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Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Mozilla: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Opera/Konqueror: press F5, Safari: hold down Shift + Alt while clicking Reload, Chrome: hold down Shift while clicking Reload.
window.QIVoter = {
 // configuration defaults
 thumbSize : 100,

 // working variables and constants
 b1 : null,
 b2 : null,
 file : null,
 imfileRE : /^\s*([Ii]mage:|[Ff]ile:|)([^\|]*)\s*\|/,
 newn : /\{\{\/[Nn]omination\|/,
 nomi : /\{\{\/([Nn]omination|[Pp]romotion|[Dd]ecline)\|/,
 disc : /\{\{\/([Pp]romotion|[Dd]ecline)\|/,
 tb : null,
 report : null,
 rcache : {},
 cookiename : 'qinomtext',
 storednom : null,
 iniTry : 0,

 getPos : null,
 getPosSane : function()
  return QIVoter.tb.selectionStart;
 getPosInsane : function() 
  var tb = QIVoter.tb;
  if( document.selection )
   var r = document.selection.createRange(); 
   if (r === null) return 0; 

   var re = tb.createTextRange(), rc = re.duplicate(); 
   rc.setEndPoint('EndToStart', re); 
   return rc.text.length; 
  return 0; 
 analyzeCallback : function( file, data )
  QIVoter.rcache[encodeURIComponent(file)] = data;
 analyze : function( data )
  var flaws = '', report = '';
  if( data !== null )
   var megapixel = Math.round( ( 100 * data.width * data.height ) / (1000*1000) ) / 100;
   var megabyte = Math.round( ( 100 * data.size ) / (1024*1024) ) / 100;
   if( megapixel < 2.0 ) flaws += '<b>Below minimum size requirement!</b><br/>';

   report = 'Size: ' + data.width + '×' + data.height + 'px = ' + megapixel + 'MP at ' + megabyte + 'MB<br/>' + flaws;
  } = report;
 cursorHandler : function()
  // analyze current line
  var tb = QIVoter.tb;
  var cp = QIVoter.getPos();
  var a1 = tb.value.lastIndexOf('\n',cp-1);
  var a2 = tb.value.indexOf('\n',cp);

  // new line?
  if( a1 !== QIVoter.b1 || a2 !== QIVoter.b2 )
   // first hide the old examine box

   QIVoter.b1 = a1;
   QIVoter.b2 = a2;
   QIVoter.line = tb.value.substr(a1,a2-a1);
    QIVoter.file = encodeURIComponent( QIVoter.imfileRE.exec(QIVoter.line)[2] );
    // request a report on the image
    if( QIVoter.file in QIVoter.rcache ) 
     QIVoter.analyze( QIVoter.rcache[QIVoter.file] );
     $.getScript( '' + QIVoter.file );

    // now update everything else
    $('#qivlink').attr( 'href', '' + QIVoter.file );
    $('#qivthumb').attr( 'src', '' + QIVoter.thumbSize + '&f=' + QIVoter.file );
      $('#qivpromote').attr('disabled', false);
      $('#qivdecline').attr('disabled', false);
      $('#qivdiscuss').attr('disabled', true);
      $('#qivpromote').attr('disabled', true);
      $('#qivdecline').attr('disabled', true);
      $('#qivdiscuss').attr('disabled', false);
     $('#qivpromote').attr('disabled', true);
     $('#qivdecline').attr('disabled', true);
     $('#qivdiscuss').attr('disabled', true);
 examine : function()
  $('#qiviframe').attr('src','' + QIVoter.file );
  return false;
 tag : function( name, separator, caption, defaulttext )
  var pnumRE = /\|[12]=\s*/g;
  var tendRE = /\|{0,1}\s*\}\}\s*$/;
  var tb = QIVoter.tb;
  var pre = tb.value.substr(0,QIVoter.b1);
  var post = tb.value.substr(QIVoter.b2);
  var boilerplate = prompt( caption, defaulttext );

  if( boilerplate === null ) return;
  boilerplate = separator + boilerplate;


  // remove superfluous parameter numbers
  QIVoter.line = QIVoter.line.replace(pnumRE,'|');

  // tag
  if( QIVoter.nomi.test(QIVoter.line) && tendRE.test(QIVoter.line) )
    QIVoter.line = QIVoter.line.replace(tendRE, boilerplate + ' --~~'+'~~}}').replace(QIVoter.nomi,'{{/' +  name + '|');
  tb.value = pre + QIVoter.line + post;
  // fallback for CodeMirror users
  var cm = $(".CodeMirror") && $(".CodeMirror").prop("CodeMirror");
  if( cm ) cm.setValue( tb.value );
  QIVoter.b1 = null;
 promote : function() { QIVoter.tag('Promotion','|','Promote reason','Good quality.'); return false; },
 decline : function() { QIVoter.tag('Decline','|','Decline reason','Insufficient quality.'); return false; },
 discuss : function() { QIVoter.tag('Discuss','<br/>','Discuss reason','I disagree '); return false; },
 activate : function()
 { = $('#qivreport')[0];
 insertNom : function()
  var galleryRE = /<[Gg]allery[^>]*>/;
  var nominations = '', i, sn = QIVoter.storednom;
  if (sn.length > 5) {
  	alert('Please nominate no more than five images per day.');
  for( i=0; i < sn.length && i < 5; ++i ) {
    nominations += sn[i].file + '|{{/Nomination|' + sn[i].text + ' --~~'+'~~|}}\n';
  if( galleryRE.test(QIVoter.tb.value) )
   var galtag = galleryRE.exec(QIVoter.tb.value);
   QIVoter.tb.value = QIVoter.tb.value.replace( galleryRE, galtag + '\n' + nominations );
   QIVoter.tb.value = '<gallery>\n' + nominations + '</gallery>';
  // fallback for CodeMirror users
  var cm = $(".CodeMirror") && $(".CodeMirror").prop("CodeMirror");
  if( cm ) cm.setValue( QIVoter.tb.value );
  // empty stored nominations
 tryInit : function() {
  // get existing nomination data
  if( window.localStorage ) {
    QIVoter.storednom = JSON.parse( window.localStorage.getItem('QINominator') );
    if( QIVoter.storednom !== null ) {
    } else {
        if( !window.QInominator ) {
          // no QInominator gadged found after 3 tries, show banner
          if( QIVoter.iniTry >= 3 ) {
          } else {
            // let's retry in 1 second
            // have not dismissed banner, so keep trying!
            if( window.localStorage.getItem('QInomAdDismiss') === null ) {
                setTimeout(  QIVoter.tryInit, 1000 );
 install : function()
  QIVoter.tb = $('#wpTextbox1')[0];
  if( typeof(QIVoter.tb.selectionStart) == 'number' )
   QIVoter.getPos = QIVoter.getPosSane;
   QIVoter.getPos = QIVoter.getPosInsane;
  $('#wpTextbox1').before('<div style="display:none" id="qivbox"><a id="qivlink"><img id="qivthumb" style="float:left"/>'
   + '</a> <input id="qivexamine" type="button" value="Examine"> <input id="qivpromote"  type="button" value="Promote">'
   + ' <input id="qivdecline" type="button" value="Decline"> <input id="qivdiscuss" type="button" value="Discuss">'
   + '<div id="qivreport" style="padding-left: 1em; line-height: 1"></div><br style="clear:both"/></div>'
   + '<div id="qivactivate" style="line-height: 1; background-color: red; color: white;'
   + ' padding: 0.5em">Click here to activate QIVoter helper!</div>'
   + '<div id="qivnom" style="line-height: 1; background-color: #008800; color: white;'
   + ' display:none; padding: 0.5em">Click here to insert your stored nomination!</div>'
   + '<div id="qivnomad" style="line-height: 1; background-color: #ffff00; color: black;'
   + ' display:none; padding: 0.5em">Check out the <a target="newprefs" href="">'
   + 'QInominator gadget</a> for easy QIC nominations! (<a id="qinomaddismiss" href="#">dismiss</a>)</div>'
   + '<div style="display:none;'
   + ' height: 400px" id="qivexaminebox"><iframe id="qiviframe" style="width: 100%; height: 400px; border: 0px">'
   + '</iframe><div>');


if( mw.config.get('wgTitle') == "Quality images candidates/candidate list" && mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'edit' ) 