Hat Title - The Swirl (in green and ivory) An architectural shape that sits proud on the head of the wearer. Handmade with mint sinamay and outlined with checkered windowpane in ivory. The back of this hat is equally unique. Each angle of the hat looks different, providing different perspectives to the viewer. The hat adheres to your head via a millinery elastic.  This hat and almost all of my hats can be made in colours of your choice. Message me to discuss. The last photo shows this hat in Black and Gold. Luxury Green Wedding Costume Hats And Headpieces, Elegant Green Headpiece For Church, Elegant Green Short Brim Headpieces, Elegant Green Adjustable Costume Hats And Headpieces, Green Top Hat For Spring Church Occasion, Elegant Green Adjustable Hat, Green Top Hat For Summer Church Events, Green Top Hat For Church In Spring, Adjustable Green Top Hat For Spring