November 6, 2017
This document provides information about known issues and limitations to the current release of VoltDB. If you encounter any problems not listed below, please be sure to report them to [email protected]. Thank you.
The process for upgrading from the recent versions of VoltDB is as follows:
Shutdown the database, creating a final snapshot (using voltadmin shutdown --save).
Upgrade the VoltDB software.
Restart the database (using voltdb start).
For DR clusters, see the section on "Upgrading VoltDB Software" in the VoltDB Administrator's Guide for more special considerations related to DR upgrades.
Support for upgrading using shutdown --save was only added in V6.8. If you are upgrading from older versions of VoltDB, you will need to save and restore the snapshot manually. The procedure to do that is as follows:
Place the database in admin mode (using voltadmin pause).
Perform a manual snapshot of the database (using voltadmin save --blocking).
Shutdown the database (using voltadmin shutdown).
Upgrade the VoltDB software.
Initialize a new database root directory (using the voltdb init --force action).
Start the database in admin mode (using the voltdb start --pause action).
Restore the snapshot created in Step #2 (using voltadmin restore).
Return the database to normal operations (using voltadmin resume).
For customers upgrading from V6.x or earlier releases of VoltDB, please see the V6.0 Upgrade Notes.
For customers upgrading from V5.x or earlier releases of VoltDB, please see the V5.0 Upgrade Notes.
For customers upgrading from V4.x or earlier releases of VoltDB, please see the V4.0 Upgrade Notes.
Users of previous versions of VoltDB should take note of the following changes that might impact their existing applications.
1. Release V7.4.1 (November 6, 2017) | ||||
The following issue has been corrected: | ||||
1.1. | Race condition interferes with schema updates and statistics reporting | |||
Since VoltDB 7.1, there has been a race condition triggered by frequent schema changes (including updates to stored procedure classes or configuration options). The schema update could conflict with the gathering of database statistics, resulting in a number of different symptoms, including:
This issue has been resolved. | ||||
2. Release V7.4 (June 19, 2017) | ||||
2.1. | New DR DROP command | |||
There is a new voltadmin command to safely remove a single cluster from a multi-cluster XDCR environment without disrupting the connection between the remaining clusters. The DR DROP command tells a running cluster to send any queued binary logs, stop DR and inform the remaining clusters to remove it from the XDCR environment. See the description of the voltadmin utility in the Using VoltDB manual for details and an explanation of the difference between DR DROP and DR RESET. | ||||
2.2. | Support for alternate character sets in the csvloader utility | |||
The csvloader utility has a new option, | ||||
2.3. | New column added to the @Statistics DRPRODUCER selector output | |||
A new column, QUEUE_GAP, has been added to the return values of the DRPRODUCER selector of the @Statistics system procedure. This column indicates if there is a gap between the last acknowledged transaction and the next transaction queued for transmission to the DR consumer. See the description of the @Statistics system procedure in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
2.4. | The sqlcmd FILE directive now supports processing multiple files in a single batch | |||
Previously, the sqlcmd FILE directive let you process a single file containing SQL
statements (and other sqlcmd directives). The directive has been extended to support a list of
files, separated by spaces. If you include the | ||||
2.5. | Support for converting Java BigDecimal to integer VoltDB datatypes | |||
Java BigDecimal values are now allowable input to VoltDB integer datatypes, including TINYINT, SHORTINT, INTEGER, and BIGINT. As with any datatype conversion, if the BigDecimal value overflows the target integer type it will generate a runtime error. See the appendix on datatype compatibility in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
2.6. | The voltdb init --schema option now ignores unsupported sqlcmd directives | |||
The | ||||
2.7. | Optimization of runtime schema changes | |||
As part of an ongoing effort to optimize and reduce the impact of changes to the running database — specifically changes to the schema, stored procedures, or configuration — the internal code to implement these actions is being reorganized. One consequence of this change is that the name of internal procedures reported by the @Statistics system procedure may change. For example, previously, schema changes were reported by the @Statistics INITIATOR and PROCEDURE selectors as the UpdateApplicationCatalog procedure. Now these actions are executed by the UpdateCore procedure. | ||||
2.8. | Hash indexes are now deprecated | |||
VoltDB uses tree indexes by default. It has been possible to request a hash index by including the string "hash" in the index name. However, testing shows that in most cases, tree indexes are more effective or at least as effective as hash indexes. Consequently, hash indexes are now deprecated and will be removed at an upcoming major release. | ||||
2.9. | Additional improvements | |||
In addition to the new features and capabilities described above, the following limitations in previous versions have been resolved:
| ||||
3. Release V7.3 (May 24, 2017) | ||||
3.1. | New online upgrade process for VoltDB software | |||
There is a new process available for upgrading VoltDB software on a running cluster using XDCR without requiring a second set of cluster hardware. Upgrading the software between two XDCR clusters is the easiest method. However, if you do not want or have the resources for a second separate cluster, the new process uses XDCR and K-safety to split an existing cluster into two and upgrade the two halves through XDCR. See the section on "Performing an Online Upgrade with Limited Hardware" in the VoltDB Administrator's Guide for details. | ||||
3.2. | New @Statistics selector for measuring latency | |||
There is a new selector for the @Statistics system procedure, LATENCY, which provides periodic latency statistics. The statistics are generated every five seconds and provide both maximum and various levels of percentile measurement up to 99.999%. See the description of the @Statistics system procedure in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
3.3. | Support for Kerberos when using the VoltDB command line utilities | |||
Kerberos support has been extended to provide integration with the VoltDB command line utilities, such as sqlcmd and voltadmin. See the discussion of "Accessing the Database from the Command Line" in the Kerberos section of the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
3.4. | Beta release of kafkaloader utility support for Kafka version 0.10.2 | |||
There is a new version of the kafkaloader utility, named kafkaloader10, that works with Kafka version 0.10.2. There are enough differences between Kafka 0.8.2 and 0.10.2 that two separate utilities will be maintained for the foreseeable future. Customers interested in using kafkaloader10 are encouraged to try this beta release and
provide us feedback. Note however, it has not yet received the rigorous testing of the default 0.8.2 version of
kafkaloader and should not be considered production-ready quite yet. See the online help for
kafkaloader10 in the | ||||
3.5. | Ability to choose a preferred source for a new XDCR connection | |||
It is now possible to select one cluster in a multi-cluster XDCR configuration as the preferred host of the
initial synchronizing snapshot when the current cluster joins the environment. You use the <dr id="3" role="xdcr" >
<connection source="svra,svrb,svrc" preferred-source="2" />
</dr> Note that | ||||
3.6. | New Import tab in the VoltDB Management Center | |||
There is a new tab available in the VoltDB Management Center that helps you monitor the progress of import connectors. The new Import tab is only visible when import connectors are configured and active. | ||||
3.7. | Improved performance and reduced bandwidth use in the VoltDB Management Center | |||
The VoltDB Management Center (VMC) has been optimized to reduce its bandwidth use and thereby improve overall performance. | ||||
3.8. | Ability to export table and column names in lowercase for JDBC targets | |||
By default, VoltDB sends SQL statements through the JDBC export connector using all uppercase table and column
names. However, a few databases (most notably, PostgreSQL) are case-sensitive. There is a new property for the JDBC
connector that tells VoltDB to use lowercase table and column names. The | ||||
3.9. | Deprecation notice: Java client API method updateApplicationCatalog() | |||
There is a method in the VoltDB Java client API, | ||||
3.10. | Additional improvements | |||
In addition to the new features and capabilities described above, the following limitations in previous versions have been resolved:
| ||||
4. Release V7.2 (April 25, 2017) | ||||
4.1. | Ability to initialize root directory with schema and procedure classes | |||
It is now possible to add a starting schema and procedure classes when you initialize the database root
directory. The new options $ voltdb init --config=deployment.xml \ --schema=myschema.sql --classes=myprocs.jar See the description of the voltdb init command in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
4.2. | Enhancements to the DR reset command for managing XDCR environments | |||
In multi-cluster XDCR environments, it is now possible to drop one cluster from the network without disrupting replication between the remaining clusters by using the voltadmin dr reset --cluster command. See the description of the voltadmin command in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
4.3. | DR support for @SwapTables | |||
Use of the @SwapTables system procedure is now supported by database replication (DR). Swapping tables on a producer cluster acts like a schema change, causing the consumer cluster to pause until you execute the same @SwapTables statement on the consumer. See the description of the @SwapTables system procedure in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
4.4. | Support for subqueries in data manipulation language (DML) statements | |||
Data manipulation language (DML) statements, such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, now support subqueries. See the description of the individual statements in the appendix of supported SQL statements in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
4.5. | New voltadmin status command | |||
There is a new command, voltadmin status, that reports the current status of a running
cluster. Information in the output includes the number and IP addresses of the servers in the cluster and if any
nodes are missing from a K-safe cluster. You can also add the | ||||
4.6. | New voltdb collect syntax | |||
The syntax for the voltdb collect command has been enhanced to be consistent with the other
voltdb commands, such as get, init, and
start. The voltdb collect command now let's you specify the location of the
root directory using the | ||||
4.7. | Improved logging of security events and configuration changes | |||
VoltDB now provides more thorough logging of security events. Specifically, every authorization failure is logged, each user who successfully authenticates is logged, and every configuration change is logged prior to the change being made. | ||||
4.8. | New documentation of custom exporters, importers, and formatters | |||
A new chapter on writing custom exporters, importers and formatters has been added to the VoltDB Guide to Performance and Customization. | ||||
4.9. | Additional improvements | |||
In addition to the new features and capabilities described above, the following limitations in previous versions have been resolved:
| ||||
5. Release V7.1 (March 21, 2017) | ||||
5.1. | Support for TLS encryption on external ports | |||
VoltDB now supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) — the recommended upgrade from Secure Socket Layer
(SSL) encryption — for all externally accessible ports, not just the HTTP port. With TLS enabled, data passing
through both the client and admin ports is encrypted. If encryption is enabled for the client and admin ports, you
must use the ImportantTo support the new options, the configuration of TLS in the deployment file has been reorganized. Customers who previously enabled TLS encryption for the HTTP port only will need to change their configuration files. For example, the old and new syntax for enabling TLS on the HTTP port is: Old Syntax <httpd> <https enabled="true"> [ . . . ] </https> </httpd> New Syntax <ssl enabled="true"> [ . . . ] </ssl> See the section on using TLS/SSL encryption in the VoltDB Administrator's Guide for details on setting up TLS for a VoltDB cluster. | ||||
5.2. | Ability to retrieve the schema, procedures, and configuration from a database | |||
Three new voltdb commands have been added that allow you to extract the schema, stored procedures, and configuration from the local database root directory. These commands can be used whether the database is running or not. The new commands are:
See the description of the voltdb command in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
5.3. | New statistics provide performance details about individual statements within a procedure. | |||
A new selector, PROCEDUREDETAIL, for the @Statistics system procedure provides detailed performance information about the execution of individual statements within stored procedures. See the description of the @Statistics system procedure in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
5.4. | New system procedure lets you swap two tables | |||
A new system procedure, @SwapTables, lets you swap the contents of two tables. The two tables must have the identical schema (that is, the same column names, datatypes, and constraints) and cannot have views defined. See the description of the @SwapTables system procedure in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
5.5. | Ability to restart a partial cluster | |||
It is now possible to restart a K-safe cluster with fewer than the original number of nodes. For example, if
one server fails on a five node cluster and you want to restart the cluster but the failed server is not ready, you
can start the cluster with the remaining four nodes by using the $ voltdb start --count=5 --missing=1 Note that the partial cluster is not fully K-safe to its specified K-safety value until the full complement of nodes rejoin the cluster. See the description of the voltdb command in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
5.6. | New SQL functions for handling internet addresses | |||
There are four new SQL functions to convert internet addresses from text strings to binary and back again. Two functions (INET_ATON and INET_NTOA) convert IPv4 addresses and two (INET6_ATON and INET6_NTOA) convert IPv6 addresses. See the Appendix of SQL Functions in the Using VoltDB manual for details. | ||||
5.7. | Statistics related to schema changes are no longer reset by each change | |||
Previously, the information gathered by the @Statistics system procedure related to schema changes (from DML statements or calls to @UpdateClasses or @UpdateApplicationCatalog) was reset each time the database schema changed. Schema changes no longer reset the statistics on each invocation. Also, every schema change is recorded, rather than the 5% sampling done for other procedures. | ||||
5.8. | SNMP traps now report database replication (DR) events | |||
VoltDB can send SNMP traps for selected database events, such as node failures or when resource limits are reached. Starting with V7.1, it also reports database replication (DR) events when DR is enabled. | ||||
5.9. | New index optimizations | |||
We continue to extend support for the use of indexes to optimize the execution of SQL statements. Two new uses of indexes are when evaluating:
| ||||
5.10. | Enhancements to the kafkaloader utility | |||
Three new features have been added to the kafkaloader utility:
See the online help for the kafkaloader utility for details. | ||||
5.11. | Improved performance when updating procedure classes | |||
Previously, updating the stored procedure classes (using the sqlcmd LOAD CLASSES directive or the @UpdateClasses system procedure) updated all of the classes in the schema. As a result, the more classes in the schema, the longer the update would take, even if the update itself was small. VoltDB now updates only those classes affected by the change, significantly reducing the time required for the update to complete. | ||||
5.12. | Managing heterogeneous clusters in Database Replication (DR) | |||
You can create a DR environment using clusters running different versions of VoltDB. However, to support new functionality (in particular, multi-cluster XDCR) the DR protocol changed in V7.0. That major version acts as a gateway between earlier and later releases. In other words, you can run a V7.0 cluster with earlier versions, or you can run a 7.0 cluster with later versions. However, you cannot run pre-V7.0 clusters with post-V7.0 clusters. As a consequence, if you want to perform an in-service upgrade (using different version clusters) to upgrade a DR environment using a pre-V7.0 version (say, V6.9) to V7.1 or later, you must upgrade all clusters to V7.0 first, then upgrade to your final target version. Of course, you can always use the normal single-cluster upgrade process to go directly from V6.x to V7.x if you choose. | ||||
5.13. | VoltDB servers no longer support SHA-1 | |||
To ensure the security of VoltDB servers, the database no longer accepts SHA-1 for hashed data. All hashed data (such as passwords etc) must be hashed using SHA-256. Note: this is an incompatible change. Some earlier client libraries will not be able to connect to the V7.1 servers because they do not support the more robust SHA-256 hashing. | ||||
5.14. | Additional improvements | |||
In addition to the new features and capabilities described above, the following limitations in previous versions have been resolved:
| ||||
6. Release V7.0.1 (March 16, 2017) | ||||
6.1. | Recent improvements | |||
The following limitations in previous versions have been resolved:
| ||||
7. Release V7.0 (January 30, 2017) | ||||
7.1. | Updated operating system and software requirements | |||
The operating system and software requirements for VoltDB have been updated based on changes to the supported versions of the underlying technologies. Specifically:
| ||||
7.2. | Improved configuration and reporting for database replication (DR) | |||
As mentioned earlier, the addition of the | ||||
7.3. | VoltDB now protects against inserting invalid values into TIMESTAMP columns | |||
Previously, VoltDB allowed any 8-byte integer as input to a TIMESTAMP column. However, the TIMESTAMP functions limit the values to those defined by the MIN_VALID_TIMESTAMP() and MAX_VALID_TIMESTAMP() functions. Starting with V7.0, VoltDB no longer accepts values outside of the valid timestamp range for TIMESTAMP columns. Note that this is an incompatible change and may require changes to applications that are inadvertently inserting invalid timestamp values. If so, you can use the IS_VALID_TIMESTAMP() function to validate input values before inserting them into TIMESTAMP columns. | ||||
7.4. | Additional improvements | |||
In addition to the new features and capabilities described above, the following limitations in previous versions have been resolved:
The following are known limitations to the current release of VoltDB. Workarounds are suggested where applicable. However, it is important to note that these limitations are considered temporary and are likely to be corrected in future releases of the product.
The following notes provide details concerning how certain VoltDB features operate. The behavior is not considered incorrect. However, this information can be important when using specific components of the VoltDB product.