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Economy and Finance


Publications prepared by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs. See publications before July 2015. See an overview of ECFIN publication series.

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Publications (698)

Showing results 10 to 20
  • Scientific paper
  • Pierfederico Asdrubali, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Soyoung Kim, Park Haerang

This paper documents the role played by financial frictions in the asymmetry of international risk sharing during different phases of business cycles.

  • Report
  • Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

This paper provides assessment of Member States with a derogation regarding their fulfilment of the conditions for euro adoption.

  • Report
  • Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

This report by the European Commission presents the findings of the 16th post-programme surveillance mission to Cyprus and identifies remaining challenges for the Cypriot economy.

  • Report
  • Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

This report contains the Commission's assessments of the 2024 Economic Reform Programmes (ERPs) of countries that are candidates or potential candidates for EU membership.

  • Scientific paper
  • Jan in ’t Veld, Philipp Pfeiffer, Gergő Motyovszki, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

This paper presents simulations with the Commission’s QUEST model to examine how a public investment stimulus could affect fiscal indicators under different circumstances.