Always on my mind forever in my heart MOM. 1924. 2006 Heart tattoo

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75 Motivational And Inspirational Quotes About Success In Life
75 Motivational And Inspirational Quotes About Success In Life 17
25 Positive Image Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day
Your =(persona ) role is not to teach me internals are different than your internals..those are lessons for you...not me...i learned in different modalities than you..i learned- it is best to leave the school of ( hard knocks) it is a tpugh road to hoe= & that is the road you chose..not my are not my lesson= teacher.. I can= now let one of my cells die...i have 3 cells now..its a matter .. You are far from my life...He shows me=.ask him to speak in dreams= He will
36 Great Inspirational Quotes
I don't trust people after they've behaved selfishly. I don't trust that they aren't just always selfish. I will see it behind everything they do. I don't trust.
But if it could, I have a list of people I would go shopping for! ♡Britt♡
This is so true. The older I get the less time and attention I waste on things that really don't matter.
yogachocolatelove: “My new #mantra 🙏💗 ___________________ Esta mañana abrí dos regalos. Eran mis ojos 🙏💗 Mi nuevo mantra. #quote #life #gratitude #blessed #cita #frase #sabiduria #wisdom #gratitud...