Makuuchi: Difference between revisions

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→‎List of active sekiwake: March 2023 banzuke
→‎List of active komusubi: July 2024 banzuke
(34 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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The latter group, ''sekiwake'' and ''komusubi'', have lesser responsibilities and are still eligible for one of the three special prizes, or ''[[Sanshō (sumo)|sanshō]]'' that are awarded for exceptional performance at the end of each tournament.
{{Active makuuchi wrestlersrikishi}}
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[[File:Yokozuna-dohyō-iri-Kakuryu-Rikisaburo-at-Aki-basho-Sep-28-2014-cropped.jpg|thumbnail|''Yokozuna'' [[Kakuryū Rikisaburō]] (center) performing the ring-entering ceremony while flanked by a [[Tachimochi|sword bearer]] on the left and [[Tsuyuharai|dew sweeper]] on the right]]
{{nihongo|''Yokozuna''|横綱||{{IPA-ja|jo̞ko̞d͡zɯᵝnaꜜjo̞ko̞d͡zɯᵝna|IPA}}}} is the highest rank in [[sumo]]. The name literally means "horizontal rope" and comes from the most visible symbol of their rank, the {{nihongo|rope|綱|tsuna}} worn around the waist.<ref name="fantsuna">{{cite web | author= Klein, Barbara Ann| title=Sumo 101: Making the Tsuna| | url= |access-date=2021-11-25}}</ref> The rope is similar to the ''[[shimenawa]]'' used to mark off sacred areas in [[Shinto]], and like the ''shimenawa'' it serves to purify and mark off its content.<ref name="fantsuna"/> The rope, which may weigh up to {{convert|20|kg}}, is not used during the matches themselves, but is worn during the ''yokozuna''{{'s}} ''dohyō-iri'' ring entrance ceremony.
As the sport's biggest stars, ''yokozuna'' are in many ways the grandmasters and the public face of sumo. As such, the way they conduct themselves is highly scrutinized, as it is seen as reflecting on the image of sumo as a whole. As of July 2021, a total of 73 sumo wrestlers have earned the rank of ''yokozuna.''
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[[File:Sumo-Yokozuna-Shiranui-and-Kimenzan-1869.png|thumb| The 11th ''Yokozuna'', [[Shiranui Kōemon]] and the 13th ''Yokozuna'', [[Kimenzan Tanigorō]] (1866)]]
The birth of the rank of ''yokozuna'' is unclear, and there are two competing legends. According to one, a 9th-century wrestler named Hajikami tied a ''[[shimenawa]]'' around his waist as a handicap and dared anyanyone to touch it, creating sumo as it is now known in the process. According to the other, legendary wrestler [[Akashi Shiganosuke]] tied the ''shimenawa'' around his waist in 1630 as a sign of respect when visiting the Emperor, and was posthumously awarded the title for the first time. There is little supporting evidence for either theory—in fact, it is not even certain that Akashi actually existed—but it is known that by November 1789, ''yokozuna'' starting from the fourth ''yokozuna'', [[Tanikaze Kajinosuke]], and the fifth ''yokozuna'', [[Onogawa Kisaburō]], were depicted in [[ukiyo-e]] prints as wearing the ''shimenawa''. These two wrestlers were both awarded ''yokozuna'' licences by the prominent Yoshida family.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Joya |url= |title=Japan And Things Japanese |date=2017-07-12 |publisher=Routledge |isbn=978-1-136-22186-6 |language=en}}</ref>
Before the [[Meiji Era]], the title ''yokozuna'' was conferred on ''ōzeki'' who performed sumo in front of the ''[[shōgun]]''. This privilege was more often determined by a wrestler's patron having sufficient influence rather than purely on the ability and dignity of the wrestler. Thus, there are a number of early wrestlers who were, by modern standards, ''yokozuna'' in name only. In these early days, ''yokozuna'' was also not regarded as a separate rank in the listings, but as an ''ōzeki'' with special dispensation to perform his own ring entering ceremony.
At first, the Yoshida family and a rival family, Gojo, fought for the right to award a wrestler a ''yokozuna'' licence. The Yoshida family won this dispute, because the 15th ''yokozuna'' [[Umegatani Tōtarō I]], one of the strongest wrestlers, expressed his wish that he be awarded a licence by the Yoshida family in February 1884, and Gojo licences are no longer recognized officially.
In May 1890, the name ''yokozuna'' was written on the ''banzuke'' for the first time due to the 16th ''yokozuna'' [[Nishinoumi Kajirō I]]'s insistence that his ''yokozuna'' status be recorded. In February 1909, during the reigns of the 19th ''yokozuna'', [[Hitachiyama Taniemon]], and the 20th, [[Umegatani Tōtarō II]], it was officially recognized as the highest rank. Since the establishment of the {{nihongo|[[Yokozuna Deliberation Council]]|横綱審議委員会|Yokozuna-shingi-iinkai}} on 21 April 1950, wrestlers have been promoted to ''yokozuna'' by the [[Japan Sumo Association]]. The first ''yokozuna'' promoted by the Sumo Association was the 41st ''yokozuna'' [[Chiyonoyama Masanobu]].
===Criteria for promotion===
In modern sumo, the qualifications that an ''ōzeki'' must satisfy to be promoted are that he has enough power, skill and dignity/grace (品格 ''hinkaku'') to qualify. There are no absolute criteria, nor is there a set quota: there have been periods with no wrestlers at ''yokozuna'' rank, and there have been periods with as many as four simultaneously.
The power and skill aspects are usually considered with reference to recent tournament performance. The ''de facto'' standard is to win two consecutive championships as ''ōzeki'' or an equivalent performance. In the case where the "equivalent performance" criterion is used, the wrestler's record over the previous three tournaments is taken into account with an expectation of at least one tournament victory and one runner-up performances, with none of the three records falling below twelve wins. Thus, a consistent high level of performance is required. Winning two tournaments with a poor performance between them is not usually sufficient. Also, achieving runner-up performance in three consecutive tournaments is not sufficient, with example being Ozeki [[Kisenosato]] in 2013 and 2016. The rules are not set in stone and hence in reaching their conclusion the Yokozuna Deliberation Council and Sumo Association can interpret the criteria more leniently or strictly and also take into account other factors, such as total number of tournament victories, the quality of the wins, and whether the losses show any serious vulnerabilities.
The issue of ''hinkaku'' (dignity and grace) is more contentious, as it is essentially a subjective issue. For example, Hawaiian-born ''ōzeki'' [[Konishiki]], in particular, was felt by many to be unfairly kept from ''yokozuna'' status due to his non-Japanese origin, and many Sumo Association members even openly said that foreigners (''[[gaijin]]'') could never achieve the ''hinkaku'' needed to be a ''yokozuna''. In the case of Konishiki, other issues such as his weight were also cited.<ref>{{cite web| author=Gould, Chris| title=Konishiki|| url=| date=April 2007| access-date=24 January 2018}}</ref> The debate concerning foreigners having the dignity to be a ''yokozuna'' was finally laid to rest on 27 January 1993, when Hawaiian-born ''ōzeki'' [[Akebono Taro|Akebono]] was formally promoted to ''yokozuna'' after only eight months as an ''ōzeki''. Since then, the issue of whether foreigners have the necessary dignity has become a moot point as six of the nine wrestlers to achieve sumo's ultimate rank following Akebono in 1993 were not born in Japan: [[Musashimaru Kōyō|Musashimaru]] in the United States and [[Asashōryū Akinori|Asashōryū]], [[Hakuhō Shō|Hakuhō]], [[Harumafuji Kōhei|Harumafuji]], [[Kakuryū Rikisaburō|Kakuryū]], and [[Terunofuji Haruo|Terunofuji]] all in Mongolia.
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[[File:MET 3673.jpg|thumbnail|upright|A ''tsuna'' belonging to the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]]]]
Elevation to ''yokozuna'' rank is a multi-stage process. After a tournament, the Yokozuna Deliberation Council, a body of lay people (that is, not former sumo wrestlers) who are appointed by the [[Japan Sumo Association]] to provide an independent quality control on ''yokozuna'' promotion, meet and discuss the performance of the top-ranked wrestlers. Usually, at the instigation of the Japan Sumo Association, they can make a recommendation that a particular ''[[Makuuchi#Ōzeki|ōzeki]]''-ranked wrestler has the necessary attributes to be promoted. Their recommendation is then passed to the Judging division and then the Board of Directors of the Sumo Association who make the final decision.
If a wrestler is deemed to have met the criteria, then he will be visited in his training stable by a member of the Sumo Association Board of Directors who will formally give him the news. In the following days, a ''tsuna'' or ceremonial rope will then be made in his stable, and he will practice the ring entrance ceremony with advice from a previous or current ''yokozuna''. Finally, he will have his inaugural ceremonial ring entry ceremony held at [[Meiji Shrine]] in Tokyo, which is usually completed within a couple of weeks of the tournament end.
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A ''yokozuna'', however, is introduced after the lower ranked wrestlers and is flanked by two other top division wrestler "assistants". The "dewsweeper" or ''[[tsuyuharai]]'' precedes the ''yokozuna'', while the "sword bearer" or ''[[tachimochi]]'' follows him into the arena. The sword is a Japanese [[katana]] and symbolises the [[samurai]] status of the yokozuna. The ''tachimochi'' will always be the more highly ranked of the assisting wrestlers. As indicated above, during the ceremony the ''yokozuna'' will wear his ''tsuna'' around his waist.<ref name="fantsuna"/> The ceremonial aprons of all three form a matching set.
Once in the ring, the ''yokozuna'' takes centre stage and performs a much more complex [[ritual dance]]. The dance can take one of two forms, one of which the ''yokozuna'' usually chooses when he is first promoted. In addition to the slightly different routine, the choice of the ''yokozuna'''s ritual can also be determined by the knot used to tie the rope around his waist: the "Unryū" style has only one loop at the back, while the "Shiranui" style has two. The styles are named after 10th ''yokozuna'' [[Unryū Kyūkichi]] and 11th ''yokozuna'' [[Shiranui Kōemon]] of the [[Edo period]], although there is no historical proof that they actually carried out the dances that have been attributed to them. Indeed, there are some scholars{{Who|date=July 2015}} who believe that in fact the two concerned have had their ring entering rituals mixed up by earlier historians.
When a former ''yokozuna'' reaches the age of 60, he usually performs a special ring-entering ceremony known as ''[[kanreki dohyō-iri]]'', wearing a red ''tsuna'', in celebration of his longevity. This ceremony first started with the former ''yokozuna'' [[Tachiyama]] in 1937.
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{{See also|List of ōzeki|List of sumo record holders#Most tournaments}}
The ''ōzeki'' {{Nihongo||大関|}}, or champion rank, is immediately below ''yokozuna'' in the ranking system. Until the ''yokozuna'' rank was introduced, ''ōzeki'' was the highest rank attainable. Technically, there must always be a minimum of two ''ōzeki'' on the ''banzuke'', one on the east side and one on the west. If there are fewer than two regular ''ōzeki'' in practice, then one or more ''yokozuna'' will be designated "''yokozuna-ōzeki''". This was seen for five tournaments from May 1981 to January 1982, when three ''yokozuna'' ([[Wakanohana Kanji II|Wakanohana]], [[Chiyonofuji]] and [[Kitanoumi]]) fulfilled this role at various times.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=SUMO ABC (45) / While there need not be any yokozuna, 2 ozeki must always exist – in theory|last=Miki|first=Shuji|date=23 February 2017|publisher=The Japan News/The Yomiuri Shimbun|access-date=2 June 2017}}</ref> The designation would not be used again until the March 2020 ''banzuke'', when only [[Takakeishō Mitsunobu|Takakeishō]] held the ''ōzeki'' rank and [[Kakuryū Rikisaburō|Kakuryū]] was designated ''yokozuna-ōzeki''.<ref>{{cite web |url=|title=38年ぶりに「横綱大関」復活 9組目の「親子幕内」も|trans-title="Yokozuna-Ōzeki" revived for the first time in 38 years|language=ja|date=24 February 2020 |website=Asahi Shimbun|access-date=26 February 2020}}</ref> In Januarythe first three tournaments of 2023, Takakeishō again was the only ''ōzeki'' and the ''yokozuna-ōzeki'' designation was given to [[Terunofuji Haruo|Terunofuji]].<ref>{{cite web |url=|title=【初場所新番付】大関は2人名を連ねるのが慣例のため照ノ富士兼務し「横綱大関」に|date=26 December 2022|publisher=Nikkan Sports|access-date=26 December 2022}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=|title=【夏場所新番付】霧馬山の大関とりなるか、若貴以来30年ぶりの兄弟関脇も誕生/三役以上編|date=1 May 2023|publisher=Nikkan Sports|access-date=31 May 2023}}</ref> There is no limit to the number of ''ōzeki''. In 2012, there were six ''ōzeki'' in the May, July, and September tournaments.
===Promotion to ''ōzeki''===
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The promotion of a wrestler to ''ōzeki'' is a multi-tournament process. A wrestler at the rank of ''[[sekiwake]]'' will be considered for promotion if he has achieved a total of at least 33 wins over the three most recent [[Honbasho|tournaments]], including ten or more wins in the tournament just completed. Promotion is discretionary and there are no hard-and-fast rules, though a three-tournament record of 33 wins is considered a near-guarantee. Other factors toward promotion will include tangibles such as [[yusho|winning a tournament]] or defeating ''yokozuna'', as well as the wrestler's overall consistency, prowess, and quality of sumo—for example, a record of [[hansoku|illegal maneuvers]] or reliance on certain [[henka|dodging techniques]] would count against the dignity expected of an ''ōzeki''.
Promotions are recommended by the Judging Division to the Boardboard of Directorsdirectors of the [[Japan Sumo Association]]. If it is a first promotion to the rank, a member of the Board of Directors will formally visit the wrestler's [[heya (sumo)|stable]] to inform the new ''ōzeki'' of his promotion. The ''ōzeki'' will usually make a speech on this occasion, promising to do his best to uphold the dignity of the rank.
During the [[Edo period]], wrestlers often made their debuts as ''ōzeki'' based on size alone, though their real competitiveness had not been tested. The system was called "guest ōzeki" ({{nihongo|看板大関|kanban ōzeki}}). Most of these vanished from the ''banzuke'' soon after, but a few wrestlers, notably [[Tanikaze Kajinosuke]], remained as real wrestlers.
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*He is given a parking space at the Sumo Association headquarters.
*He can vote in the election of the Sumo Association directors.
*Normally, he will receive additional support from his stable in terms of junior wrestlers to act as his manservants.
*He can wear purple fringed ceremonial aprons (''[[Mawashi#Kesh.C5.8D-mawashi|keshō-mawashi]]'')
*He may be called on to represent the wrestlers on formal occasions such as when VIPs visit a sumo tournament, or on formal visits to [[Shinto]] shrines.
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*[[Takakeishō Mitsunobu|Takakeishō]], since November 2019
*[[Hōshōryū Tomokatsu|Hōshōryū]], since September 2023
*[[Kotozakura Masakatsu II|Kotozakura]], since March 2024
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{{nihongo|'''''Sekiwake'''''|関脇|sekiwake}} is the third-highest rank in professional [[sumo]] wrestling, and is one of the ''[[san'yaku]]'' ranks. The term is believed to derive from guarding the ''[[Makuuchi#Ōzeki|ōzeki]]'' (大関 or 関) at his side (脇).
It represents the highest rank a wrestler can achieve by continuously making a ''[[kachi-koshi]]'' (a winning record in the tournament) in tournaments. Promotion to ''sekiwake'' depends on either a space being available, which is quite common, or having a record in the previous tournament that is very convincing. Typically 11–4 or better as a ''[[komusubi]]'' is sufficient for promotion to ''sekiwake'' even with no normal space available; lower ranks need progressively more wins. There are special promotion criteria, typically a minimum of 33 wins over three tournaments, for advancement from ''sekiwake'' to ''ōzeki''; merely recording consecutive winning records while at the ''sekiwake'' rank is not enough to advance. In the 1980s, [[Sakahoko]] stayed at ''sekiwake'' for nine consecutive tournaments without even getting close to ''ōzeki'' consideration, and [[Gōeidō Gōtarō|Goeidō]] was stuck at the rank for fourteen consecutive tournaments, a modern-day record, between May 2012 and July 2014, before being promoted to ''ōzeki'' in September 2014.
Unlike the higher ranks of ''ōzeki'' and [[Yokozuna (sumo)|''yokozuna'']], a wrestler will nearly always lose the rank immediately after having a ''[[make-koshi]]'' tournament (a losing record during a tournament). Very occasionally, however, a lucky ''sekiwake'' might keep his rank even with a 7–8 record if there are no obvious candidates to replace him, as when the ''komusubi'' and the upper ''maegashira'' have also had losing records. This has happened five times since the six-tournaments-a-year era began in 1958, most recently with Gōeidō in July 2013. In each case, the wrestler was merely moved from the ''sekiwake'' East rank to the less prestigious West side.
For many purposes, ''sekiwake'' and the ''komusubi'' rank are treated together as the junior ''san'yaku'' ranks, as opposed to ''ōzeki'' and ''yokozuna''. For example, records of number of tournaments ranked in junior ''san'yaku'' are often referred to in sumo publications.
For wrestlers reaching this rank, the benefits are similar to that for a ''komusubi''. The salary is higher than for a ''[[maegashira]]'' and also the wrestler is usually called to appear to flank the chairman of the [[Japan Sumo Association|Sumo Association]] during the speeches he makes on opening and closing days of the 15-day tournaments that are held six times a year. He may also be called on to represent the wrestlers on behalf of the Sumo Association at other events, especially if the number of ''ōzeki'' and ''yokozuna'' is low. If this is the highest rank a wrestler reaches, even if it is only for one tournament, he will always be referred to as "former sekiwake (ring name)" after his retirement, an indicator of a successful sumo career, even if not achieving the exceptional standards of the two highest ranks.
At any time, there must be a minimum of two wrestlers ranked at ''sekiwake''. If circumstances require, this can rise typically to three or four. The minimum of two requirement means that a certain amount of luck can lead to wrestlers achieving this rank on occasion, if the performance of other wrestlers leaves no obvious candidates to fill the rank. This luck factor is less common than it is for ''komusubi'' promotions.
===List of active ''sekiwake''===
* [[WakatakakageAbi AtsushiMasatora|WakatakakageAbi]], since MarchMay 20222024 (previous rank: ''maegashirakomusubi'' 1)
* [[HōshōryūŌnosato TomokatsuDaiki|HōshōryūŌnosato]], since SeptemberJuly 20222024 (previous rank: ''komusubi'')
* [[KiribayamaKirishima Tetsuo|KiribayamaKirishima]], since MarchJuly 20232024 (previous rank: ''komusubiōzeki'')
===Wrestlers with most ''sekiwake'' appearances in history===
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At ''komusubi'', achieving a ''[[kachi-koshi]]'' (winning record in a tournament) is not sufficient to guarantee promotion to a higher rank. Promotion to the next highest rank, ''sekiwake'', depends on either a space being available, which is quite common, or having at least 11 wins in the previous tournament if no normal ''sekiwake'' slot is available. This general requirement can be seen by the promotion of [[Tochiōzan Yūichirō|Tochiōzan]] to a third ''sekiwake'' slot for March 2014 with 11 wins when the other two ''sekiwake'' had winning records, while [[Tochinoshin Tsuyoshi|Tochinoshin]] was not promoted with 10 wins for November 2015 in a similar situation.
For many purposes, this and the ''sekiwake'' rank are treated together as the junior ''san'yaku'' ranks, as opposed to ''ōzeki'' and ''yokozuna'', where extremely stringent promotion criteria exist. Records of number of tournaments ranked in junior ''san'yaku'' are often referred to in sumo publications because these two ranks are so difficult to retain.
For wrestlers reaching this rank, the benefits are a salary increase and also appearing to flank the chairman of the [[Japan Sumo Association|Sumo Association]] during the speeches he makes on opening and closing days of the official tournaments, held six times a year. He may also be called on to represent the wrestlers on behalf of the Sumo Association at other events, especially if the number of ''ōzeki'' and ''yokozuna'' are low. If this is the highest rank a wrestler reaches, even if it is only for one tournament, he will always be referred to as "former ''komusubi'' (ring name)" after his retirement, which is an indicator of a fairly successful sumo career.
At any time, there must be a minimum of two wrestlers ranked as ''komusubi''. If circumstances require this can rise to three or four, for example if both ''komusubi'' have winning records and an upper ''maegashira'' produces such a good score that he cannot reasonably be denied a promotion. However, this is relatively rare. The minimum of two requirement means that a certain amount of luck can lead to wrestlers achieving this rank on occasion, if the performance of other wrestlers leaves no obvious candidates to fill the rank.
''Komusubi'' is widely regarded as a difficult rank to maintain, as wrestlers at this rank are likely to face all the ''ōzeki'' and'' yokozuna'' in the first week of a tournament, with a ''yokozuna'' normally scheduled for the opening day. ''Komusubi'' face mainly ''maegashira'' in the second week, but often wrestlers new to the rank are so demoralised by this point that they lose these matches too. Few men making their ''komusubi'' debut return a ''[[kachi-koshi]]'' or winning record in the ensuing tournament.
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=== List of active ''komusubi'' ===
* [[KiribayamaDaieishō TetsuoHayato|KiribayamaDaieishō]], since SeptemberJuly 20222024 (previous rank: ''maegashira'' 1)
* [[KotonowakaHiradoumi MasahiroYūki|KotonowakaHiradoumi]], since JanuaryJuly 20232024 (previous rank: ''maegashira'' 12)
* [[Meisei Chikara|Meisei]], since January 2023 (previous rank: ''maegashira'' 2)
* [[Wakamotoharu Minato|Wakamotoharu]], since January 2023 (previous rank: ''maegashira'' 4)
===Wrestlers with most ''komusubi'' appearances in history===
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All the ''makuuchi'' wrestlers who are not ranked in ''[[san'yaku]]'' are ranked as ''maegashira'', numbered from one at the top downwards. In each rank there are two wrestlers, the higher ranked is designated as "east" and the lower as "west", so No. 1 east is treated as a higher rank than No. 1 west, and so on.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Professional rankings: The Banzuke | |access-date=2013-10-08 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=1 October 2012 }}</ref>
The number of wrestlers in ''makuuchi'' is fixed (at 42 since 2004) but the number in ''san'yaku'' is not. Thus, the number of ''maegashira'' ranks can vary, but is typically between 15 and 17. (This gives a ''makuuchi'' division split of around 10 ''san'yaku'' and 32 ''maegashira'').
Movement within the ''maegashira'' ranks can be minor or extreme, depending on a wrestler's score in the previous 15-bout tournament. For example, a ''maegashira'' 2 who has an 8–7 record might only be promoted one level to ''maegashira'' 1 for the next tournament. Conversely, a ''maegashira'' 14 who wins the division championship could be promoted as high as ''[[komusubi]]''. Indeed, this happened in March 2000 when [[Takatoriki Tadashige|Takatōriki]] of the [[Takanohana stable|Futagoyama stable]] won the championship with a 13–2 record.
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{| class="wikitable"
! !![[ShikonaTotal ||Name]] !!TotalWrestler || !!First !!|| Last !!|| Highest rank
| [[Higonoumi Naoya|Higonoumi]] ||53 ||March 1993 || November 2001 ||'' {{transl|ja|Maegashira''}} 1
| [[Asanowaka Takehiko|Asanowaka]] ||52 ||March 1994 || May 2004 ||'' {{transl|ja|Maegashira''}} 1
| '''[[ToyohibikiSadanoumi RyūtaTakashi|ToyohibikiSadanoumi]]''' ||52 ||JulyMay 20072014 || May 20172024 ||'' {{transl|ja|Maegashira''}} 21
| [[Toyohibiki Ryūta|Toyohibiki]] || July 2007 || May 2017 || {{transl|ja|Maegashira}} 2
| [[Kotoryū Hiroo|Kotoryū]] ||51 ||July 1996 ||March 2005 ||''Maegashira'' 1
| [[TokitsuumiKotoryū MasahiroHiroo|TokitsuumiKotoryū]] ||50 July 1996 ||September 1998March 2005 ||September 2007 {{transl|ja|''Maegashira'' 3}} 1
| [[KitakachidokiTokitsuumi HayatoMasahiro|KitakachidokiTokitsuumi]] ||49 September 1998 ||January 1989September 2007 ||May 1998 {{transl|ja|''Maegashira''}} 3 1
| [[MinatofujiKitakachidoki TakayukiHayato|MinatofujiKitakachidoki]] ||46 January 1989 ||July 1993May 1998 ||July 2001 {{transl|ja|''Maegashira''}} 21
| [[NarutoumiMinatofuji KazuyukiTakayuki|NarutoumiMinatofuji]] ||44 July 1993 ||October 1949July 2001 ||November 1960 {{transl|ja|''Maegashira''}} 12
| '''[[Sadanoumi Takashi|Sadanoumi]]''' ||44 ||May 2014 ||January 2023 ||''Maegashira'' 1
| [[Narutoumi Kazuyuki|Narutoumi]] || October 1949 || November 1960 || {{transl|ja|Maegashira}} 1
| [[Daiyū Tatsumi|Daiyū]] ||43 ||May 1963 || September 1972 ||'' {{transl|ja|Maegashira''}} 1
| [[Hirosegawa Sōkichi|Hirosegawa]] ||43 ||January 1943 || May 1958 ||'' {{transl|ja|Maegashira''}} 3