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The Kladno Castle was originally a Gothic fortress, rebuilt in the Renaissance style in the 1560s, then completely rebuilt into a Baroque castle in 1737–1740 by the architect [[Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer]]. Today it houses a museum and gallery. Next to the castle is a castle park with a beararium built in 2001.<ref>{{cite web |title=Historie zámku|url=https://www.kladenskyzamek.cz/cs/historie-zamku|work=Kladenský zámek|publisher=City of Kladno|language=cs|access-date=2023-03-13}}</ref><ref name=sights>{{cite web |title=Historické památky Kladna|url=https://mestokladno.cz/historicke-pamatky-kladna/d-1401490|publisher=City of Kladno|language=cs|access-date=2023-03-13}}</ref>
There are several major landmarks of Kladno on the Starosty Pavla Square. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was built in the NeoromanesqueNeo-Romanesque style in 1897–1899. It was built on the site of a Gothic church from the 1350s. The city hall is a NeorenaissanceNeo-Renaissance house, which was built in 1897–1898. The Marian sculpture group was created according to the design by K. I. Dietzenhofer in 1739–1741. This late Baroque columns stands on the site where the [[pillory]] used to be. Notable is also the Archdeaconry building, originally a rectory built in 1804–1807.<ref name=sights/>
The Chapel of Saint Florian is a significant Baroque chapel. It is the last project of K. I. Dietzenhofer before his death. The construction started in 1751 and after being interrupted, it was completed in 1827.<ref name=sights/><ref>{{cite web |title=Kaple sv. Floriána|url=https://www.pamatkovykatalog.cz/kaple-sv-floriana-14277905|publisher=National Heritage Institute|language=cs|access-date=2023-03-13}}</ref>
The former synagogue is a NeorenaissanceNeo-Renaissance building from 1884. Today it serves as a prayer house of the [[Czechoslovak Hussite Church]].<ref name=sights/>
There are four churches in the local parts of Kladno. The Church of Saint John the Baptist in Dubí was originally a Gothic church, first documented in 1352. In 1861, it was rebuilt into its current form with a Neogothic tower. It is a pilgrimage site. The Church of Saint Nicholas in Vrapice was a Romanesque rotunda from the early 13th century, rebuilt in the Gothic style around 1400. It was then rebuilt and extended in 1858. The Church of Saint Wenceslaus in Rozdělov is modern, built in 1925–1927.<ref name=sights/> The Church of Saint Nicholas in Švermov, built in 1912–1913, is a mixture of [[Art Nouveau]] and [[Modernism]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Kostel sv. Mikuláše|url=https://pamatkovykatalog.cz/kostel-sv-mikulase-11470673|publisher=National Heritage Institute|language=cs|access-date=2023-03-13}}</ref>