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Because the ''tenentes'' wanted Prestes to join Vargas, Prestes decided to meet him in [[Porto Alegre]] and explained his idea of socialist revolution to Vargas for about two hours. Vargas was highly impressed by Prestes and even donated 800 ''[[Portuguese real|contos de réis]]'' (about [[United States dollar|$400,000]] at the time, or about $5,860,000 in 2017 USD) to the revolutionary cause.
However, Prestes viewed Vargas as the leader of a [[Bourgeoisie|bourgeois]] revolution and believing that the Liberal Alliance was merely going to replace one oligarchical system with another, Prestes fatefully declined. He attempted to create the League of Revolutionary Action, a "third path" that differed from the Liberal Alliance and the [[First Brazilian Republic|First Republic]], but the movement failed to gain enough adherents to be sustainable. Continuing to deploy Marxist analysis in his consideration of Brazilian politics and society, he nonetheless was excluded from the [[Brazilian Communist Party]], which had begun replacing intellectuals with workers in the party structure. Ultimately, Prestes once again went into a self-imposed exile, this time in [[Uruguay]].
==Alignment to Marxism==