List of To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts episodes: Difference between revisions

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| NativeTitleLangCode = ja
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|9|16|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = Miglieglia resurrected a large number of the dead in a cemetery under Cain's instructions. She followed Elizabeth and many Incarnates to invade the SouthernSouth Capital.While the fight between Hank and Miles continues, WallMartin recognizes Hank's true identity. Hank pins Miles with his own spear and signals the army to fire, and Miles's body begins to disintegrate. Hank realizes they have been surrounded by WallMartin's secret weapon, the poison of Abi, the Hydra Incarnate, turned into a poisonous mist called Alphard, which kills nearby soldiers too. It was sent by the president to kill the Incarnates but Claude can't accept the casualties it causes among their own. Miles dies due to the poison and is shot by Hank. Cain appearsshows andup startsat killingMartin's thecamp soldiers,and possessinguses his new abilitiespowers asto wellslaughter the soldiers, and is met with confronts WallMartin, Schaal and Claude. WallMartin 's soldiers triesattempted to killshoot himCain, tobut nothey availwere quickly annihilated by his abilities, and theCain ruckusmanipulated drawsMartin Hankinto backswallowing Alphard. CainThe killscommotion Wallcaused by makingCain himforces swallowHank Alphard'sto poisonrush back to help Claude and Schaal.Just when Claude was aboutclose to be attacked by Cain, he was saved by Hank. Cain revealed to Hank, Schaal and CloudClaude that this fortress was a decoy when he took control of the Southern Capital, so that other Incarnates could kill the South's leader who was about to sign an agreement with the North to fight against New Patria. Cain feels ironic that Hank still stops him. Cain think that humans just treat Incarnates as props, using and discarding them at will, otherwise there would be no Incarnates. When Cain asks Hank if he thanks him for shooting Elaine who couldn't handle them properly, Hank denies Cain's statement. Hank knew Elaine had to make up for her mistakes by creating the Incarnates and prepare to be hated by everyone. Hank explains that both humans and Incarnates are bound to make mistakes, and as long as they can correct their mistakes and save everything, they can gain true salvation. Hank said he would fulfill his oath and Elaine's will. He said that they were an Incarnates, they should use the right way to end the war and fulfill Elaine's died wishes and what she could not do during her lifetime. This is also the only chance to give them and Elaine a chance for redemption and atonement.Cain admires Hank's statement, but points out that justice can only be created by the victor. Hank and Cain begin to fight, with Cain's unknown abilities putting Hank at a disadvantage. When the sun rises, Hank can no longer maintain his beast form. Cain wounded Hank and expressed his hope that Hank could survive and become his comrade as the king of beasts, and witness the era they created like a god. Hank stood up with Schaal's help. Cain remembered that he was dissatisfied with Elaine's dependence on Hank. When Cain were attack Schaal and told her not to interfere and control their world like the real gods, but Hank stopped Cain and told him that a only belongs to their "world" doesn't exist at all. Hank unleashes his unknown awakened power and knocks KaneCain to the ground. AsWhen Cain looksdiscovered overthat the north army had captured the fortress with the assistance of Coup de Grace led by Gerald, he tellstold Hank and Schaal that things won'twould endnot anytimeend soon, statingand said before disappearing that they willwould meetfight again on a new battlefield.With Cain taking control of the western and southern parts of New Patria. The president called on troops to withdraw to the capital to prepare for final defense and counterattack. As Hank and Schaal were about to leave the fortress, Lisa promised Schaal that they would continue to support her and Hank once she and the army dealt with the aftermath. When Lisa and the soldiers of the Fatal Strike Force saw off Hank and Schaal who were about to embark on their journey, Claude and Gerald decided that they needed Hank and Schaal's help to defeat all the Incarnates who had lost their humanity. They'll also take many contingency measures while Hank still has his humanity. Hank is reminded of how much Schaal has changed since they first met, and Schaal says that as she's been through a lot, she's starting to change her perspective on all Incarnates. Hank asked Schaal if he was ready for a long battle. Schaal explains to Hank that she has found her purpose and is mentally prepared for Hank to successfully fulfill the vows they made to each other. In the middle of nowhere in New Patria, Cain looks at Elaine's body, locked in a glass container, still with a large gunshot wound to her right chest. Although Elaine is dead, the liquid in the container indicates that she is still alive and in a state of suspended animation and coma. Cain held a mysterious crystal (suspected to be Somnium) and told Elaine that the new world she wanted to destroy with her own hands would soon come, which also indicated that Cain maybe would soon resurrect Elaine or use her to deal with Hank and Schaal.