* Color : black Boot Circumference:  cm Shaft length:    cm * Heel Height: About 10 cm * Width: Medium (B, M) * Available Sizes: US 4.5-11 * Material: Synthetic Leather * Platform: About 0.5cm * Head Toe: peep toe * Heel Shape: pumps * Popular Element: Fashion * Craftsmanship: Cement Shoes * Pattern: Pure Color * For Season: Autumn or Spring or Summer * Shoes Style: Court Shoes Notice :actual color may differ from your computer display. Please choose the required size from the drop down menu abo Sandals Chunky, Shoes Pattern, Mid Heel Shoes, Shoe Pattern, Runway Models, Peep Toe Heels, Miu Miu Ballet Flats, Heels Shoes, Court Shoes

Womens Fashion Punk Peep Toe Rivet Buckle Strap Sandals Chunky Mid Heels Shoes

* Color : black Boot Circumference: cm Shaft length: cm * Heel Height: About 10 cm * Width: Medium (B, M) * Available Sizes: US 4.5-11 * Material: Synthetic Leather * Platform: About 0.5cm * Head Toe: peep toe * Heel Shape: pumps * Popular Element: Fashion * Craftsmanship: Cement Shoes * Pattern: Pure Color * For Season: Autumn or Spring or Summer * Shoes Style: Court Shoes Notice :actual color may differ from your computer display. Please choose the required size from the drop down menu…


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