an effect on rat fertility. In a process locally known as Mautam the increase in rodent population following the flowering led to raids on granaries and the destruction of paddy fields.

Records from the British Raj indicate that Mizoram suffered famine in 1862 and again in 1911 after the region witnessed similar bamboo flowerings. The last Mautam, in 1958-59, resulted in the recorded deaths of at least a hundred people, besides heavy loss to human property and crops. It led to the foundation of the Mizo National Famine Front, set up to provide relief to far-flung areas; the front later became the Mizo National Front, which, under former Chief Minister Laldenga and current CM Zoramthanga, fought a bitter separatist struggle for twenty years against the Indian Army.

The 2006 Mautam has led to an explosion in the rat population and the army has been called to assist embattled civil authorities and, apart from killing rats, help educate people on pest control and means of deterrents such as growing turmeric and spices which repel rats [8].


Agriculture is the mainstay of the people of Mizoram. More than 70% of the total population is engaged in some form of agriculture. The age-old practice of Jhum cultivation is carried out annually by a large number of people living in rural areas. The climatic conditions of the state, its location in the tropic and temperate zones, and its various soil types along with well-distributed rainfall of 1900 mm to 3000 mm spread over eight to ten months in the year, have all contributed to a wide spectrum of rich and varied flora and fauna in Mizoram. These natural features and resources also offer opportunities for growing a variety of horticultural crops.

Food processing

The agro-climatic conditions of Mizoram are conducive to agricultural and horticultural crops. As this is the case, a strong and effective food processing sector should play a significant supportive role in the economy. The total production of fruits, vegetables, and spices will be increasing year by year as the number of farmers are weaned away from Jhum cultivation and are taking up diversification towards cash crops. Recently, Godrej Agrovet Limited [9] has entered for a new venture wherein Oil Palm and Jatropha cultivation is their main theme in Mizoram.

Mines & minerals

The present main mineral of Mizoram is a hard rock of Tertiary period formation. This is mainly utilized as building material and for road construction work. However, several reports (both from Geological Survey of India and State Geology & Mining Wing of Industries Department) revealed that the availability of minor mineral in different places.

Hand looms & handicrafts

Mizo women typically use a hand loom to make clothing and other handicrafts, such as a type of bag called Pawnpui and blankets. The Mizo rarely did much craft work until the British first came to Mizoram in 1889 when a demand for their crafts was created with this exposure to foreign markets. Currently, the production of hand looms is also being increased, as the market has been widening within and outside Mizoram.


With its abundant scenic beauty and a pleasant climate, Mizoram hopes to develop its tourist-related industries. Specific tourist projects can be developed to put Mizoram on the "tourist map" of India. With the development of Reiek resort centre and a number of other resort centres in and around Aizawl, as well as establishment of tourist's huts across the entire state, tourism has been much developed. The ever smiling faces of the Mizos is an experience to cherish, and gives new meaning to life.

Tourists require a special permit for visits.

Energy sector

Despite having a rich potential in hydropower, Mizoram does not having its own power generation operation worth mentioning. At present, there are 22 isolated Diesel Power Stations scattered about the state and 9 Mini/Micro Hydel Stations in operation. The above total installed capacity of the Diesel Power Stations is 26.14MW and the Mini/Micro Hydel Stations is 8.25 MW. As per the 16th Electric Power Survey of India under CEA, Government of India, the restricted peak load demand of the state during the 2002-2003 year is 102 MW. Against this, an effective capacity of about 16 MW from Diesel Power Stations and 6 MW from the Mini/Micro Hydel Stations is available from local generation at present.


The socio-economic life of the rural people depends on their local vegetation from where they derive all their material requirements – timber, food, fuel wood, medicinal plants etc. About 95% of the interior population depends on herbal medicine and nearly 98% of raw materials are harvested from the wild plant resources without replenishing the growing stocks. The villages' herbal preparations include uprooting of the plants, which is detrimental to both the plants themselves and the growing area. As a result of this practice, many commonly used and effective medicinal plants have become rare and endangered species. Some are on the verge of extinction unless conservation measures are taken up for revival.



Mizoram is connected through National Highway 54. NH-150 connects the state with Seling Mizoram to Imphal Manipur. NH-40A links the State with Tripura.A road between Champhai and Tiddim Myanmar will soon connect the two countries.

Air Service

Mizoram has only one airport, Lengpui Airport, near Aizawl and this Airport can be reached from Kolkata by Air within a short period of 40 minutes. Mizoram is also accessible from Kolkata via Silchar Airport, which is about 200 km. from the state capital of Mizoram.


Mizoram can be easily reached by train at Bairabi rail station or via Silchar. Bairabi is about 110 km, where Silchar is about 180 km. from the state capital.

Water ways

Mizoram is in the process of developing water ways with the port of Akyab Sittwe in Myanmar along Chhimtuipui River. India is investing $103 million to develop the Sittwe port on Myanmar's northern coast, about 160 km from Mizoram. Myanmar committed $10 million for the venture, which is part of the Kaladan Multipurpose project [10].

Culture and arts


Mizo traditional tunes are very soft and gentle, with locals claiming that they can be sung the whole night without the slightest fatigue. Even without musical instruments, the Mizo can enthusiastically sing together by clapping hands or any materials which can produce complimentary sound. All these informal instruments are called Chhepchher. The Mizo in the early period were very close to nature and that music was the tune of their life. Even today, the Mizos use a drum known locally as "khuang", made from wood and animal hide, to accompany their singing in churh services as well as cultural festivities. western influence is evident from the contemporary music scene though, with experiments in genres such as rock, pop and hip-hop, to name a few.


Modern Mizos are fast giving up their old customs and adopting the new ways of life which are greatly influenced by western cultures. Music is a passion for the Mizos, and the youth especially have become quite enamored of western music.

Mim Kut

The Mim Kut festival is usually celebrated during the months of August and September, after the harvest of maize. Mim Kut is celebrated with great fanfare by drinking rice-beer, singing, dancing, and feasting. Samples of the year's havests are consecrated to the departed souls of the community. Mizos practise "slash and burn" (Juhm) cultivation. They clear areas the jungle, burn the stumps and leaves of the downed trees, and then cultivate the land. All their other activities revolve around the Jhum operation and their festivals are all connected with such agricultural operation.

Chapchar Kut

Chapchar Kut is another festival celebrated during March after completion of their most arduous task of Jhum operation i.e., jungle-clearing (clearng of remainings of burnt area). This is a spring festival celebrated with great fervour and gaiety.

Pawl Kut

Pawl Kut is a festival celebrated in December to commemorate the end of harvest season. It is perhaps the greatest Mizo festival.



The most colourful and distinctive dance of the Mizo is called Cheraw. Long bamboo staves are a feature of this dance and it is known to many as the Bamboo Dance. Originally, the dance was performed to wish a safe passage and victorious entry into the abode of the dead (Pialral) for the soul of a mother who had died in childbirth. To dance Cheraw takes great skill and alertness.


Khuallam was originally a dance performed by honoured invitees while entering into the arena where a community feast was held. To attain a position of distinction, a Mizo had to go through a series of ceremonies where friends from nearby villages were invited and Khuallam was the dance for the visitors or guests. Khuallam is performed by a group of dancers, the more the merrier, in colourful profiles to the tune of gongs and drums.

Chheih Lam

Chheih Lam is the dance done over a round of rice-beer in the cool of the evening. The lyrics in triplets are usually spontaneous compositions, recounting their heroic deeds and escapades and also praising the honoured guests present in their midst.

Media & communication

Mizoram’s media is growing quickly. Internet access is still slow, but private cable channels are quite popular - the big players in the cable market being Skylinks, LPS & Zonet from Aizawl and smaller operators are JB cable Networks, LDF Cable, Eldo Zenith Links from Lunglei. Other major media players are the press, All India Radio, Doordarshan and local cable TV operators.

The press

  • Directorate of Information and Public Relations [11]
  • Vanglaini[12]
  • Aizol Times [13]
  • Newslink English Daily
  • The Zozamtimes [14]
  • The Highlander [15] English Daily
  • Lelte [16] Music in Mizoram
  • Sinlung News [17]News of Manipur, Mizoram, and South Assam.
  • Zolife
  • The Aizawl post
  • Evening Post
  • Lengzem [18]
  • Zalen [19]Sunday News
  • Tawrhbawm


  • LPS
  • Zonet[20]
  • Skylinks


  • All India Radio Govt Radio Station
  • Adventist World Radio [21]


Major cellular service operators include cellular phone companies like Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Airtel and Reliance.

Social life

The fabric of soial life in the Mizo society has undergone tremendous change over the last few years. Before the British arrived in these hills, for all practical purposes, the village and the clan formed units of Mizo society. The Mizo code of ethics or dharma focused on "Tlawmngaihna", an untranslatable term meaning that it was the obligation of all members of society to be hospitable, kind, unselfish, and helpful to others. Tlawmngaihna to a Mizo stands for that compelling moral force which finds expression in self-sacrifice for the service of others. The old belief, Pathian, is still used to mean God. Many Mizos have embraced their new-found faith of Christianity. Their sense of values have also undergone a drastic change and are largely being guided (directly and indirectly) by the Christian church organisations.

Mizos are a close-knit society with no class distinction and no sexual discrimination. 90% of them are cultivators and the village functions as a large family. Birth, marriage, and death in the village are important occasions in which the whole village is involved.
