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A partial return to social theory was prompted by the co-operation with [[Nico Stehr]] with whom Grundmann worked together since the late 1990s. Their common work on Werner Sombart led to a re-evaluation of the legacy of this pioneering German sociologist, examining in particular his low salience in the postwar period.<ref>‘Why is Werner Sombart not part of the core of classical sociologists? From fame to (near) oblivion’ Journal of Classical Sociology 1 (2): 257–287</ref> Together with Stehr, Grundmann published various pieces on the role of knowledge and expertise in modern societies. Two monographs in 2012 are testament to these efforts.<ref>The Power of Scientific Knowledge. From Research to Public Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107022-72-0</ref><ref>Experts: The knowledge and power of expertise. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-60803-9</ref>
Over the past years he has become very interested in the media discourse on climate change, taking up an earlier interest in the comparative analysis of media discourses.<ref>(2000) ‘National elites and transnational discourses in the Balkan war: a comparison between the French, German and British establishment press’ European Journal of Communication 15 (3): 299-320 (with Sue Wright and Dennis Smith).</ref> Together with computational linguists and sociologists he has started comparative analysis of climate change reporting in various countries.<ref name = RG/> <ref>[ Disputed climate science in the media: Do countries matter? Public Understanding of Science doi: 10.1177/0963662512467732]</ref><ref></ref>
Grundmann's interest in the role of expertise in modern society is influenced by frameworks such as [[Post-normal science]] and [[Roger Pielke Jr.]]'s Honest broker. While he accepts the role of science as agenda setter in the political process, he doubts a direct influence of "certain knowledge" or "settled science" in political decision making.<ref name = RG>Grundmann [ Technische Problemlösung, Verhandeln und umfassende Problemlösung, (eng. technical problem solving, negotiating, and comprehensive problem solving)] in Gesellschaftliche Komplexität und kollektive Handlungsfähigkeit (Social complexity and collective action), ed. Schimank, U. (2000). Frankfurt/Main: Campus, p.154-182 [;jsessionid=1F12495443EF6AC95BFF12F29F3C4829?itemId=escidoc%3A1235032%3A2&view=EXPORT book summary at the Max Planck Gesellschaft]</ref>