1. 创纪录的 低收益率: 尽管中国人民银行(PBOC)警告利率风险,但10年期政府债券收益率在今年早些时候降至历史最低的2.12%。尽管收益率最近升至约2.22%,但仍处于历史低位。
2. 过度的市场干预: 中国政府采取了前所未有的措施来控制债券市场,包括指示农村银行停止近期的债券购买,并要求大型国有银行记录主权债券购买者的详细信息。这些措施旨在遏制投机头寸并稳定市场。
3. 外资撤离: 今年第二季度的数据表明,外国资本从中国资产中创纪录地流出,反映出对中国金融市场稳定性的缺乏信心。
1. 金融不稳定: 债券价格的大幅下跌可能导致金融不稳定,特别是对于那些在政府债券上有大量敞口的银行和金融机构。这可能引发银行业的连锁违约和流动性危机。
2. 经济放缓: 随着市场干预导致债券收益率上升,政府和私营部门的借贷成本将增加,可能会加剧当前的经济放缓。
3. 投资者信心: PBOC和其他监管机构的强硬干预可能会破坏长期投资者信心,阻止国内外投资者将资金投入中国债券。
1. 全球资本市场: 中国债券市场是全球资本流动的重要组成部分。崩溃可能导致资金逃向安全资产,投资者撤离新兴市场,增加对美国国债和黄金等避险资产的需求。
2. 供应链中断: 随着中国经济放缓,依赖中国制造和出口的全球供应链可能面临重大中断,影响从电子产品到汽车工业的一切。
3. 货币波动: PBOC对债券市场的干预部分是为了稳定走弱的人民币。债券价格的崩溃可能导致人民币波动性增加,影响全球货币市场和贸易平衡。
TradingView is looking for a new Chinese Language Moderator. Hi all,
We are looking for a new moderator for the Chinese Language Community to help support the existing team.
The role of a moderator on TradingView is quite broad but the short version is you are there to try and help others to get the most out of their TradingView experience while ensuring site rules are followed.
The role is an unpaid volunteer role but in return you will get access to the internal team (including the founders), be able to provide more direct feedback on the platform and future functionality, a free Premium account, free data packs, merchandise and typically much greater exposure for your profile and more followers across the site. It is also a great steppingstone to potentially taking on a full-time job with TradingView. Many moderators have over the years become full time employees and continue to add great value.
What we are looking for:
- You have a strong knowledge of the TradingView platform
- You have built a good reputation for yourself on TradingView by sharing quality content and being helpful to other users.
- A good starting point is:
-- a minimum of 100 ideas posted that have a good analysis & idea description,
-- you consistently get likes for your posted ideas,
-- you have more than 100 followers.
- You like to interact with people in a positive way while upholding the house rules and can appreciate other people’s opinions and share yours in a constructive way.
- Have at least an hour per day to spend helping the community and moderating.
- Are a respected member of TradingView for more than six months and have kept your violations of the house rules to an absolute minimum.
- Can communicate well in BOTH spoken and written English
- Have a good general trading knowledge.
If this sounds like you, and you would like to become a moderator and can spare an hour or two a day helping, have a look through these links:
and then if you feel like it is something you would like to do then please fill out the following form.
If you are interested, then please apply here: forms.gle
(Please fill the form in English).
Very happy to answer any questions you might have.
Just message @zAngus or @Nico.Muselle