From corporate to consumers, the FT reaches 21 million readers every month.



Total net audience (MGR)

Source: Agreed Upon Procedures by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP UK


Since the FT was founded in 1888, business has become ever-more international. To meet the needs of companies, and executives, operating in multiple territories, the FT has expanded to provide leading coverage of the world's markets and international politics. Today, the FT is truly global, with dedicated readers the world over.


The FT is relied upon by leading corporate executives and high-net-worth individuals. Our audience includes the most influential people in business and politics and some of the wealthiest and most discerning consumers in the world.

are C-suite executives
are Business Decision-Makers
work for international companies
are IT decision makers
work in a company size over 1,000 employees
are international business travellers
Source: FT Global Reader Survey 2022
average value of fine jewellery owned
own fine wine/champagne/liquor worth US $2,500 or more
are millionaires* (based on Household Net Worth (Excl. Main Residence) of £1 million or more)
own real estate
have an annual personal income of US$1 million or more
own luxury/designer clothing and footwear
Source: GBI 2022 NA, Europe, APAC & Middle East, *FT Global Reader Survey 2020
  • 31% Financial
  • 5% General Services
  • 19% Governmental / NGOs
  • 8% IT / Technical Services
  • 15% Manufacturing / Engineering
  • 16% Professional Services
  • 6% Other
  • Source: FT Global Reader Survey 2022


Growing readership

The FT has pursued a subscription model which has taken our paid-for readership to over 1 million subscribers. Committed to maintaining its gold-standard journalism, is designed to take this growth even further and to ensure readers can enjoy content across all platforms and devices.

Growth in FT paid for readership*
Paid-for circulation Digital
Source: FT internal figures 2022

The FT's Monthly Global Reach (MGR)

The FT now has the largest audience in its 135 year history with a truly global reach. Because so many of our readers consume FT content on multiple platforms, we have pioneered a way to determine unduplicated audience numbers.

The Financial Times Commercial Strategy & Insight Department has developed a model called Monthly Global Reach (MGR) to measure net audience of Financial Times content, regardless or channel. This is our best estimate of the de-duplicated number of people across the globe who across a month consume FT content via the print newspaper or digitally via the browser-accessed website or the FT web app.

MGR also identifies multi-platform users, which represent one of our most highly-engaged audiences. To do this, duplicated use is deducted from the gross audience to ensure each member of this group is only counted once in the net measurement.

MGR reveals that the FT reaches, on average, 21 million readers every month during a 12 month period. And as syndicated readership surveys show, those readers are senior business decision-makers, high net worth consumers and influential policymakers. Verification procedures by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP UK.

Monthly Global Reach Certificate
Monthly Global Reach Methodology

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