Category:Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks

<nowiki>punt històric de l'enginyeria civil; Historic Civil Engineering Landmark; Historic Civil Engineering Landmark; zgodovinska gradbena znamenitost; punto histórico da enxeñaría civil; historically significant civil engineering structure or project designation by ASCE; zgodovinsko pomembna zgradba ali projekt, ki ga je kot takega razglasilo Ameriško društvo gradbenih inženirjev; ASCE Historical Civil Engineering Landmark; ASCE Historical Civil Engineering Landmark; Historic Civil Engineering Landmark</nowiki>
Historic Civil Engineering Landmark 
historically significant civil engineering structure or project designation by ASCE
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Instance of
  • heritage designation
Subclass of
  • United States of America
Different from
official website
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.

Media in category "Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks"

This category contains only the following file.