Semi-antique traditional belt bag all made of high-quality genuine leather. Elaborately designed and carefully seamed, the bag will reliably serve its owner for an extended period of time. Either you want to get some exceptional and useful leather stuff, or to make a memorable gift, the belt bag is the item worth considering. Dear Customers! We are glad to cooperate with shops and stores, please contact us if you are interested in our products to a single design, and in quantity. If you would li Larp Elf, Small Belt Bag, Traditional Belt, Waist Bag Leather, Fanny Pack Women, Leather Hip Bag, Small Belt, Leather Waist Bag, Fabric Purses

Compact belt bag

Product Details
Semi-antique traditional belt bag all made of high-quality genuine leather. Elaborately designed and carefully seamed, the bag will reliably serve its owner for an extended period of time. Either you want to get some exceptional and useful leather stuff, or to make a memorable gift, the belt bag is the item worth considering. Dear Customers! We are glad to cooperate with shops and stores, please contact us if you are interested in our products to a single design, and in quantity. If you would like to purchase more units of our goods, it will reduce your expenses. If you buy from 3 to 5 units of the same goods, you'll get a discount of 5%. If you buy from 6 units of the same goods, you'll get a discount of 10%.