four books with pictures of fish on them

Fresh Fish Pillow Pattern Pdf - Etsy

Product Details
Make your own huggable Fresh Fish pillow- this fish is a perfect accessory for any age or gender- looks great on a bed or sofa. The fish can be made eco-friendly with recycled wool or cotton clothing. Included are instructions for using stretch or non-stretch fabrics. The pattern makes a fish approximately 24" long depending on the fabric used. This PDF pattern is 18 page and includes full size pattern pieces for the fish, written instructions, clear illustrations and step-by-step color photographs. It also includes notes on working with recycled clothing. This sewing project is suitable for a beginner with basic sewing machine skills- It uses a sewing machine with zigzag, and simple embroidery for the fish mouth. Supplies needed for this project include- largest piece of fabric for fish body- 1/4 yard, all other pieces are cut from smaller pieces of fabric. 1 lb stuffing, embroidery floss and bit of felt (optional), 2 eye buttons, basic sewing supplies like needle and thread. This pattern is an instant download through Etsy. This pattern is for home use only. You may not make products for sale using this pattern. This pattern is copyrighted and cannot be re-sold, reproduced or shared without permission. This pattern is in Adobe pdf format.