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==Other versions==
===Age{{main|Alternate versions of Apocalypse===}}
[[Image:AoApocalypse324.jpg|right|thumb|Apocalypse in the [[Age of Apocalypse|AoA]]. Art by [[Ian Churchill]].]]
{{main|Age of Apocalypse}}
When Professor X's son [[Legion (Marvel Comics)|Legion]] traveled back in time to kill [[Magneto (comics)|Magneto]] before he would become a supervillain, he instead accidentally killed his own father. This resulted in an alternate [[Alternate history (fiction)|timeline]] (Earth-295).
Apocalypse arose ten years before he was awoken by Cable; having witnessed the accidental death of Charles Xavier, he decided to set his offensive against humanity. Although, Magneto did form the X-Men, they were unable to stop Apocalypse from taking over North America; [[New York City]] is renamed Apocalypse Island and the [[Statue of Liberty]] is replaced by a gigantic statue of his visage. Apocalypse continued his domination over the planet, and set up widespread human [[concentration camps]] in his conquered areas, with genetic experiments headed by his four horsemen, along with [[Sugar Man]] and the [[Dark Beast]], torturing millions to death in the process. His global ambitions destabilize the world to the brink of destruction. Meanwhile, the disturbance of the timeline leads to a 'crystallization wave' of the [[M'Kraan Crystal]] that is heading toward Earth.
While the empire has the power to destroy the world, it is slowly falling apart. Apocalypse has to deal with the X-Men as well as the Human High Council, while his Horsemen are each involved in their personal plots: [[Mister Sinister|Sinister]] secretly plans on destroying Apocalypse while [[Mikhail Rasputin]] has disappeared in order to establish his own personal domain in Europe; and while remaining loyal, [[Holocaust (comics)|Holocaust]] and [[Abyss (comics)|Abyss]] are involved in their personal struggles, thus forcing Apocalypse to rely on assassins and minions instead of his more powerful servants.
After discovering Magneto's plan and obtaining the M'Kraan Crystal (as well as Magneto's own son), Apocalypse's master plan was nearing completion. The European High Council was en route to drop bombs all across North America, only to be destroyed by Apocalypse's forces soon after. Those who rose from the ashes of this final battle would be deemed worthy to exist in his world. Apocalypse had also learned of [[Earth-616|another reality]], in which he did not rule, and planned to travel across and conquer this one and other realities, using the M'Kraan Crystal. In the end, when it seems Apocalypse will remain victorious, he suffers an attack from all X-Men including their allies, and ends up ultimately ripped apart and killed by Magneto himself.
This version of Apocalypse displayed similar abilities to his 616 counterpart; immortality, energy blasts, shapeshifting, mass/strength/size/invulnerability manipulation. Apocalypse's power was stated to be rivaled by [[Nate Grey]].
===Amalgam Comics===
In the [[Amalgam Comics]] universe (Earth-9602), Apocalypse was merged with the long-lived villain [[Ra's al Ghul]] to become '''Râ's A-Pocalypse'''. <ref>Dark Claw Adventures (1997) #1</ref>
In (Earth-4935), Apocalypse had ascended to power and gained control of the entire planet up till the [[39th century]]. He had set up a brutal aristocratic system and mutants were the ruling class, although was frequently opposed by the order of the [[Askani]]. This version of Apocalypse was forced to transfer his consciousness and power into host bodies, although most could not withstand his power, in effect eventually burning them out, which has made it necessary to transfer his consciousness into a succession of hosts, abandoning each one when it grew too meager. Seeking out a host body that could sustain him for all eternity, he captured the infant clone of Nathan Christopher; recognizing the youth's potential, Apocalypse raised the boy and named him Stryfe. But, to Apocalypse's surprise, the bonding procedure failed; the boy was a clone, and thus, unsuitable for as a host. Separated from any useful host, Apocalypse finally perished. <ref>The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix #1-4</ref>
In ''[[Cable/Deadpool]]'' #15, an alternate version of Apocalypse appears on Earth-570 where he has overthrown the world with the aid of his Four Horsemen: Archangel (Death), [[Spiderman]] (Pestilence), the [[Blob (comics)|Blob]] (Famine) and Cable himself (War).
In the native reality of [[Exiles]] member [[Nocturne]], Apocalypse had a son called [[Armageddon (comics)|Armageddon]], who was artificially created through the genetic material of Apocalypse himself and Jean Grey as his ultimate weapon. Ironically, he rejected Apocalypse's methods and instead joined against his worst enemies, the X-Men, and helped them destroy his father.
===Guardians of the Galaxy===
In the [[Guardians of the Galaxy]] timeline (Earth-691), Apocalypse attempted to enslave the mutants of Magneto, and went toe-to-toe with the master of magnetism in a fight that ended both their lives.
===House of M===
When the [[Scarlet Witch]] revisioned the subjective history of the world during the so-called [[House of M]] erasing most of the world population's memories and putting them in different positions, Apocalypse was placed as one of [[Magneto (comics)|Magneto]]'s most trusted lieutenants, but in the manufactured history between the two, they came to blows early in the Mutant-Human War, battling over the right to lead mutant-kind. Apocalypse lost, but instead of destroying him, Magneto offered Apocalypse a place by his side.
Apocalypse, surprised by his rival's generosity, accepted the offer. Magneto gave Apocalypse an important mission: to free the hundreds of captured mutants held in mutant concentration camps across the United States. Apocalypse succeeded, and those freed mutants were crucial in the eventual mutant victory. When the [[House of M]] arose to rule the world, Apocalypse was placed in charge of North Africa, but against Magneto's wishes he and his horsemen enslaved the human population and forced them to reconstruct many of the pyramids and monuments that were destroyed over the millennia. Magneto choose to turn a blind eye towards Apocalypse's actions.
During the "House of M" event itself, Apocalypse was seen on a Magneto-ordered mission to kill the African resistance-leader [[Black Panther (comics)|Black Panther]], who had already defeated Magneto's assassin [[Sabretooth (comics)|Sabretooth]], beheading him with a sword. Apocalypse was disintegrated by the voice of the [[Inhumans|Inhuman]] leader [[Black Bolt]].
===Marvel CyberComics===
[[Image:X-MenRavageApocalypse.jpg|thumb|right|Apocalypse with clones of the X-Men. Comic Panel from CyberComic ''X-Men: Ravages of Apocalypse'']]
Apocalypse appeared in the ''X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse'' (1996 one-shot) promotional CyberComic story tied into the [[X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse]] videogame.
===Marvel Mangaverse===
In the Avengers one-shot that ties into the first volume of [[Marvel Mangaverse]] (Earth-2301), Apocalypse appears as an enemy of the [[Avengers (comics)|Avengers]]. While his appearance is modified to fit into the book's art style, he is still roughly the same character, bent on purging the earth of those he considers unfit. He is defeated and buried under a cliff by the Avengers. In this reality, his four horsemen are [[Mr. Sinister]], [[Emma Frost|White Queen]], [[Juggernaut]], and [[Archangel]].
===Mutant X===
In the [[Mutant X (comics)|Mutant X]] universe (Earth-1298), Apocalypse was actually an ally of the X-Men. Although he retained his strict belief in survival of the fittest, this Apocalypse wanted evolution and natural selection to progress naturally. Apocalypse's first heroic act came when he saved the life of Jean Grey, and years later he would mirror the action by saving Magneto and the X-Men from a nuclear attack launched by S.H.I.E.L.D. Apocalypse was killed by [[Professor X|Charles Xavier]], a villain in this reality, while protecting the Earth-616 [[Havok (comics)|Alex]]. Apocalypse led a team of Horsemen in this reality as well, but the purpose they served is unclear.
===Ultimate Apocalypse===<!-- This section is linked from [[Northstar]] -->
[[Image:ULTXMEN091.jpg|right|thumb|Ultimate Apocalypse on the promotional cover of ''Ultimate X-Men'' #91. Art by [[Salvador Larocca]].]]In ''[[Ultimate X-Men]]'' (Earth-1612), set in the [[Ultimate Marvel]] continuity, Apocalypse appears as an entity worshipped by [[Mister Sinister|Sinister]]. In Sinister's apartment, he spoke to a '''Lord Apocalypse''' which was a stuffed effigy, but while Sinister was imprisoned in the Triskelion, Apocalypse appears to Essex and commands him to choke himself. In Magnetic North, Sinister mentions that "A child is coming. The master will be reborn", presumably referring to Apocalypse. At some point after, Sinister is found dead, suffocated by his own shirt crammed into his throat (presumed a suicide). In the Aftermath story arc, a foot of a statue is seen in Cable's future which bears a striking resemblance to that of the figure of Apocalypse owned by Sinister.
In the solicitations for [[January]] [[2008]], Issue 90 shows Sinister returning to life to herald the coming of Apocalypse.
===''What If...?''===
In ''[[What If (comics)|What If...?]]'' (vol. 2) #46 - Apocalypse with his Riders of the Storm, attacked the Avengers to claim the [[Scarlet Witch]].
In ''[[What If (comics)|What If...?]]'' (vol. 2) #65 - Archangel didn't overcome Apocalypse's brainwashing; he instead flew away, convinced that he killed his former comrade, [[Iceman (comics)|Iceman]]. Apocalypse himself had killed Iceman.
In ''[[What If (comics)|What If...?]]'' (vol. 2) #69 - Set during the ''[[X-Cutioner's Song]]'', Apocalypse fails to cure Xavier of the techno virus. The X-Men believe Apocalypse killed him on purpose, and attack. Apocalypse kills them all single-handedly. He then goes to the moon to confront Stryfe, beating the Dark Riders, and another team of X-Men (pretty much X-Force and X-Factor, plus a few X-Men who weren't present at the original slaughter). However, Apocalypse is defeated when he offers Stryfe a truce, and an enraged Stryfe forces the pair of them into the time-stream (the one he and Cable were lost in at the end of the original crossover).
In ''[[What If (comics)|What If...?]]'' (vol. 2) #77 - Legion manages to kill Magneto just as he escapes from the concentration camp he was being held in. Due to Magneto's death, mutants become accepted by the public and the X-Men are mutant celebrities. Apocalypse attacks a press conference in Washington D.C with an army of mutants and the X-Men are easily defeated. Xavier is forced to bring the now married Jean and Scott out of retirement. Xavier confronts Apocalypse directly while Jean and Scott take on his army. After being taunted that his dream was weak, Xavier kills Apocalypse with a psychic blast that kills him as well.
In ''[[What If (comics)|What If...?]]'' (vol. 2) #110 - Angel had remained corrupted after his transformation into Apocalypse's horseman; however, to Apocalypse's shock, he instead slays the strong instead of the weak.
In ''[[What If (comics)|What If...?]]'' (vol. 2) #111 - Genesis had transformed [[Wolverine (comics)|Wolverine]] into War. Ultimately, he is killed by his creation.
In ''What If? Age of Apocalypse'', both Xavier and Magneto were killed by Legion, leaving no-one to form the X-Men. As explained by [[Uatu]] the Watcher, the governments of the world respond to the hundreds of deaths caused by Legion's attack by capturing mutants and sending them into concentration camps, causing non-mutant superhumans to flourish. Some mutants, such as [[Cyclops (comics)|Cyclops]], escape the camps and flee to the [[Savage Land]]. After Apocalypse conquers the world, he gains hundreds of mutant and superhuman followers including the [[Absorbing Man]], [[Banshee (comics)|Banshee]], [[Cannonball (comics)|Cannonball]], clones of [[Spider-Man]], the [[Hulk (comics)|Hulk]], [[Holocaust (comics)|Holocaust]], [[Juggernaut (comics)|Juggernaut]], [[Lady Deathstrike]], [[Namor]], the [[Scarlet Witch]], [[Sebastian Shaw (comics)|Sebastian Shaw]], [[Storm (Marvel Comics)|Storm]], and [[Sunspot (comics)|Sunspot]]. Apocalypse's followers destroy the mutant sanctuary in the Savage Land and only [[Nate Grey|Nate Summers]] and [[Sauron (comics)|Sauron]] escape. They join the Defenders, a group of heroes, who have learned the truth about their reality from the sacrifice of [[Doctor Strange]]. They have pledged not to change the past but to overthrow Apocalypse in the present. The majority of the Defenders are killed in the struggle against Apocalypse. However, Apocalypse is finally killed by Nate with the help of the Molecule Man.
=== X-Men: The End ===
In ''[[X-Men: The End]]: Dreamers and Demons'' #4, Apocalypse is revealed to be possessing [[Irene Merryweather]]'s body. Driven out, Apocalypse kills Divinity (with [[Tabitha Smith|Meltdown]] still trapped inside him). He threatens Sinister's henchmen, but his body becomes infected by Technarx because of the bullet that hit Irene.
==In other media==