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ALEXIA FERRARI | Wealth From Home on Instagram: "Did you know 80% of autoimmune disease patients are women? This isn’t just a coincidence—it’s a reflection of how cultural expectations, emotional stress, and our role as nurturers take a toll on our health when we don’t create healthy boundaries. As a mother, I have felt this firsthand in terms of being rundown, lacking sleep, and feeling under nourished. Well, I think being a mother caretaker and leader in our homes can be our superpower. I also think it’s one of the things that needs to be protected. Here are some interesting stats on why women are getting auto immune disease and it’s really not what you think. Women diagnosed with autoimmune diseases tend to share these characteristics: 1️⃣ They put others’ emotional needs before the
The narcissist and the twin flame
The narcissist and the twin flame - YouTube
Effects of Being Raised by Borderline Parents & How to Heal
Having one or more parents with borderline personality disorder can result in a chaotic, confusing, and even abusive childhood. Many children grow up having mixed feelings towards their parents, and may also struggle with relationships and self-esteem in their adult lives. Despite a challenging upbringing, it’s possible to heal with the
Narcissistic and Family Scapegoat Recovery
Are you the family scapegoat? Have you felt misunderstood and maligned by other family members? Anytime you speak up you’re labeled crazy?
How TRUST gets DEMOLISHED by a narcissistic relationship
The Narcissist And Their Smear Campaign Against You
The Narcissist And Their Smear Campaign Against You
No, You're Not Obliged to Lend an Ear to Troubled "Friends"
How do you feel when enablers insist the narcissist "did their best"