List of To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts episodes: Difference between revisions

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| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|7|1|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = The Northern Union attempts to attack a fortified stronghold held by the Southern Confederacy in the Patria civil war. After taking heavy casualties, the North unleashes its secret weapon: a unit of shape-shifting soldiers called Incarnates who transform into mythical beasts and destroy the enemy base. The Incarnates are led by Hank and his two childhood friends, Cain and Elaine. Elaine is the human scientist who created the Incarnates. The Incarnates help North achieve victory after victory but every time they shapeshift into beasts, it becomes a little harder to return to human. Later, after a battle, one Incarnate member discovered that his powers had somehow begun to go out of control, attacking allies and enemies indiscriminately. Although Hank tried to stop it all, the Incarnate member chose to commit suicide rather than let Hank and his comrades be implicated. After the incident, the members of Incarnate began to feel very uneasy and afraid of their fate, and Elaine, Hank, and Kain felt very upset about this incident. They began to worry about whether they could restrain the unknown power of Incarnate, because Incarnate's power is too strong, and sooner or later they will not be able to stop it with just their human will. After Hank thought about it, he told his comrades the next day that they didn't know how that happened, and they didn't know what Incarnate unknown powers they could control and what they couldn't control. with avoidance. Hank asked his comrades in the army to make a vow with him that if their comrades began to lose their humanity, they would stop it by killing their comrades before the situation became serious. The important thing is that they are Incarnates and not beasts, and Elaine, on the other hand, gradually lost confidence in her research and showed a desperate expression. After a long battle, many Incarnates were either killed or killed on the battlefield. Even if they survived on the battlefield, they turned into the form of beasts. When the Incarnates came to the southern capital, Hank tells his comrades that he has decided to convince Elaine to stay with him after the war is over. He hoped that they would all survive this battle and return together safely. That night, Hank and Cain began to talk about how they became friends and how they shouldered the responsibility of being leaders. Cain asked Hank to care about Elaine's current situation, because he knew that Hank was the only one who supported and cared about Elaine. When Hank found Elaine and wanted to talk to her, Elaine told Hank that she also had something to say to him. Elaine explained to Hank that their operation might be coming to an end because the North and the South were negotiating a settlement privately. Hank was very happy about this. He knew that the peace their country longed for was about to come. Just when Hank wanted to report the news to Cain and his comrades, Elaine suddenly uses the special "God-Killer bullet" against incarnations to shoot Hank. Elaine told Hank that even if all Incarnates are about to end the war, they will have to face the cruel fate of having nowhere to go and turning into beasts. Although she tried to find a way to stop Incarnates from losing control, it was in vain, and she has not developed or found a method or antidote that can restore all Incarnates to a human body. The only thing she can do is to kill the other members of the team before they turn into beasts. Elaine knows that Hank's character will definitely prevent her behavior, but she is unwilling to watch and accept the fate that one day Hank will suddenly turn into a beast and cannot return to a human. She decides to give up her love for Hank and didn't let him become a beast. Elaine kills Hank and decides to commit suicide to follow him. She gives Cain the responsibility of his Blade comrades, but Cain shoots Elaine while Hank falls into a coma. Two months later, Hank wakes up from a coma on Federation territory, where a Northern intelligence agent named Lisa tells him about how the war ended two months later, with Cain and the surviving Incarnates scattered across the continent in beast form. It caused serious damage, and Elaine disappeared after the war and her whereabouts are unknown. Hank remembered the scene where he witnessed Cain shoot Elaine when he was in a coma; he was filled with grief and indignation. Hank decided to find and start a crusade against Cain, so he embarked on a journey as a beast hunter in order to fulfill the oath he made to his comrades two months ago to destroy the Incarnates who lost their humanity.
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| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|7|29|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = Hank, Schaal, and Lisa arrived in Whitechurch, a almost lawless slum city.In order to find traces of Cain, they asked many local residents. However, because Hank and Lisa were military, The residents completely refused to answer and will cooperate their questions, so Hank, Schaal, and Lisa got no relevant information.That night, Schaal sees that Hank's jacket still has a hole in it from the shot she shot with the shotgun and mends it, It reminding Hank of memories of how Elaine used to mend his clothes at the orphanage they grew up in .Hank explained to Schaal that he saw that the color of Schaal's eyes was very similar to the color of Elaine. Schaal asked Hank why he called Elaine's name in his dream before. Hank told Schaal that he was dreaming about the scene where Elaine is killed by Cain.Hank explains to Schaal that Elaine is actually the founder of the Incarnates. He knows that Elaine will be responsible for the consequences of creating an Incarnates, but Cain kills Elaine and releases all the Incarnates and goes with them. Because of the disappearance, the released Incarnates will gradually begin to lose their humanity and gradually cause harm to the world. Hank said that at the time he had no idea of ​​Cain's motives for killing Elaine and the reason why he released all the Incarnates. The only thing he could do was to kill all the Incarnates when they turned into beasts and started attacking humans. He also wants to find Elaine who was killed and find the answer while killing Cain. Schaal was deeply surprised by Hank's purpose of hunting the Incarnates of the beast, and she developed sympathy for Hank when he endured all the pain and everything alone.The next day, Lisa woke up Schaal and took her and Hank to see a woman who was killed and crucified overnight. At this time, Hank discovered that the woman who was crucified was not killed by Cain because He saw the claw marks of a beast on the body of the murdered woman.At this time, Andy, a little boy who witnessed the murder, explained to the police officers and the onlookers that he knew who the murderer was, but was rejected. When Hank understood from Andy's mouth that Topher, the Gargoyle Incarnate, committed the crime, he remembered Topher comforted many members who were about to give up the fight on during the war. He cheered them up with his sense of justice and infinite will that defeated the Federation. Andy's sudden departure made Schaal worry about him. She got Hank's half-agreement to chase Andy, while Lizzie chose to leave to deal with other orders because she received orders from the military.After Schaal found Andy and explained the reason why she followed Hank and the fact and opinion that she thinks the Incarnates are still human were still human beings. At this time, she found that Andy suddenly took an apple from a vendor and asked him what he did. Seeing the scars on his arms, Andy explains to Schaal how he once witnessed a gargoyle kill his mother.Suddenly, Topher appears and interrogates Andy for his crime (theft). Schaal questioned the gargoyle but was unable to shoot him. Fortunately, Hank appeared to stop the gargoyle and saved Schaal and Andy, but he were attacked and injured. After Hank damaged one of the Topher 's wings with a Godkiller bullet, Topher retreated tell Hank that fighting against him would betray justice and make him a sinner, he told Hank that he would wait for his arrival in an abandoned church.That night, Topher was bored by the environment in the white church, when Cain and a girl named Miglieglia approached Topher. Topher told Cain that he would not follow him until he had accomplished justice in the area, as he would only kill all those who committed crimes. Cain knew Topher's personality, so he gave Topher a God-killer bullet and, Before he left, Cain told Topher that they would meet again when he could complete justice. While Hank was dealing with his injuries and soon decided to go find Topher, he asked Schaal that it would be safer to stay in the hotel. Before he left, he asked Schaal that she had better leave the White Church immediately tomorrow morning if he didn't come back.Hank left the hotel and came to the church. When he saw many people hanging above the church and killed by Topher, he immediately rushed to the gargoyle but found that it was just a stone statue.Not long after, he was attacked Topher's attack. Elsewhere, Schaal is distressed by Hank's request that she leave town tomorrow morning. When she discovers her rifle is missing, she realizes that Andy may be going to church. She completely ignores Hank's warning go to the church alone to stop Andy.Hank successfully subdues Topher after transforming into his werewolf form and engaging in a fierce battle with him. However, Topher shot Hank with a Godkiller bullet and suppressed him. Topher interrogated Hank if he knew what they existed as Incarnates and what they had fought for until now. The gargoyle explained that he was unable to accept the end of the war. When he failed to achieve any justice, he tried to tell his comrades to keep fighting, but instead they became suspicious and parted ways, and he returned to his hometown of Whitechurch, where he was feared by all the residents.At this time, Andy came to support Hank with Schaal's rifle, but was knocked to the ground because he failed to shoot Topher.Schaal rushed to help Andy up and questioned the Topher 's motives. Topher told Schaal that her behavior made him When he recalled how he accidentally killed a boy who had committed a theft while trying to talk to him and was treated as a monster, his conflicted heart completely collapsed and he was immersed in the joy of killing the sinner.When Schaal fails to stop Topher, Hank immediately pulls out the bullet lodged in his body and briefly transforms into a werewolf, thrusting his hand into the Topher's chest and executing him. Topher thought he was a righteous man when Hank shot him. Before his death, Topher warned Hank that he was not a righteous man at all by killing many of his comrades with his own hands.Schaal felt conflicted about the gargoyles' behavior and sadly asked Hank the reason for all this. Before Hank fell to his knees due to injuries, he told Schaal that because their power was too strong, no avatars could. Continuing to maintain his humanity, when Schaal wanted to help Hank up but was entangled in spider silk, at this moment Cain appeared in front of Schaal and Hank and said that since they are incarnations, they can achieve what no one can achieve concept, when Cain asks Hank if he ever experienced the thought of being shot by a God-killer bullet again, Hank realizes that it was Cain who handed the Gargoyle a God-killer bullet. Schaal was surprised by Cain's behavior, but before she could react, she was knocked unconscious by Elizabeth who suddenly appeared behind her. Cain told Hank that he showed up to invite him. Cain told Hank If he comes to the party he is hosting tomorrow night, he will let Schaal go and ensure her safety. Hank fell to the ground before he could retort to Cain. The next morning, Lisa stood with Claude Withers and members of Coup de Grace, overlooking Whitechurch. Claude said that the time has come and said that he could not wait to find and defeat Cain.
| ShortSummary = Hank, Schaal, and Liza arrive at Whitechurch, a mostly lawless slum city, but no one will cooperate with them since they're military. That night, Schaal, seeing Hank's jacket still has a hole in it from where she shot him, mends it, reminding him how Elaine used to mend his clothes at the orphanage they grew up in. The next day, Liza takes them to a woman who was killed and crucified overnight and Hank recognizes she was killed by Topher, the Gargoyle Incarnate, not Cain. A young boy, Andy, who saw the murder, confirms it. Hank remembers how Topher's sense of justice and boundless will in defeating the Confederacy helped keep the rest of the unit going in the war. He eventually runs off and Shcaal goes after him. Lize leaves to handle other orders. After Schaal tells Andy she's an orphan and she thinks the Incarnates are still human, Andy walks off, stealing an apple. After seeing scars on his arm when she grabs his sleeve, Andy tells her Gargoyle killed his mother. Gargoyle appears in front of them suddenly, saying Andy will pay for his crime (stealing) with his life. Gargoyle leaps at the two and Schaal finds herself unable to shoot him, though Hank appears and tackles him. After damaging one of Gargoyle's wings with a Godkiller bullet, Gargoyle backs away, telling his Captain he has betrayed justice by fighting him and he will wait for him at an abandoned Church. Hank is left wounded from the skirmish. At the Church that night, Cain approaches Gargoyle. After failing to tempt him to simply kill every human in the area, as he will only kill evil ones, Cain gives him a Godkiller bullet and leaves. After Hank leaves, Schaal realizes her rifle is gone and that Andy must have taken it to kill Gargoyle himself. Hank enters the Church and manages to pin Gargoyle after a pitched battle; however, Gargoyle shoots him in the stomach with the Godkiller bullet. Andy arrives but misses his shot and is knocked aside. Schaal puts herself between Andy and Gargoyle, begging Topher to stop in vain. Hank uses the distraction to pull out the bullet from his stomach and attack Gargoyle from behind, shoving his hand through the latter's chest before executing him. Hank drops to his knees from his wounds and Schaal is captured in threads from the Spider Incarnate when she tries to run to him. She is then knocked out by the spider's venom. Cain approaches Hank, inviting him to a "party" tomorrow night, promising he'll give Schaal back if he comes. He leaves. Hank weakly calls after Cain before falling unconscious. In the post-credit scene, Lize stands with Claude Withers and the members of Coup de Grace, looking over Whitechurch.
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| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|8|5|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = Hank wakesdreamed upthat backSchaal atwas theshot by Cain like Elaine and woke up in a hotel, apparentlyroom. havingHe beenwas broughtobviously taken there by Andy,. Andy was very worried about Schaal being captured and Expressing that he promiseshad himto do something for Hank, Hank promised Andy that he'll savewould bring Schaal back as soon as possible. He followsdecided theto accept Cain's invitation and came to a nobleman's manor.At the same time, Miglieglia became interested in Schaal's eyes soon after paying attention to her. Originally, Miglieglia wanted to capture Schaal's eyes, but she stopped because of the appearance of Elizabeth. Elizabeth learned from Schaal's confession. Knowing her true identity, she was also confused and interested in Sal following Hank. When Elizabeth tore up Sal's clothes, she said she would not do anything to Schaal and promised to return her to Hank.Meanwhile, Claude examines a series of bodies left by gargoyle, but identifies a nobleman and his wife as having been killed by Cain and heads to their manor. In the manor, there a large number of well-dressed humans within. They are nobles from the Southern Confederacy who had their wealth taken due to the war. Cain addresses the group from an upper landing, stating the Incarnates were likewise made by Northerners greedy for victory and then cast aside and ordered exterminated. The Southerners applaud Cain, agreeing with his ideal to start a new war - one they will win. A large group of Incarnates come out, but begin to massacre the guests as Cain claims he no longer has a use for the humans. Hank begins to fight them until Cain addresses him. He states the Incarnates had not lost their humanity, and selfish humans were not something to protect. Their souls may change but they were never lost, and Cain intends to remove the obstacles that will stop the Incarnates. Coup de Grace invadesinvade the manor as Hank goes to fight and they kill or cripple several Incarnates. Hank helps them. Cloud confronts Cain, who questions Cloud if he can really kill him. The Incarnates jumped to Cain's defense, and Cloud was outnumbered and saved by Hank, who was also unable to get to Cain. Cloud shoots Cain from a distance, and Hank closes in and impales him with his spear, causing the explosives in it to explode. Cain's upper body was eviscerated,explo but fully regenerated seconds later due toof thehis Incarnate power of his avatar. Cain asks Hank to join him, andbut takeHank quickly outrebuffs Cain, Cain takes Schaal whenout Hankand refusesshoots her, statingsaying that he will and "take away" whateverthe is"anything" holdingthat stands in Hank's backway. {{clarifyHank span|was initially blocked by Miles and Roy but turned into a werewolf and pushed them away, but he was stopped by Elizabeth's thread.Hank sawsees Schaal fall just like when Elaine wasdid happened.|date=October 2023}}, He goes berserk, and his werewolf form grows and transforms into a massive luminescent wolf, large enough to crush other Incarnates underfoot - his true form as the king of beasts. He leaps to the town of Whitechurch and lands amid the buildings. Afterwards, Claude wakes up in a military hospital. He approaches Whitechurch and is shocked to see a massive ravine has been cut down the middle of the city, made by Hank. Both he and Cain have vanished. Lisa found Schaal in a coma and began to feel very worried about Hank's whereabouts.
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| NativeTitleLangCode = ja
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|8|12|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = The news of Whitechurch's destruction shocked Patria. Two weeks later, Cain, along with the Southerners not pleased by the war's end and many of the remaining Incarnates, declare the land west of Patria, separated by a mountain range, independent of the motherland - New Patria. The government was concerned the remaining Incarnates would ally with the rebels and all were ordered executed. War drew near.Schaal returned home, She recalled that she had to save her life by blocking the bullets she was shot with through the clothes woven by her thoughts. Although Schaal was questioned by the military,She she learnedlearns that because Hank caused the militaryWhitechurch decidedincident, tothe military stripstripped Hank of his status as a soldier for causing the incident in Whitechurch and tohunted trackhim down. his whereabouts.SheSchaal recalled that she had to save her life by blocking the bullets she was being shot at through the dress woven from of Incarnate thread.Although Shar was questioned by the military, she learned that the military had decided to strip Hank of his rank and trace his whereabouts when he caused the incident in White Church.Schaal walks into town after visiting her father's grave and learns Liza is here with Coup de Grace to eliminate an Incarnate seen in the mountains nearby. Schaal receives permission to accompany the squad as she knows the area.That night they make camp and Claude apologizes that they weren't able to keep Schaal from being shot. Schaal learns he is the son of Patria's president shortly before the Incarnate appears. It turns out to be Schaal's father, whose flesh is rotting even as he walks by. The squad is baffled Nidhogg has risen from the grave, his life force too persistent to end. Liza gives Schaal a box of Godkiller bullets the next day, just in case. Nidhogg returns that night but the squad struggles to kill something that is already dead. Nidhogg takes flight, heading to the town. He reaches it before the people are evacuated and Schaal confronts him. Her father first left to protect the town, but he had lost his soul and was trying to harm his home. Understanding why Hank is killing the Incarnates, Schaal shoots him with the Godkiller bullets, emptying the magazine before her father stops. In his last moments, her father regains his sanity and reaches out to Schaal. Then his body crumbles away. Schaal is glad she got to say goodbye to her father, but still wondered if the only choice was to execute them. She decides to accompany Coup de Grace, as she wants to find and tell Hank something, and Claude gives her permission to come.
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| NativeTitleLangCode = ja
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|8|19|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = The president orders all Incarnates exterminated within three months. Coup de Grace is at the beach waiting for supplies to come.While Schaal stands on the beach, she is drawn by a singing voice to the Incarnate Siren, Trice, hiding in a cave. A man named Charles orders Schaal to leave at gunpoint but Trice tells him to stop. He berates her for singing as the townsfolk could find her. Schaal introduces herself and tells of her father. Charles apologizes and says they must hide Trice as a bounty has been put on her.Trice recalls her past as a singer, but everything changed with the war. Afterwards, no one wanted to hear a monster sing. Schaal continues to visit her, bringing gifts and talking. On her way back one day, Caules warns her from walking alone as people are so anxious. He wishes he could leave already and tells Schaal Cain is his older brother and he will take him down. Charles plays the piano at his tavern by himself, reminiscing about when Trice was a singer for him, but is confronted by several men from the town with rifles, who ask if he's hiding Trice.Charles knocks them away, accidentally starting a fire in the tavern, and flees. Trice hears Charles enter and states she plans to leave town until enough time has passed people can accept her again, only to realize he has been shot in the skirmish. He begs Trice not to hold this against the townsfolk as they are just scared. He dies from the wound. Siren goes into town, putting the people in a deep sleep with her singing so they never have to feel fear again. Schaal declares this is wrong and Trice comes to her senses, only for Claude to shoot her. He has stabbed his leg with his knife to break free of her song. She flies to the stage in Charles's bar. Schaal arrives. She does not think of Trice as a monster and asks her to sing, making Trice smile. Coup de Grace men suddenly shoot her down. Trice sings her song one last time before dying, with Schaal promising it was lovely.Afterwards, Coup de Grace prepare to move out. Claude tellstold Schaal Hank'sthat trackshe havewould foundshoot Schaal if she stopped him from his hand-blade incarnation. He addsadded hethat thoughthis troops had found traces of Hank deep in the snowy mountains. Claude felt uncomfortable with Schaal's wasdecision goingnot to shoot Trice, sheand shouldSchaal have,explained butto SchaalClaude disagrees.that Sheshe wanted to save herTrice and Hank no matter what, and she had to help Hank even if she sacrificed herself.on On the other hand, Hank, killswho had been lost during the destruction of WhiteChurch, appeared in the snowy mountains to confront an Incarnateincarnation onof a snowyscout trooper who had just raided a handful of Coup de mountainGrace, determined to fillfulfill their oath. HeBut mustwhen useHank explosivesremembered asthe damage he iscaused rememberingto the destruction he causedWhiteChurch as the King of Beasts, he had no choice but to use explosives to kill the incarnation that attacked him. after Hank leave ,The Incarnate Garm finds his tracks.
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| NativeTitleLangCode = ja
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|9|2|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = Garm remembers his earlierearly human life as Roy, ana infantry soldierinfantryman charging an enemy basesbase andonly thento thebe painfulseriously experimentationinjured thatand ledfall to himthe becomingground and become an Incarnate while receiving "medical treatment". He workedfights withalongside Hank to fightagainst the Confederates, when Garm is proud ofto Hank'sremember the trust inhe himplaced asin foughtHank sideand byfight side.alongside him.In the present day, Garm watches Hank fall over the edge of the cliff and flees as Coup de Grace shoots at him. The rest of the squad pursue Garm, who has been wounded by the repeated bullets, as they see him with new night vision goggles. Garm fights back, eliminating half of the squad before reinforcements from the fortress head out, including Liza and a still weak Claude.Hank dreams aboutsaw Elaine andwhen wakeshe withwas unconscious. When he woke up, he found Schaal nearbeside him,. Hank was surprised but relieved by sheSchaal's presenceappearance. Schaal told himHank howthat sheher hadfather returnedsuddenly fromresurrected resuscitatingand herturned fatherinto anda hadbeast six months after the Whitechurch incident. At that time, she shot himher whenfather hewith trieda toshotgun attackas thean villageextradition to him. SheAt thoughtthat time, she fully understood how Hank's feltfeelings when he killed her father. Feeling and understanding that he did this to prevent her father from turning into a beast and causing destruction.Hank couldn'twas believesurprised and confused that Schaal would understood his reasons, and wonderedforgive ifhim. He didn't understand what he haddid actuallyand the reason for living. He told Schaal that he wanted to know if he really saved many of his comrades. He also wantedwants to know ifwhether the comrades he killed whosincerely were alsoforgive his comradesactions sincerelyand forgivereceive himtrue forredemption. his actions.Hank tellstold Schaal that Elaine hashad not found noan antidote or method to permanentlyturn restoreall humanityIncarnates toback allinto humans at the Incarnatestime. He only knew that he was fulfilling his oath to his comrades, but in the end, he killed many friendsof whothe justfriends he wanted to live. Hank looked desperate, knowingknew that the more he used the power of thehis avatarIncarnate power, sooner or later he would face the cruel fate of turning into a beast like his friends. He could not imagine the destruction he would causedo whenby he becamebecoming the King of Beasts. Looking desperate, Hank asked Schaal if she wouldcould allowkill him tobefore killit himwas whentoo late if he becamesuddenly turned into a beast. Hethat hopedcould thatno helonger control himself and could atno leastlonger endturn hisback lifeinto witha thehuman. memoriesNot ofto mention, he hoped to remember his friends, butwhen Schaalhe wasended his life. But Shar is overwhelmed by Hank's questionquestions and she sadly refusedrefuses his request. Hank apologizes to Schaal for deciding to fight Garm again, andasking he asks SchaalShar to wait until everything is truly over so that she can remember their memories as humans and theall Incarnates until this is all over.Garm targets Gerald, who is currently commanding, but Gerald knew he would and Garm finds himself surrounded. Gerald will die, but so will Garm, who is pinned in place by wires through his body. Garm is wounded, but not mortally, and he goes to attack Gerald only for Claude to appear and hit him with a grenade launcher, which makes him flee. Claude is unable to stand without Liza's help and berates Gerald for his suicidaldanger plan. Schaal recalledrecalls her experiencesexperience when she followedfollowing Hank on herhis journey. She finally understood what kind of mentality Hank hadused to redeem himself and all Incarnatesthe incarnations of the beast that his hand blade turningturned into, aand beasthow andhe toldfelt herin aboutthe hisface feelingsof fear. Schaal understood that even though she was in despair about askHank asking her to killingkill him., Schaalshe walkedstill outheld ofon to the cave with her hopeshope and thoughtsidea that Hank could survive as a human being. Schaal thought about what she was going to say to Hank and walked out the cave.Meanwhile,Garm limps beside a river, having lost too much blood, and Hank approaches from the other side of the river.Hank deliberately brought Garm close to him with a grenade. Just when he was about to let himself and Garm die together, Schaal suddenly rushed out and shot Garm in the knee with a shotgun. She told Hank that she hoped he could Continue to fulfill his oath and hope that he can survive. Schaal expressed her promise to kill Hank as soon as he turned into a beast and redeem many of his dehumanized comrades. Schaal promises that she will let Hank fight until the end. Schaal 's encouragement gave Hank a glimmer of hope. Hank cheered up again and understood who he really wanted in his heart to give him condolences and the hope that he would survive. Hank immediately dropped the grenade, Garm dodged Schaal 's shot and rushed towards her, Hank transforms into a werewolf again and fights Garm as Schaal watches.Coup de Grace approaches but Claude tells his squad to wait instead of attacking them.Hank delivers the fatal blow to Garm. Garm praisedpraises Hank's performance and briefly resumedrestores Roy to his human form as Roy, and the two briefly recalledreminisce about their time on the battlefield. Hank shootsshot Roy shortly after hehis diesdeath, and Schaal asksasked Hank about Roy's past because she wantswanted to remember what kind of person he was. Hank describes Roy to Charles and says that if they could go back in time, they might be friends. Soon after, Fatal Shot aims his gun at Hank and Shar, and Cloud tells Hank that they can finally talk. Not long after, Coup de Grace aimed their gun at Hank and Schaal, Claude said to Hank that they could finally speak.
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| NativeTitleLangCode = ja
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|9|9|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = Patria soldiers find a newly built New Patria fortress at Bold Creek before being sniped by Miles, the Incarnate Centaur. One week later, a council is held at Patria's capital. With the fortress, New Patria has a straight shot across the central mountains to the capital. The army is assembled to bring down the fortress.onOn the other hand, Claude interrogatedinterrogates Hankand todemands tellthat himHank reveal everything he knewknows, including the abilities, weaknesses, and hiding places of the many remaining Incarnates. HeClaude also askedasks Hank if he knew the reasonknows why his eldest brother Cain wanted to triggerstarted the rebellion. Hank knewknows that Claude is Cain's brother, but he explains to Claude that he only knows how to stop Cain soin thatorder for everything can come to an end. When Claude wanted to questionpress Hank to answer other questions, he was dissuaded by Schaal. SheSchaal saystold Claude that since Claudehe and Hank had the same purpose, they should work together, and she would also ensurepromised that Hankshe would not causelet somethingHank likecause thea second Whitechurch IncidentIncident‏‎ again because she'll stop Hank from spiraling out of control.WhenAt ordersthis cometime, inGerald told Claude that their army received an order from the president to headgo to Bold Creek, Claude agrees asCreekbecause they havefound aCain morein pressingBold problemCreek. Hank is given a Coup de Grace uniform as they must hide he's an Incarnate from the other units they will be working with.They reach the joint camp and meet Colonel Martin Wall, who is in charge of the operation. Hank organizes a night raid, as not even Miles can accurately snipe in the dark, and so will charge in himself to terrify and scatter the enemy troops. Hank draws him into a Coup de Grace ambush and he is gunned down. Shockingly, Miles gets back up, wounds healing, and he tells Hank he's become much stronger, to the point of being immortal. Wall comments the following day his men thought they saw a second Incarnate fighting Miles, but laughs it off after seeing Claude's unease.Miles bandages a wounded soldiers' arm and is thanked by him. Cain, watching, is amused, and Miles shrugged that he did used to be a doctor. He doesn't see the problem with being a soldier now either. Whether he helps the wounded or kills the enemy he gets thanked, and it's quicker to kill the enemy. Schaal and Hank speak at night around a fire and Hank laughs, showing how much he's opened up. She tells him to come back alive.Patria attacks the New Patria fortress the following day, both sides taking casualties. At sunset, Mile shows himself, inflicting heavy casualties until a tripwire knocks him to the ground and Hank blows up his arm with his spear. Miles remembers being a battlefield surgeon. He saved wounded soldiers, only for them to be sent back to the front lines and killed, making him fear there was no point in what he was doing. When he was assigned to the Incarnates, he killed enemy soldiers and the Northern troops he saved thanks him. He concluded this was the right course. Miles's arm regrows and Hank's transforms as the sun sets. When the two Incarnates clash, Wall tells one of his men to bring out the secret weapon, confusing Claude.
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