Heir presumptive: Difference between revisions

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Past heirs presumptive who did not inherit thrones: the line of succession didn't have a clear answer during Richard II's reign
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*[[Maria of Calabria]] was heir presumptive to her sister [[Joanna I of Naples]] until her death in 1366.
*[[Beatrice of Portugal]] was heir presumptive to her father [[Ferdinand I of Portugal]] but upon Ferdinand's death in 1383, Beatrice's half-uncle [[John I of Portugal]] took the throne instead.
*[[John of Gaunt]] was heir presumptive to his nephew [[Richard II of England]] until the succession law was changed in 1386.
*[[Bawlawkyantaw]] was heir presumptive to his father [[Razadarit]] until his execution in 1390.
*[[Roger Mortimer, 4th Earl of March]], was heir presumptive to Richard II after the change in succession until his death in 1398.
*[[Edmund Mortimer, 5th Earl of March]], was heir presumptive to Richard II until Richard's forced abdication in 1399.
*[[Theiddat]] was heir presumptive to his brother [[Minkhaung I]] until his nephew [[Minye Kyawswa]] was made heir instead.
*[[Robert Stewart, Duke of Albany]], was heir presumptive to his nephew [[James I of Scotland]] until his death in 1420.