Voting Infrastructure SOP
The live voting instance can be found at
and the staging instance at
The code base can be found at
Contact Information
- Owner
Fedora Infrastructure Team
- Contact
#fedora-admin, elections
- Servers
elections0\{1,2}, elections01.stg, db02
- Purpose
Provides a system for voting on Fedora matters
Creating a new election
Creating the elections
Log in
Go to "Admin" in the menu at the top, select "Create new election" and fill in the form.
The "usefas" option results in candidate names being looked up as FAS usernames an displayed as their real name.
An alias should be added when creating a new election as this is used in the link on the page of listed elections on the frontpage.
Complete the election form:
- Alias
A short name for the election. It is the name that will be used in the templates.
Example: FESCo2014
- Summary
A simple name that will be used in the URLs and as in the links in the application
Example: FESCo elections 2014
- Description
A short description about the elections that will be displayed above the choices in the voting page
- Type
Allow setting the types of elections (more on that below)
- Maxium Range/Votes
Allow setting options for some election type (more on that below)
A URL pointing to more information about the election
Example: the wiki page presenting the election
- Start Date
The Start of the elections (UTC)
- End Date
The Close of the elections (UTC)
- Number Elected
The number of seats that will be selected among the candidates after the election
- Candidates are FAS users?
Checkbox allowing integration between FAS account and their names retrieved from FAS.
- Embargo results
If this is set then it will require manual intervention to release the results of the election
- Legal voters groups
Used to restrict the votes to one or more FAS groups.
- Admin groups
Give admin rights on that election to one or more FAS groups
Adding Candidates
The list of all the elections can be found at voting/admin/
Click on the election of interest and and select "Add a candidate".
Each candidate is added with a name and an URL. The name can be his/her FAS username (interesting if the checkbox that candidates are FAS users has been checked when creating the calendar) or something else.
The URL can be a reference to the wiki page where they nominated themselves.
This will add extra candidates to the available list.
Modifying an Election
Changing the details of an Election
This page can also be used to verify details of an election before it opens for voting. |
The list of all the elections can be found at /voting/admin/
After finding the right election, click on it to have the overview and select "Edit election" under the description.
Edit a candidate
On the election overview page found via /voting/admin/
(and clicking
on the election of interest), next to each candidate is an
edit button allowing the admins to edit the information
relative to the candidate.
Admins have early access to the results of the elections (regardless of the embargo status).
The list of the closed elections can be found at /voting/archives
Find there the election of interest and click on the "Results" link in the last column of the table. This will show you the Results page included who was elected based on the number of seats elected entered when creating the election.
You may use these information to send out the results email.
The information below should now be included in the Results page (see above) but I left them here in case. |
Other things you might need to query
The current election software doesn’t retrieve all of the information that we like to include in our results emails. So we have to query the database for the extra information. You can use something like this to retrieve the total number of voters for the election:
SELECT, e.shortdesc, COUNT(distinct v.voter) FROM elections AS e LEFT JOIN votes AS v ON WHERE e.shortdesc in ('FAmSCo - February 2014') GROUP BY, e.shortdesc;
You may also want to include the vote tally per candidate for convenience when the FPL emails the election results:
SELECT, e.shortdesc,, c.novotes FROM elections AS e LEFT JOIN fvotecount AS c ON WHERE e.shortdesc in ('FAmSCo - February 2014', 'FESCo - February 2014') ;
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