This SOP covers how Fedora Infrastructure handles General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Subject Access Requests (SAR). It contains information about how system administrators will use tooling to respond to SARs, as well as how application developers can integrate their applications with that tooling.

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Fedora Infrastructure Team





Servers Various application servers, which will run scripts to collect SAR data.


Respond to SARs.

Responding to a SAR

This section covers how a system administrator will use our sar.yml playbook to respond to a SAR.

When processing a SAR, perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that the requester is who they say they are. If the request came in email and the user has a FAS account, ask them to file an issue at Use the following in email reply to them:

    In order to verify your identity, please file a new issue at using the appropriate issue type. Please note this form requires you to sign in to your account to verify your identity.

    If the request has come via Red Hat internal channels as an explicit request to delete, mark the ticket with the tag rh. This tag will help delineate requests for any future reporting needs.

  2. Identify an e-mail address for the requester, and if applicable, their FAS account name. The SAR playbook will use both of these since some applications have data associated with FAS accounts and others have data associated with e-mail addresses. Update the fedora-pdr issue saying the request has been received. There is a 'quick response' in the pagure issue tracker to note this.

  3. Run the SAR playbook on batcave01. You will need to define three Ansible variables for the playbook. sar_fas_user will be the FAS username, if applicable; this may be omitted if the requester does not have a FAS account. sar_email will be the e-mail address associated with the user. sar_tar_output_path will be the path you want the playbook to write the resulting tarball to, and should have a .tar.gz extension. For example, if bowlofeggs submitted a SAR and his e-mail address is [email protected], you might run the playbook like this:

    $ sudo ansible-playbook playbooks/manual/gdpr/sar.yml -e sar_fas_user=bowlofeggs \
        -e [email protected] -e sar_tar_output_path=/home/bowlofeggs/bowlofeggs.tar.gz
  4. Generate a random sha512 with something like: openssl rand 512 | sha512sum and then move the output file to /srv/web/infra/pdr/the-sha512.tar.gz

  5. Change the SELinux context for HTTP server.

    $ semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t /srv/web/infra/pdr/the-sha512.tar.gz
    $ restorecon /srv/web/infra/pdr/the-sha512.tar.gz
  6. Update the ticket to fixed / processed on pdr requests to have a link to and tell them it will be available for one week.

Integrating an application with our SAR playbook

This section covers how an infrastructure application can be configured to integrate with our sar.yml playbook. To integrate, you must create a script and Ansible variables so that your application is compatible with this playbook.


You need to create a script and have your project’s Ansible role install that script somewhere (most likely on a host from your project - for example Bodhi’s is going on bodhi-backend02.) It’s not a bad idea to put your script into your upstream project - there are plans for upstream Bodhi to ship bodhi-sar, for example. This script should accept two environment variables as input: SAR_USERNAME and SAR_EMAIL. Not all applications will use both, so do what makes sense for your application. The first will be a FAS username and the second will be an e-mail address. Your script should gather the required information related to those identifiers and print it in a machine readable format to stdout. Bodhi, for example, prints information to stdout in JSON.

Some scripts may need secrets embedded in them - if you must do this be careful to install the script with 0700 permissions, ensuring that only sar_script_user (defined below) can run them. Bodhi worked around this concern by having the script run as apache so it could read Bodhi’s server config file to get the secrets, so it does not have secrets in its script.


In addition to writing a script, you need to define some Ansible variables for the host that will run your script:

Variable Description Example


The full path to the script.



The user the script should be run as



The name of the file to write into the output tarball


You also need to add the host that the script should run on to the [sar] group in inventory/inventory:


Variables for OpenShift apps

When you need to add OpenShift app to SAR playbook, you need to add following variables to existing sar_openshift dictionary:

Variable Description Example


The full path to the script.



The name of the file to write into the output tarball



The namespace in which the application is running



The pod name in which the script will be run


The sar_openshift dictionary is located in inventory/group_vars/os_masters:

    # Name of the app
      sar_script: /usr/local/bin/
      sar_output_file: anitya.json
      openshift_namespace: release-monitoring
      openshift_pod: release-monitoring-web