Size: S,M,L,XL, 1.Please strictly follow the size chart to select the size.Do not select directly according to your habits. 2.The size may have 2-3cm differs due to manual measurement.Please note when you measure. 3.Still not sure about size?We'd love to advise based on your measurements of bust,waist and hip. 4.Because of the display, the color of the product will have color difference 5.Suggestion of cold water hand washing,do not bleach,please rountine dry cleaning. Mesh Shirts, Mesh Floral Dress, Summer Korean Style, Korean Style Women, Bodycon Outfits, Pink Long Dress, Black Mesh Dress, Crewneck Sweatshirt Women, Mesh Shirt

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Product Details
Size: S,M,L,XL, 1.Please strictly follow the size chart to select the size.Do not select directly according to your habits. 2.The size may have 2-3cm differs due to manual measurement.Please note when you measure. 3.Still not sure about size?We'd love to advise based on your measurements of bust,waist and hip. 4.Because of the display, the color of the product will have color difference 5.Suggestion of cold water hand washing,do not bleach,please rountine dry cleaning.