These zesty earrings immediately made me think of tangy refreshing limoncello. That sounds delicious on a hot summer evening, sitting and watching the fireflies rise up from the grass at dusk. Did you know that adult fireflies only live for a few short weeks? They spend all their energy in that time glowing with all their might to find a mate and lay their eggs. They don't even eat! This is after spending an average of two years in a larval state. Bitter sweet and makes me love the little glow b Unique Handmade Summer Hoop Earrings, Unique Handmade Hoop Earrings For Summer, Bohemian Hoop Earrings For Spring Gift, Bohemian Hoop Earrings As Spring Gift, Handmade Bohemian Hoop Earrings For Spring, Bohemian Handmade Hoop Earrings For Spring, Minimalist Summer Earrings With Ear Wire, Natural Color Spring Jewelry Gift, Natural Jewelry Gift For Spring