List of To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts episodes: Difference between revisions

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| NativeTitleLangCode = ja
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|8|26|df=y}}
| ShortSummary =Hank, who had just left the Whitechurch and continued to walk alone in the Great Mountains, collapsed in the snow due to exhaustion. Not long after, he woke up because of the scene where he dreamed of the accusations and pleadings of his teammates who were killed by him.When Hank tried to move forward but he was attacked from The Incarnate Garm and his weapons were knocked off. Garm bit and injure Hank's left arm and throw him on the ground. Garm questioned Hank why he didn't cooperate with Cain. Hank was at a disadvantage during the engagement and had to use grenades for cover and escape into the woods.At the same time, Coup de Grace was also looking for Hank's whereabouts in the snowy mountains. Schaal knew that Claude would catch Hank. She had to find Hank and tell Claude what she wanted to say to Hank. On the other hand, Hank hides next to a tree in the woods, enduring the pain, loading Godkiller Bullets into his pistol, and trying to find a way to  without having to rely on him transforming into an Incarnate power for defeat Garm. Garm found Hank in the woods and attacked him. Garm spots Hank in the woods and attacks him. At first, Hank tried to throw the knife at Garm, waiting for Garm to reveal a flaw and shoot him in the chest with a bullet. Unexpectedly, Garm blocked the bullet with his hand and knocked Hank to the ground. Hank was attacked from the front and fell unconscious.The sun rises, and since Hank can only use his Incarnate powers at night, Garm decides to leave the woods, telling Hank before leaving that it's best to remember who he really is, as he won't come back to duel him until after sunset.On the same day, when Coup de Grace was also searching in the snowy mountains, Claude was injured and passed out with fever due to being pushed too far. The team stopped in front of an abandoned fortress, Muzzle Peak Lookout to treat himWhenhim.When Claude awakens later in the afternoon, he asks Schaal about her choice to protect all the Incarnates even though she knew they were dangerous. She states they didn't ask for what happened to them and would have been better if they had humans to support them – like Trice did. Schaal explain to Claude about she wanted to find a answer for the Incarnates and humans to live in peace, and to find a way to return the Incarnates to humanity.At this time, Gerald reported to Claude and Schaal that he had sent a reconnaissance team. He told Claude that they had discovered the whereabouts of Hank and an unknown Incarnate.Claude convened the troops to hold a combat meeting to bring back Hank and defeat another unidentified incarnate. Just as Claude was about to set off with his exhausted body, Lisa said that he needed to rest first, so he had to order Gerald took command of the troops on his behalf. When Schaal received information about Hank's whereabouts, she decided to follow the troops to find Hank.Hank wakes up after nightfall and fights Garm, but is at a disadvantage. Garm caught Hank and asked him how he became so different from his previous behavior. Since they are incarnations rather than beasts, they should regain their will and glory in their era, instead of Obsessed with human identity, but Hank refuted Garm's statement. In his eyes, Garm was just a hound that had lost its will and dignity after being played and tamed by Cain. Garm was angered by this and pierced it with his claws. Hank's chest causes him to transform into his werewolf form in pain.Hank, who was initially mad with pain, suppressed Garm in the fight, and he injured Roy's left eye in a fierce bite, although Hank splattered blood on one of his eyes. In retrospect, The situation when he transformed into the Beast King returned to rationality, but he was restrained by fear and screamed, which attracted the attention of the Coup de Grace troops and Schaal. Hank returned to his human form with his screams, but he was unable to continue fighting due to fear. Garm was furious and dissatisfied that Hank was suddenly unable to continue fighting with him. He repeatedly beat Hank into a dying state and tell Hank that his oath alone could not save them. When Garm was about to give Hank a fatal blow, Coup de Grace troops appeared and attacked Garm,However, their attack caused the part of the cliff where Hank was standing to begin to break and he fell rapidly. When Schaal found the seriously injured Hank calling for him, Hank follows him as he falls off the cliff into the darkness below of the canyon.
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| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|9|2|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = Garm remembers his early human life as Roy, a infantryman charging an enemy base only to be seriously injured and fall to the ground and become an Incarnate while receiving "medical treatment". He fights alongside Hank against the Confederates, when Garm is proud to remember the trust he placed in Hank and fight alongside him.In the present day, Garm watches Hank fall over the edge of the cliff and flees as Coup de Grace shoots at him. The rest of the squad pursue Garm, who has been wounded by the repeated bullets, as they see him with new night vision goggles. Garm fights back, eliminating half of the squad before reinforcements from the fortressMuzzle Peak Lookout head out, including Liza and a still weak Claude.Hank saw Elaine when he was unconscious. When he woke up, he found Schaal beside him. Hank was surprised by Schaal's appearance, but relieved that she was safe.Schaal told Hank that her father suddenly resurrected and turned into a beast after the Whitechurch incident. At that time, she shot her father with a shotgun as an extradition to him. At that time, she fully understood Hank's feelings when he killed her father. Feeling and understanding that he did this to prevent her father from turning into a beast and causing destruction.Hank was surprised and confused that Schaal would understood his reasons and forgive him. He didn't understand what he did and the reason for living. He told Schaal that he wanted to know if he really saved many of his comrades. He also wants to know whether the comrades he killed sincerely forgive his actions and receive true redemption.Hank told Schaal that Elaine had not found an antidote or method to turn all Incarnates back into humans at the time. Hank discovered that in the incarnate army, whether it was Schaal's father or others or the comrades who stood with him, they were undoubtedly human beings. It was precisely because of this idea that he was able to regard many Incarnates as Humanity comes to bury. At that time, he only remembered that they had to make an oath to keep the heart of humanity. He knew that in order to fulfill this oath, he killed many of the friends who wanted to live. Hank knew that the more he used the power of his Incarnate power, sooner or later he would face the cruel fate of turning into a beast like his friends. He could not imagine the destruction he would do by becoming the King of Beasts. Looking desperate, Hank asked Schaal if she could kill him before it was too late if he suddenly turned into a beast that could no longer control himself and could no longer turn back into a human.What's more, he hoped to die now before he had the sense to remember his friend. But Schaal was overwhelmed by Hank's question and sadly declined his request. Hank apologizes to Schaal for deciding to fight Garm again, asking Schaal to remember their memories as humans and in all their Incarnates if all everything were over.Garm targets Gerald, who is currently commanding, but Gerald knew he would and Garm finds himself surrounded. Gerald will die, but so will Garm, who is pinned in place by wires through his body. Garm is wounded, but not mortally, and he goes to attack Gerald only for Claude to appear and hit him with a grenade launcher, which makes him flee. Claude is unable to stand without Liza's help and berates Gerald for his danger plan. Schaal recalls her experience following Hank on his journey. She finally understood what kind of mentality Hank used to redeem himself and all the incarnations of the beast that his hand blade turned into, and how he felt in the face of fear. Schaal understood that even though she was in despair about Hank asking her to kill him, she still held on to the hope and idea that Hank could survive as a human being. Schaal thought about what she was going to say to Hank and walked out the cave.Meanwhile, Garm is standing limping by the river due to blood loss as Hank approaches from the other side of the river. Hank deliberately held the grenade to keep Garm close to him. Just as he was about to let himself and Garm die together, Shar suddenly rushed out and shot Garm in the knee with a shotgun. Schaal told Hank that he was human in her eyes, and she promised to kill him if he suddenly transformed into a beast that couldn't control himself and couldn't turn back into a human again. Schaal asked Hank to continue his mission to kill the many dehumanized Incarnat comrades and save their human souls. She also asked Hank to fulfill his oath and fight to the last moment. Schaal's words gave Hank a glimmer of hope and cheered him up again. Hank understood that perhaps what his heart really wanted to hear was someone's condolences, words of hope that he could survive as a human being, and companions who would be willing to work with him to alleviate his sins. Hank immediately dropped the grenade, Garm dodged Schaal's shot and rushed towards her, Hank transformed into a werewolf again and fought Garm under Schaal's watchful eyes. The coup de grace approaches, but Cloud tells his team to wait. Hank delivers the fatal blow to Garm. Garm praises Hank's performance and briefly restores Roy to his human form, and the two briefly reminisce about their time on the battlefield. Hank shoots Roy shortly after his death, and Schaal asks Hank about Roy's past because she wants to remember what kind of person he was. Hank describes Roy to Schaal and says that if they could go back in time, they might be friends. Soon after, Fatal Shot aims his gun at Hank and Schaal, and Cloud tells Hank that they can finally talk.
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| NativeTitleLangCode = ja
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|9|9|df=y}}
| ShortSummary = Patria soldiers find a newly built New Patria fortress at Bold Creek before being sniped by Miles, the Incarnate Centaur. One week later, a council is held at Patria's capital. With the fortress, New Patria has a straight shot across the central mountains to the capital. The army is assembled to bring down the fortress.On the other hand in the basement of Muzzle Peak Lookout , Claude interrogates and demands that Hank reveal everything he knows, including the abilities, weaknesses, and hiding places of the many remaining Incarnates. Claude also asks Hank if he knows why his eldest brother Cain started the rebellion. Hank knows that Claude is Cain's brother, but he explains to Claude that he only knows how to stop Cain in order for everything to end. When Claude wanted to press Hank to answer other questions, he was dissuaded by Schaal. Schaal told Claude that since he and Hank had the same purpose, they should work together, and she also promised that she would not let Hank cause a second Whitechurch IncidentIncident‏‎ again because she'll stop Hank from spiraling out of control.At this time, Gerald told Claude that their army received an order from the president to go to Bold Creek because they found Cain in Bold Creek. Hank wearing up a Coup de Grace uniform, because Coup de Grace must hide he's an Incarnate from the other units they will be working with. They reach the joint camp and meet Colonel Martin Wall, who is in charge of the operation. When Martin explained how Miles had thwarted their operation, Hank asked Martin to organize a night attack, since even Miles couldn't accurately snipe in the dark, so he would charge in person to intimidate and disperse the enemy troops. Hank led Miles into Coup de Grace's ambush. Although Miles was shot by Coup de Grace, his wound suddenly healed, which shocked Hank and Coup de Grace. Before Miles evacuated the battlefield, he tell Hank that he has achieved immortality. The next day, as the military prepares to dig a trench, Martin explains that his men thought they saw the second Incarnate fighting Miles, but he laughed it off when he saw Cloud's concern.Miles bandages a wounded soldiers' arm and is thanked by him. Cain, watching, is amused, and Miles shrugged that he did used to be a doctor. He doesn't see the problem with being a soldier now either. Whether he helps the wounded or kills the enemy he gets thanked, and it's quicker to kill the enemy. Schaal and Hank speak at night around a fire and Hank laughs, showing how much he's opened up. She tells him must come back alive.Patria attacks the New Patria fortress the following day, both sides taking casualties. At sunset, Mile shows himself, inflicting heavy casualties until a tripwire knocks him to the ground and Hank blows up his arm with his spear. Miles remembers being a battlefield surgeon. He saved wounded soldiers, only for them to be sent back to the front lines and died to the battlefold, making him fear there was no point in what he was doing. When he was assigned to the Incarnates, he killed enemy soldiers and the Northern troops he saved thanks him. He concluded this was the right course. Miles's arm regrows and Hank get transforms his werewolf form as the sun sets. When the two Incarnates clash, Martin tells one of his men to bring out the secret weapon, confusing Claude.
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