Ipsilon Infrastructure SOP

Contact Information


Fedora Infrastructure Team



Primary upstream contact

Patrick Uiterwijk - FAS: puiterwijk

Backup upstream contact

Simo Sorce - FAS: simo (irc: simo) Howard Johnson - FAS: merlinthp (irc: MerlinTHP) Rob Crittenden - FAS: rcritten (irc: rcrit)

  • ipsilon01.iad2.fedoraproject.org

  • ipsilon02.iad2.fedoraproject.org

  • ipsilion01.stg.iad2.fedoraproject.org


Ipsilon is our central authentication service that is used to authenticate users agains FAS. It is seperate from FAS.


Ipsilon is our central authentication agent that is used to authenticate users agains FAS. It is seperate from FAS. The only service that is not using this currently is the wiki. It is a web service that is presented via httpd and is load balanced by our standard haproxy setup.

Known issues

No known issues at this time. There is not currently a logout option for ipsilon, but it is not considered an issue. If group memberships are updated in ipsilon the user will need to wait a few minutes for them to replicate to the all the systems.


To restart the application you simply need to ssh to the servers for the problematic region and issue an service httpd restart. This should rarely be required.


Configuration is handled by the ipsilon.yaml playbook in Ansible. This can also be used to reconfigure application, if that becomes necessary.

Common actions

This section describes some common configuration actions.

OpenID Connect Scope Registration

As documented on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Authentication, application developers can request their own scopes. When a request for this comes in, look in ansible/roles/ipsilon/files/oidc_scopes/ and copy an example module. Copy this to a new file, so we have a file per scope set. Fill in the information:

  • name is an Ipsilon-internal name. This should not include any spaces

  • display_name is the name that is displayed to the category of scopes to the user

  • scopes is a dictionary with the full scope identifier (with namespace) as keys. The values are dicts with the following keys:

    • display_name: The complete display name for this scope. This is what the user gets shown to accept/reject

    • claims: A list of additional "claims" (pieces of user information) an application will get when the user consents to this scope. For most scopes, this will be the empty list.

In ansible/roles/ipsilon/tasks/main.yml, add the name of the new file (without .py) to the with_items of "Copy OpenID Connect scope registrations"). To enable, open ansible/roles/ipsilon/templates/configuration.conf, and look for the lines starting with "openidc enabled extensions". Add the name of the plugin (in the "name" field of the file) to the environment this scopeset has been requested for. Run the ansible ipsilon.yml playbook.

Generate an OpenID Connect token

There is a handy script in the Ansible project under scripts/generate-oidc-token that can help you generate an OIDC token. It has a self-explanatory --help argument, and it will print out some SQL that you can run against Ipsilon’s database, as well as the token that you seek.

The SERVICE_NAME (the required positional argument) is the name of the application that wants to use the token to perform actions against another service.

To generate the scopes, you can visit our authentication docs and find the service you want the token to be used for. Each service has a base namespace (a URL) and one or more scopes for that namespace. To form a scope for this script, you concatenate the namespace of the service with the scope you want to grant the service. You can provide the script the -s flag multiple times if you want to grant more than one scope to the same token.

As an example, to give Bodhi access to create waivers in WaiverDB, you can see that the base namespace is https://waiverdb.fedoraproject.org/oidc/ and that there is a create-waiver scope. You can run this to generate Ipsilon SQL and a token with that scope:

[bowlofeggs@batcave01 ansible][PROD]$ ./scripts/generate-oidc-token bodhi -e 365 -s https://waiverdb.fedoraproject.org/oidc/create-waiver

Run this SQL against Ipsilon's database:

--------START CUTTING HERE--------
insert into token values ('2a5f2dff-4e93-4a8d-8482-e62f40dce046','username','bodhi@service');
insert into token values ('2a5f2dff-4e93-4a8d-8482-e62f40dce046','security_check','-ptBqVLId-kUJquqkVyhvR0DbDULIiKp1eqbXqG_dfVK9qACU6WwRBN3-7TRfoOn');
insert into token values ('2a5f2dff-4e93-4a8d-8482-e62f40dce046','client_id','bodhi');
insert into token values ('2a5f2dff-4e93-4a8d-8482-e62f40dce046','expires_at','1557259744');
insert into token values ('2a5f2dff-4e93-4a8d-8482-e62f40dce046','type','Bearer');
insert into token values ('2a5f2dff-4e93-4a8d-8482-e62f40dce046','issued_at','1525723744');
insert into token values ('2a5f2dff-4e93-4a8d-8482-e62f40dce046','scope','["openid", "https://someapp.fedoraproject.org/"]');
-------- END CUTTING HERE --------

Token: 2a5f2dff-4e93-4a8d-8482-e62f40dce046_-ptBqVLId-kUJquqkVyhvR0DbDULIiKp1eqbXqG_dfVK9qACU6WwRBN3-7TRfoOn

Once you have the SQL, you can run it against Ipsilon’s database, and you can provide the token to the application through some secure means (such as putting into Ansible’s secrets and telling the requestor the Ansible variable they can use to access it.)

Create OpenID Connect secrets for apps

Application wanting to use OpenID Connect need to register against our OpenID Connect server (Ipsilon). Since we do not allow self-registration (except on iddev.fedorainfracloud.org) for obvious reasons, the secrets need to be created and configured per application and environment (production vs staging).

To do so: - Go to the private ansible repository. - Edit the file: files/ipsilon/openidc.{site}.static - At the bottom of this file, add the information concerning the application you are adding. This will look something like:

fedocal client_name="fedocal"
fedocal client_secret="<long random string>"
fedocal redirect_uris=["https://calendar.stg.fedoraproject.org/oidc_callback"]
fedocal client_uri="https://calendar.stg.fedoraproject.org/"
fedocal ipsilon_internal={"type":"static","client_id":"fedocal","trusted":true}
fedocal contacts=["[email protected]"]
fedocal client_id=null
fedocal policy_uri="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:PrivacyPolicy"
fedocal grant_types="authorization_code"
fedocal response_types="code"
fedocal application_type="web"
fedocal subject_type="pairwise"
fedocal logo_uri=null
fedocal tos_uri=null
fedocal jwks_uri=null
fedocal jwks=null
fedocal sector_identifier_uri=null
fedocal request_uris=[]
fedocal require_auth_time=null
fedocal token_endpoint_auth_method="client_secret_post"
fedocal id_token_signed_response_alg="RS256"
fedocal request_object_signing_alg="none"
fedocal initiate_login_uri=null
fedocal default_max_age=null
fedocal default_acr_values=null
fedocal client_secret_expires_at=0

In most of situation, only the first 5 lines (up to ipsilon_internal) will change. If the application is not using flask-oidc or is not maintained by the Fedora Infrastructure the first 11 lines (up to application_type) may change. The remaining lines require a deeper understanding of OpenID Connect and Ipsilon.

client_id in ipsilon_internal must match the begining of the line, and the client_id field must either match the begining of the line or be null as in the example here.

In our OpenID connect server, OIDC.user_getfield('nickname') will return the FAS username, which we know from FAS is unique. However, not all OpenID Connect servers enforce this constraint, so the application code may rely on the sub which is the only key that is sure to be unique. If the application relies on sub and wants sub to return the FAS username, then the configuration should be adjusted with: subject_type="public".

After adjusting this file, you will need to make the client_secret available to the application via ansible, for this simply add it to vars.yml as we do for the other private variables and provide the variable name to the person who requested it.

Finally, commit and push the changes to both files and run the ipsilon.yml playbook.