Color Inspiration for The Darkly-Inclined

If you're anything like me, your natural impulse when faced with decisions involving colors is to make ALL THINGS BLACK ALL THE TIME BECAUSE, BLACK! Let me be clear: there's nothing wrong with that. Occasionally tho, one must select not-black things like paint colors, design palettes, graphic art color combos, and the list goes on. Here you'll find color inspiration based on HORROR FILM ART, PUNK/METAL ALBUM COVER ART, BANNED BOOK COVER ART, TAROT CARDS, COMICS, & more dark/alt art/media. Enjoy!
10 Pins
The Colors of Legion: Season 1 #colorpalette #legion #noahhawley #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #horrorpalette #legionpalette #horrorhaus
The Colors of Ridley Scott's Alien #colorpalette #nothingtofear #alien #ridleyscott #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #horrorpalette #alienpalette #horrorhaus
The Colors of Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy #colorpalette #housesoftheholy #ledzeppelin #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #albumpalette #housesoftheholypalette #horrorhaus
The Colors of Oingo Boingo's Nothing to Fear #colorpalette #nothingtofear #oingoboingo #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #albumpalette #nothingtofearpalette #horrorhaus
The Colors of Batman: The Killing Joke #colorpalette #thekillingjoke #batmanthekillingjoke #alanmoore #brianbolland #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #comicpalette #thekillingjokepalette #horrorhaus
The Colors of The Satanic Verses #colorpalette #thesatanicverses #salmanrushdie #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #bannedbookpalette #thesatanicversespalette #horrorhaus
The Colors of Henry & Glen Forever & Ever #colorpalette #henryandglen #henryandglenforeveaandever #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #comicpalette #henryandglenforeverandeverpalette #horrorhaus #relationshipgoals
The Colors of Dario Argento's Inferno #colorpalette #inferno #darioargento #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #horrorpalette #infernopalette #horrorhaus
The Colors of Tod Browning's Freaks #colorpalette #freaks #todbrowning #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #horrorpalette #freakspalette #horrorhaus
The Colors of Candyman #colorpalette #candyman #colorinspiration #colorschemes #paintcolors #colorcombos #colordesign #horrorpalette #candymanpalette #horrorhaus