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Its core product, RedDot CMS is a [[Windows]]-based server application that provides Web content management in a multi-user environment. Complementary to the CMS or as a standalone product, LiveServer aggregates disparate document resources and serves them as Web pages.
Red dots on the authoring interface indicated sections of editable content for each web page,<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=RedDot Professional 4.0 is released worldwide|publisher=OpenText press release archive|date=17 July 2001|access-date=5 April 2009}}</ref> hence the name RedDot for the product. This feature was popular with customers and won awards<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=RedDot Professional 4.0 Chosen "Design" Category Winner By Internet World Editors Award winner 2001|publisher=OpenText press release archive|date=12 July 2001|access-date=5 April 2009}}</ref> in 2001 for its usability. By 2006, RedDot was one of the few [[Web content management system|WCM]] vendors that continued to develop their own content authoring interface. Most other WCM vendors had moved to open source alternatives, or had licensed an [[online rich-text editor]] from commercial vendors such as Ephox or [[Ektron]]. In response to customer attempts to work around the limitations of the RedDot editor by installing other editors<ref>{{cite news|author=Boyle, Adam|url=[email protected]/msg00581.html|title=RedDot gripes|[email protected]|date=17 November 2008|access-date=5 April 2009}}</ref> RedDot developed an integration layer to support [[CKeditor]] and Ephox EditLive! as alternative editors.<ref>{{cite news|author= Hoffman, Patrick|url=|title=RedDot Upgrades Web Content Management Software||date=27 March 2007|access-date=5 April 2009}}</ref> In 2009, RedDot (rebranded the OpenText Web Solutions Group) made the [[Telerik]] RadEditor available alongside the existing RedDot editor for CMS 9.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=OpenText CMS 9|publisher=University Web Developers <uwebd />|date=14 January 2009|access-date=6 April 2009}}</ref>
After the acquisition of Vignette, Web Solutions was rebranded again to become OpenText Web Site Management.<ref>[ Top Analysts Say Put These 3 Killer Tech Stocks on Your Radar]</ref>
===OpenText Intelligent Capture (formerly Captiva)===
Captiva Software became a subsidiary of OpenText in 2017.<ref>{{cite news|publisher=MetaSource |url= |title=OpenText acquires EMC enterprise division |date=Sep 2016}}</ref> It makes software for document information processing and data capture from paper and electronic documents and provides related services. Information in the form of extracted content and files are acquired in the Captiva Solution and then delivered for storage or workflow into [[document management system]]s such as those from [[Documentum]], OpenText, [[Microsoft]], or [[IBM]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=News and Press Releases (PR)|website=OpenText|access-date=Dec 4, 2019}}</ref> In 2019, Captiva was rebranded as OpenText Intelligent Capture.<ref>{{cite news|publisher=Revolution Data Systems |url= |title=Captiva is now OpenText Intelligent Capture |date=July 2019}}</ref>
===OpenText AppEnhancer (formerly ApplicationXtender)===