OpenQA Infrastructure SOP

OpenQA is an automated test system used to run validation tests on nightly and candidate Fedora composes, and also to run a subset of these tests on critical path updates.

Wiki page on Fedora openQA deployment:

Upstream project page:

Contact Information


Fedora QA devel


#fedora-qa, #fedora-admin, qa-devel mailing list


Adam Williamson (adamwill / adamw), Lukas Ruzicka (lruzicka)


See ansible inventory groups with 'openqa' in name


Run automated tests on VMs via screen recognition and VNC input


Each openQA instance consists of a server (these are virtual machines) and one or more worker hosts (these are bare metal systems). The server schedules tests ("jobs", in openQA parlance) and stores results and associated data. The worker hosts run "jobs" and send the results back to the server. The server also runs some message consumers to handle automatic scheduling of jobs and reporting of results to external systems (ResultsDB and Wikitcms).


The server runs a web UI for viewing scheduled, running and completed tests and their data, with an admin interface where many aspects of the system can be configured (though we do not use the web UI for several aspects of configuration). There are several separate services that run on each server, and communicate with each other mainly via dbus. Each server requires its own PostgreSQL database. The web UI and websockets server are made externally available via reverse proxying through an Apache server.

It hosts an NFS share that contains the tests, the 'needles' (screenshots with metadata as JSON files that are used for screen matching), and test 'assets' like ISO files and disk images. The path is /var/lib/openqa/share/factory.

In our deployment, the PostgreSQL database for each instance is hosted by the QA database server. Also, some paths on the server are themselves mounted as NFS shares from the infra storage server. This is so that these are not lost if the server is re-deployed, and can easily be backed up. These locations contain the data from each executed job. As both the database and these key data files are not actually stored on the server, the server can be redeployed from scratch without loss of any data (at least, this is the intent).

Also in our deployment, an openQA plugin (which we wrote, but which is part of the upstream codebase) is enabled which publishes messages on various events.

The server systems run a message consumer for the purpose of automatically scheduling jobs in response to the appearance of new composes and critical path updates, and one each for the purpose of reporting the results of completed jobs to ResultsDB and Wikitcms. These use the fm-consumer@ pattern from fedora-messaging.

Worker hosts

The worker hosts run several individual worker 'instances' (via systemd’s 'instantiated service' mechanism), each of which registers with the server and accepts jobs from it, uploading the results of the job and some associated data to the server on completion. The worker instances and server communicate both via a conventional web API provided by the server and via websockets. When a worker runs a job, it starts a qemu virtual machine (directly - libvirt is not used) and interacts with it via VNC and the serial console, following a set of steps dictating what it should do and what response it should expect in terms of screen contents or serial console output. The server 'pushes' jobs to the worker instances over a websocket connection.

Each worker host must mount the /var/lib/openqa/share/factory NFS share provided by the server. If this share is not mounted, any jobs run will fail immediately due to expected asset and test files not being found.

Some worker hosts for each instance are denominated 'tap workers', meaning they run some advanced jobs which use software-defined networking (openvswitch) to interact with each other. All the configuration for this should be handled by the ansible scripts, but it’s useful to be aware that there is complex software-defined networking stuff going on on these hosts which could potentially be the source of problems (backed by openvswitch). There is some more detail on this in the wiki page and upstream docs; refer to the ansible plays for the details of how it’s actually configured.

Deployment and regular operation

Deployment and normal update of the openQA systems should run entirely through Ansible. Just running the appropriate ansible plays for the systems should complete the entire deployment / update process, though it is best to check after running them that there are no failed services on any of the systems (restart any that failed), and that the web UI is properly accessible.

Regular operation of the openQA deployments is entirely automated. Jobs should be scheduled and run automatically when new composes and critical path updates appear, and results should be reported to ResultsDB and Wikitcms (when appropriate). Dynamically generated assets should be regenerated regularly, including across release boundaries (see the section on createhdds below): no manual intervention should be required when a new Fedora release appears. If any of this does not happen, something is wrong, and manual inspection is needed.

Our usual practice is to upgrade the openQA systems to new Fedora releases promptly as they appear, using dnf system-upgrade. This is done manually. We usually upgrade the staging instance first and watch for problems for a week or two before upgrading production.

Rebooting / restarting

The optimal approach to rebooting an entire openQA deployment is as follows:

  1. Reboot the server

  2. Check for failed services (systemctl --failed) and restart any that failed

  3. Once the server is fully functional, reboot the worker hosts

  4. Check for failed services and restart any that failed, particularly the NFS mount service, on each worker host

  5. Check in the web UI for failed jobs and restart them, especially tests of updates

Rebooting the workers after the server is important due to the NFS share.

If only the server needs restarting, the entire procedure above should ideally be followed in any case, to ensure there are no issues with the NFS mount breaking due to the server reboot, or the server and worker getting confused about running jobs due to the websockets connections being restarted.

If only a worker host needs restarting, there is no need to restart the server too. Ideally, wait until no jobs are running on that host, and stop all open-worker@ services on the host before rebooting it; but in a pinch, if you reboot with running jobs, they should be automatically rescheduled. Still, you should manually check in the web UI for failed jobs and restart them.

There are two ways to check if jobs are running and if so where. You can go to the web UI for the server and click 'All Tests'. If any jobs are running, you can open each one individually (click the link in the 'Test' column) and look at the 'Assigned worker', which will tell you which host the job is running on. Or, if you have admin access, you can go to the admin menu (top right of the web UI, once you are logged in) and click on 'Workers', which will show the status of all known workers for that server, and select 'Working' in the state filter box. This will show all workers currently working on a job.


New tests not being scheduled

Check that fm-consumer@fedora_openqa_scheduler.service is enabled, running, and not crashing. If that doesn’t do the trick, the scheduler may be broken or the expected messages may not be being published.

Results not being reported to resultsdb and/or the wiki

Check that fm-consumer@fedora_openqa_resultsdb_reporter.service and fm-consumer@fedora_openqa_wiki_reporter.service are enabled, running, and not crashing.

Services that write to the wiki keep crashing

If fm-consumer@fedora_openqa_wiki_reporter.service (and other services that write to the wiki, like the relval and relvalami consumers) are constantly failing/crashing, the API token may have been overwritten somehow. Re-run the relevant plays (on batcave01):

sudo rbac-playbook groups/openqa.yml -t openqa_dispatcher

If this does not sort it out, you may need help from a wiki admin to work out what’s going on.

Many tests failing on the same worker host, in unusual ways

Sometimes, worker hosts can just "go bad", through memory exhaustion, for instance. This usually manifests as unusual test failures (for instance, failures very early in a test that aren’t caused by invalid test files, tests that time out when they usually would not, or tests that seem to just die suddenly with a cryptic error message). If you encounter this, just reboot the affected worker host. This is more common on staging than production, as we intentionally run the older, weaker worker hosts on the staging instance. If things are particularly bad you may not be able to ssh into the host, and will need to reboot it from the sideband controller; if you’re not sure how to do this, contact someone from sysadmin-main for assistance.

Tests failing early, complaining about missing assets

If many tests are failing early with errors suggesting they can’t find required files, check for failed services on the worker hosts. Sometimes the NFS mount service fails and needs restarting.

Disk space issues: server local root

If a server is running out of space on its local root partition, the cause is almost certainly asset storage. Almost all the space on the server root partition is used by test assets (ISO and hard disk image files).

openQA has a system for limiting the amount of space used by asset storage, which we configure via ansible variables. Check the values of the openqa_assetsize* variables in the openQA server group variables in ansible. If the settings for the server sum to the amount of space used, or more than it, those settings may need to be reduced. If there seems to be more space used than the settings would allow for, there may be an issue preventing the openQA task that actually enforces the limits from running: check the "Minion Dashboard" (from the top-right menu) in the openQA web UI and look for stuck or failed limit_assets tasks (or just check whether any have completed recently; the task is scheduled after each completed job so it should run frequently). There is also an "Assets" link in the menu which gives you a web UI view of the limits on each job group and the current size and present assets, though note the list of present assets and the current size is updated by the limit_assets task, so it will be inaccurate if that is not being run successfully. You must be an openQA operator to access the "Assets" view, and an administrator to access the "Minion Dashboard".

In a pinch, if there is no space and tests are failing, you can wipe older, larger asset files in /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/iso and /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/hdd to get things moving again while you debug the issue. This is better than letting new tests fail.

Disk space issues: testresults and images NFS share

As mentioned above, the server mounts two NFS shares from the infra storage server, at /var/lib/openqa/images and /var/lib/openqa/testresults (they are both actually backed by a single volume). These are where the screenshots, video and logs of the executed tests are stored. If they fill up, tests will start to fail.

openQA has a garbage collection mechanism which deletes (most) files from (most) jobs when they are six months old, which ought to keep usage of these shares in a steady state. However, if we enhance test coverage so openQA is running more tests in any given six month period than earlier ones, space usage will increase correspondingly. It can also increase in response to odd triggers like a bug which causes a lot of messages to be logged to a serial console, or a test being configured to upload a very large file as a log.

More importantly, there is a snapshot mechanism configured on this volume for the production instance, so space usage will always gradually increase there. When the volume gets too full, we must delete some older snapshots to free up space. This must be done by an infra storage admin. The volume’s name is fedora_openqa.

Scheduling jobs manually

While it is not normally necessary, you may sometimes need to run or re-run jobs manually.

The simplest cases can be handled by an admin from the web UI: for a logged-in admin, all scheduled and running tests can be cancelled (from various views), and all completed tests can be restarted. 'Restarting' a job actually effectively clones it and schedules the clone to be run: it creates a new job with a new job ID, and the previous job still exists. openQA attempts to handle complex cases of inter-dependent jobs correctly when restarting, but doesn’t always manage to do it right; when it goes wrong, the best thing to do is usually to re-run all jobs for that medium.

Restarting a job should cause its status indicator (the little colored blob) to go blue. If nothing changes, the restart likely failed. An error message should explain why, but it always appears at the top of the page, so you may need to scroll up to see it. If restarting a test fails because an asset (an ISO file or hard disk image) is missing, you will need to re-schedule the tests (see below).

To run or re-run the full set of tests for a compose or update, you can use the fedora-openqa CLI. To run or re-run tests for a compose, use:

fedora-openqa compose -f (COMPOSE LOCATION)

where (COMPOSE LOCATION) is the full URL of the /compose subdirectory of the compose. If you have an existing test to use as a reference, go to the Settings tab, and the URL will be set as the LOCATION setting. This will only work for Pungi-produced composes with the expected productmd-format metadata, and a couple of other quite special cases.

The -f argument means 'force', and is necessary to re-run tests: usually, the scheduler will refuse to re-schedule tests that have already run, and -f overrides this.

To run or re-run tests for an update, use:

fedora-openqa update -f (UPDATEID)

where (UPDATEID) is the update’s ID - something like FEDORA-2018-blahblah.

To run or re-run only the tests for a specific "flavor", you can pass the --flavor (update) or --flavors (compose) argument - for an update it must be a single flavor, for a compose it may be a single flavor or a comma-separated list. The names of the flavors are shown in the web UI results overview for the compose or update, e.g. "Server-boot-iso". For update tests, omit the leading "updates-" in the flavor name (so, to re-schedule the "updates-workstation" tests for an update, you would pass --flavor workstation).

Less commonly, you can schedule tests for scratch builds using fedora-openqa task and side tags using fedora-openqa tag. This should usually only be done on the staging instance. See the help of fedora-openqa for more details.

openQA provides a special script for cloning an existing job but optionally changing one or more variable values, which can be useful in some situations. Using it looks like this:

/usr/share/openqa/script/ --skip-download --from localhost 123 RAWREL=28

to clone job 123 with the RAWREL variable set to '28', for instance. For interdependent jobs, you may or may not want to use the --skip-deps argument to avoid re-running the cloned job’s parent job(s), depending on circumstances.

In very odd circumstances you may need to schedule jobs via an API request using the low-level CLI client provided by upstream, openqa-client; see for details on this. You may need to refer to the file in the fedora_openqa source to figure out exactly what settings to pass to the scheduler when doing this. It’s extremely unusual to have to do this, though, so probably don’t worry about it.

Manual updates

In general updates to any of the components of the deployments should be handled via ansible: push the changes out in the appropriate way (git repo update, package update, etc.) and then run the ansible plays. There is an openqa_scratch variable which can be set to a list of Koji task IDs for scratch builds; these will be downloaded and configured as a side repository. This can be used to deploy a newer build of openQA and/or os-autoinst before it has reached updates-testing if desired (usually we would do this only on the staging instance). Also, the openqa_repo variable can be set to "updates-testing" to install or update openQA components with updates-testing enabled, to get a new version before it has waited a week to reach stable.

However, sometimes we do want to update or test a change to something manually for some reason. Here are some notes on those cases.

For updating openQA and/or os-autoinst packages: ideally, ensure no jobs are running. Then, update all installed subpackages on the server. The server services should be automatically restarted as part of the package update. Then, update all installed subpackages on the worker hosts. Usually this should cause the worker services to be restarted, but if not, a 'for' loop can help with that, for instance:

for i in {1..10}; do systemctl restart openqa-worker@$i.service; done

on a host with ten worker instances.

For updating the openQA tests:

cd /var/lib/openqa/share/tests/fedora
git pull (or git checkout (branch) or whatever)
./ -c -l templates.fif.json templates-updates.fif.json

The fifloader step is only necessary if there are any changes to the templates files.

For updating the scheduler code:

cd /root/fedora_openqa
git pull (or whatever changes)
python install
systemctl restart fm-consumer@fedora_openqa_scheduler.service
systemctl restart fm-consumer@fedora_openqa_resultsdb_reporter.service
systemctl restart fm-consumer@fedora_openqa_wiki_reporter.service

Updating other components of the scheduling process follow the same pattern: update the code or package, then remember to restart the message consumers. It’s possible for the openQA instances to need fedfind updates in advance of them being pushed to stable, for example when a new compose type is invented and fedfind doesn’t understand it, openQA can end up trying to schedule tests for it, or the scheduler consumer can crash; when this happens we have to fix and update fedfind on the openQA instances ASAP.


Just about all useful logging information for all aspects of openQA and the scheduling and report tools is logged to the journal, except that the Apache server logs may be of interest in debugging issues related to accessing the web UI or websockets server. To get more detailed logging from openQA components, change the logging level in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini from 'info' to 'debug' and restart the relevant services. Any run of the Ansible plays will reset this back to 'info'.

Occasionally the test execution logs may be useful in figuring out why all tests are failing very early, or some specific tests are failing due to an asset going missing, etc. Each job’s execution logs can be accessed through the web UI, on the Logs & Assets tab of the job page; the files are autoinst-log.txt and worker-log.txt.

Dynamic asset generation (createhdds)

Some of the hard disk image file 'assets' used by the openQA tests are created by a tool called createhdds, which is checked out of a git repo to /root/createhdds on the servers and also on some guests. This tool uses virt-install and the Python bindings for libguestfs to create various hard disk images the tests need to run. It is usually run in two different ways. The ansible plays run it in a mode where it will only create expected images that are entirely missing: this is mainly meant to facilitate initial deployment. The plays also install a file to /etc/cron.daily causing it to be run daily in a mode where it will also recreate images that are 'too old' (the age-out conditions for images are part of the tool itself).

This process isn’t 100% reliable; virt-install can sometimes fail, either just quasi-randomly or every time, in which case the cause of the failure needs to be figured out and fixed so the affected image can be (re-)built. This kind of failure is quite "invisible", as when regeneration of an image fails, we just keep the old version; this might be the problem if update tests start failing because the initial update to bring the system fully up to date times out, for instance.

The images for each arch are built on one worker host of that arch (nominated by inclusion in an ansible inventory group that exists for this purpose); those hosts have write access to the NFS share for this purpose.

Compose check reports (check-compose)

An additional ansible role runs on each openQA server, called check-compose. This role installs a tool (also called check-compose) and an associated message consumer. The consumer kicks in when all openQA tests for any compose finish, and uses the check-compose tool to send out an email report summarizing the results of the tests (well, the production server sends out emails, the staging server just logs the contents of the report). This role isn’t really a part of openQA proper, but is run on the openQA servers as it seems like as good a place as any to do it. As with all other message consumers, if making manual changes or updates to the components, remember to restart the consumer service afterwards.

Autocloud ResultsDB forwarder (autocloudreporter)

An ansible role called autocloudreporter also runs on the openQA production server. This has nothing to do with openQA at all, but is run there for convenience. This role deploys a fedmsg consumer that listens for fedmsgs indicating that Autocloud (a separate automated test system which tests cloud images) has completed a test run, then forwards those results to ResultsDB.