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In Judaism, [[ethical monotheism]] originated, and along with it came the highly didactic [[Ethics in the Bible#In Judaism|ethics in the Torah and Tanach]].
[[Mishlei]] is commonly regarded as a mussarmusar classic in its own right and is arguably the first true "mussarmusar sefer." In fact, the Hebrew word מוסרmusar (disciplineמוסר, pronounced "mussar"discipline) being the title of this genre stems from the word's extensive use in the book of Mishlei.
An example from the [[Tanakh]] is the earliest known text of the positive form of the famous "[[Golden Rule]]":<ref name="Plaut pp.892">[[Gunther Plaut]], ''The Torah&nbsp;— A Modern Commentary''; Union of American Hebrew Congregations, New York 1981; pp.892.</ref>
{{quote|You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.|{{sourcetext|source=Bible|version=Jewish Publication Society 1917|book=Leviticus|chapter=19|verse=18}}<ref name="njps">New JPS Hebrew/English Tanakh</ref>}} [[Hillel the Elder]] (c. 110 BCE – 10 CE),<ref>[ Jewish Encyclopedia: Hillel]: "His activity of forty years is perhaps historical; and since it began, according to a trustworthy tradition (Shab. 15a), one hundred years before the destruction of Jerusalem, it must have covered the period 30 B.C.E. -10 C.E.<!--B.C. in the original-->"</ref> used this verse as a most important message of the [[Torah]] for his teachings. Once, he was challenged by a [[ger toshav]] who asked to be converted under the condition that the Torah be explained to him while he stood on one foot. Hillel accepted him as a candidate for [[conversion to Judaism]] but, drawing on {{bibleverse||Leviticus|19:18|126}}, briefed the man:
{{quote|What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.|{{sourcetext|source=Babylonian Talmud|version=|book=Shabbath|chapter=folio|verse=31a}}|[[Babylonian Talmud]]}}
[[Pirkei Avot]] is a compilation of the [[ethics|ethical]] teachings and maxims of the Rabbis of the [[Mishnah|Mishnaic]] period. It is part of [[didactic]] [[Jewish]] ethical Musar literature. Because of its contents, it is also called '''Ethics of the Fathers'''. The teachings of Pirkei Avot appear in the Mishnaic [[Talmud|tractate]] of ''Avot'', the second-to-last tractate in the order of [[Nezikin]] in the [[Mishnah]]. Pirkei Avot is unique in that it is the only tractate of the Mishnah dealing ''solely'' with ethical and moral principles; there is little or no [[halacha]] found in Pirkei Avot.
== Medieval Musar literature ==
Medieval works of Musar literature were composed by a range of rabbis and others, including rationalist philosophers and adherents of Kabbalistic mysticism. [[Joseph Dan]] has argued that medieval Musar literature reflects four different approaches: the [[Jewish philosophy|philosophical approach]]; the standard [[Rabbinic Judaism|rabbinic approaches]]; the approach of [[Chassidei Ashkenaz]]; and the [[Kabbalistic]] approach.<ref name="ReferenceA"/>
=== Philosophical Musar literature ===
[[File:Tikkun_Middot_Hanefesh_(Hebrew).pdf|right|thumb|190x190px|''Tikkun Middot ha-Nefesh''-The Improvement of the Moral Qualities, by [[Solomon Ibn Gabirol]], Hebrew version 1167. 1869 edition]]
[[Jewish philosophy|Philosophical]] works of Musar include:
* ''[[Chovot ha-Levavot]]'' by [[Bahya ibn Paquda]]
* [ ''Hilchot Deot''] in ''Sefer ha-Madah'' of [[Mishneh Torah]] by [[Maimonides]]
* ''Sefer Hayashar'' (the ethical work, not to be confused with the many other unrelated works of the same name), published anonymously
* ''Shemona Perakim'' ("The Eight Chapters"):, the introduction to [[Pirkei Avot]] in [[Maimonides]]' commentary to the [[Mishnah]].
=== Standard Rabbinic Musar literature ===
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[[Chassidei Ashkenaz]] (literally "the Pious of Germany") was a Jewish movement in the 12th century and 13th century founded by Rabbi [[Judah ben Samuel of Regensburg|Judah the Pious]] (Rabbi Yehuda HeChassid) of [[Regensburg]], Germany, which was concerned with promoting Jewish piety and morality. The most famous work of Musar literature produced by this school was ''The Book of the Pious'' ([[Sefer Hasidim]]).<ref name="ReferenceA"/>
=== Medieval Kabbalistic Musar literature ===
Explicitly [[Kabbalistic]] mystical works of Musar literature include ''[[Tomer Devorah]]'' (''The Palm Tree of Deborah'') by [[Moses ben Jacob Cordovero]], ''[[Reshit Chochmah]]'' by [[Eliyahu de Vidas]], and ''[[Kav ha-Yashar]]'' by [[Tzvi Hirsch Kaidanover]].
== Modern Musar literature ==
Literature in the genre of Musar literature continued to be written by modern Jews from a variety of backgrounds.
=== Mesillat Yesharim ===
[[File:Mesilat Yesharim.jpg|thumb|right|Mesilat Yesharim (Path of the Just): cover page]]
{{Main|Mesillat Yesharim}}
[[Mesillat Yesharim]] is a Musar text published in Amsterdam by [[Moshe Chaim Luzzatto]] in the 18th century. Mesillat Yesharim is perhaps the most important work of Musar literature of the post-medieval period. The [[Vilna Gaon]] commented that he couldn'tcould not find a superfluous word in the first seven chapters of the work, and stated that he would have traveled to meet the author and learn from his ways if he'd still been alive.
=== Ottoman Musar literature ===
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<blockquote>Beginning in the eighteenth century, a number of Ottoman rabbis had undertaken the task of fighting the ignorance they believed was plaguing their communities by producing works of Jewish ethics (''musar'') in [[Judeo-Spanish]] (also known as Ladino). This development was inspired in part by a particular strain within [[Jewish mysticism]] ([[Lurianic]] [[Kabbalah]]) which suggested that every Jew would necessarily play a role in the mending of the world required for redemption. The spread of ignorance among their coreligionists thus threatened to undo the proper order of things. It was with this in mind that these Ottoman rabbis--all capable of publishing in the more highly esteemed [[Hebrew]] language of their religious tradition--chose to write in their vernacular instead. While they democratized rabbinic knowledge by translating it for the masses, these "vernacular rabbis" (to use Matthias Lehmann's term) also attempted to instill in their audiences the sense that their texts required the mediation of individuals with religious training. Thus, they explained that common people should gather together to read their books in ''meldados'', or study sessions, always with the guidance of someone trained in the study of [[Jewish law]].<ref>Julia Phillips Cohen,</ref></blockquote>
Among the most popular works of Musar literature produced in Ottoman society was Elijah ha-Kohen's ''Shevet Musar,'' first published in [[Judaeo-Spanish|Ladino]] in 1748.<ref>Matthias B. Lehmann, Ladino rabbinic literature and Ottoman Sephardic culture, 6, 9</ref> ''[[Pele Yoetz]]'' by Rabbi [[Eliezer Papo]] (1785–1826) was another exemplary work of this genre.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=ArchivedJudaism copy101 - Rabbi Eliezer Papo: Pele Yoetz - Duties of the Heart - A Glossary of Basic Jewish Terms and Concepts - OU.ORG |access-date=2011-01-06 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-09-05 }}</ref>
=== Haskalah Musar literature ===
In Europe, significant contributions to Musar literature were made by leaders of the [[Haskalah]].<ref>Shmuel Feiner, David Jan Sorkin, ''New perspectives on the Haskalah'', page 49</ref><ref>David Sorkin, The transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840, page 46</ref> [[Naphtali Hirz Wessely]] wrote a Musar text titled ''Sefer Ha-Middot'' (Book of Virtues) in approximately 1786. [[Menachem Mendel Lefin]] of [[Satanov]] wrote a text titled ''Cheshbon Ha-Nefesh'' (Moral Accounting) in 1809, based in part on the ethical program described in the autobiography of [[Benjamin Franklin#VirtueThirteen Virtues|Benjamin Franklin]].<ref>Nancy Sinkoff, ''[ Out of the Shtetl: Making Jews Modern in the Polish Borderlands]'' (Brown Judaic Studies, 2020), pp. 50-167; Shai Afsai, "[ Benjamin Franklin’s Influence on ''Mussar'' Thought and Practice: a Chronicle of Misapprehension]," ''Review of Rabbinic Judaism'' 22, 2 (2019): 228-276; Shai Afsai, "The Sage, the Prince & the Rabbi," ''Philalethes'' 64, 3 (2011): 101-109,128.</ref>
=== Hasidic Musar literature ===
One form of literature in the [[Hasidic]] movement were tracts collecting and instructing mystical-ethical practices. These include [[Tzavaat HaRivash]] ("Testament of Rabbi [[Baal Shem Tov|Yisroel Baal Shem]]") and Tzetl Koton by [[Elimelech of Lizhensk]], a seventeen-point program on how to be a good Jew. Rabbi [[Nachman of Breslov]]'s Sefer ha-Middot is a [[Hasidic]] classic of Musar literature.<ref name=":0" />
One form of literature in the [[Hasidic]] movement were tracts collecting and instructing mystical-ethical practices. These include [[Tzavaat HaRivash]] ("Testament of Rabbi [[Baal Shem Tov|Yisroel Baal Shem]]") and Tzetl Koton by [[Elimelech of Lizhensk]], a seventeen-point program on how to be a good Jew. Rabbi [[Nachman of Breslov]]'s Sefer ha-Middot is a [[Hasidic]] classic of Musar literature.
=== Mitnagdic and Yeshivish Musar literature ===
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{{Main|Musar movement}}
The modern [[Musar movement]], beginning in the 19th century, encouraged the organisedorganized study of medieval Musar literature to an unprecedented degree, while also producing its own Musar literature. Significant Musar writings were produced by leaders of the movement such as Rabbis [[Israel Salanter]], [[Simcha Zissel Ziv]], [[Yosef Yozel Horwitz]], and [[Eliyahu Dessler]].{{Citation<ref needed|datename=September":0" 2010}}/> The movement established Mussarmusar learning as a regular part of the curriculum in the [[Lithuanian Jews|Lithuanian]] [[Yeshiva]] world, acting as a bulwark against contemporary forces of secularism.
=== Musar Literatureliterature by Reform Rabbisrabbis ===
Musar literature has been composed by Reform rabbis including [[Ruth Abusch-Magder]], noted for her writing on humility, and [[Karyn Kedar]], noted for her writing on forgiveness.<ref name=":0" />
=== Musar Literatureliterature by Conservative Rabbisrabbis ===
Musar literature has been composed by Conservative rabbis including [[Amy Eilberg]] (noted for her writing on curiosity and courage) and [[Danya Ruttenberg]] (noted for her writing on curiosity).<ref name=":0" />
=== Musar Literatureliterature by Reconstructionist Rabbisrabbis ===
Musar literature has been composed by [[Reconstructionist Judaism|Reconstructionist]] rabbis including [[Susan Schnur]] (noted for her writing on forgiveness), [[Sandra Lawson]] (noted for her writing on curiosity), [[Rebecca Alpert]] (noted for her writing on humility), and [[Mordecai Kaplan]] (noted for his writing on humility).<ref name=":0">{{Cite book |last=Claussen |first=Geoffrey D. |url= |title=Modern Musar: Contested Virtues in Jewish Thought |date=2022 |publisher=University of Nebraska Press |isbn=978-0-8276-1888-6 |language=en}}</ref> Schnur's writing show how gender matters in discussions of forgiveness as a virtue.<ref name=":0" />
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== External links ==
* [ Musar and Jewish Ethics pdf] ''[[Yeshiva University]] Student Magazine''
* [http Duties of the Heart - free english translation]
* Benjamin Brown, [ From Principles to Rules and from Musar to Halakhah - The Hafetz Hayims Rulings on Libel and Gossip].