Dictionary 1. ( v. i.) To make the noise of the cuckoo. 2. (v. t.) To throw. 3. (n.) One whose occupation is to prepare food for the table; one who dresses or cooks meat or vegetables for eating. 4. (n.) A fish, the European striped wrasse. 5. (v. t.) To prepare, as food, by boiling, roasting, baking, broiling, etc.; to make suitable for eating, by the agency of fire or heat. 6. (v. t.) To concoct or prepare; hence, to tamper with or alter; to garble; -- often with up; as, to cook up a story; to cook an account. 7. (v. i.) To prepare food for the table.
Thesaurus KO abigail adulterate amah au pair girl ayah bake baker ball up barbecue baste be in heat betweenmaid biddy blanch blaze bloom boil bollix bollix up braise brew broil brown bugger bugger up burn chafe chambermaid chaperon chef chef de cuisine chief cook choke coddle combust companion culinarian culinary artist curry defeat devil dish do do for do in do to perfection doctor duenna electric-heat fake femme de chambre fille de chambre fire fire up fix flame flame up flare flare up flicker flush foment foul up fricassee frizz frizzle fry fry cook gas-heat gasp gentlewoman girl glow griddle grill gum up handmaid handmaiden hash up heat hired girl hot hot up hot-air-heat hot-water-heat housemaid incandesce juggle kitchener kitchenmaid knock out lady-help lady-in-waiting live-in maid live-out maid load louse up maid maidservant manipulate melt mess up muck up mull nursemaid oven-bake overheat pack pan pan-broil pant parboil parch parlormaid pastry chef pastrycook plant play hell with play hob with poach preheat prepare prepare food queer radiate heat recook reheat retouch rig roast salt saute scald scallop scorch screw up scullery maid scuttle sear seethe servant girl servitress settle shimmer with heat shirr shoot down short-order cook simmer sink smolder smother snafu snarl up sophisticate soubrette spark stack steam stew stifle stir-fry stoke up suffocate superheat sweat swelter tamper with tepefy toast torpedo tweeny undo upstairs maid waiting maid warm warm over warm up wench |