blob: 502b82b52894f7d1227fa79c694fad2496e5e6a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Provides utility methods used by chrome://mobilesetup UI -
* both mobile_setup.html and mobile_setup_portal.html
cr.define('mobile.util', function() {
* The script executed in the webview that is expected to be initialized
* using POST request. The script parses the POST data (which is provided as
* list of name value pairs) and adds appropriate input elements to the form,
* sets the form action to the paymentUrl, and submits the form.
* The script should be run with the following arguments:
* <code>form</code> - Form element that should be initialized and submitted.
* <code>paymentUrl</code> - The target form action URL.
* <code>postData</code> - The post request data submitted through the form.
* Example format of post data:
* <code>name1=value1&name2=value2&name3</code>
* Note that for <code>name3</code>, the value will be set to
* <code>true</code>.
* @const {string}
var WEBVIEW_REDIRECT_SCRIPT = '(function(form, paymentUrl, postData) {' +
'function addInputElement(form, name, value) {' +
' var input = document.createElement(\'input\');' +
' input.type = \'hidden\';' +
' = name;' +
' input.value = value;' +
' form.appendChild(input);' +
'}' +
'function initFormFromPostData(form, postData) {' +
' if (!postData) return;' +
' var pairs = postData.split(\'&\');' +
' pairs.forEach(pairStr => {' +
' var pair = pairStr.split(\'=\');' +
' if (pair.length == 2)' +
' addInputElement(form, pair[0], pair[1]);' +
' else if (pair.length == 1)' +
' addInputElement(form, pair[0], true);' +
' });' +
'}' +
'form.action = unescape(paymentUrl);' +
'form.method = \'POST\';' +
'initFormFromPostData(form, unescape(postData));' +
'form.submit();' +
* @const {string} The ID used for the form element in the initial webiew
var WEBVIEW_REDIRECT_FORM_ID = 'redirectForm';
* @const {string} The initial webview HTML - this will be loaded into the
* webview using data URL before executing
var WEBVIEW_REDIRECT_HTML = '<html><body>' +
'<form id="' + WEBVIEW_REDIRECT_FORM_ID + '"></form>' +
* Handles load commit event in the webview.
* It runs <code>WEBVIEW_REDIRECT_SCRIPT</code> in the webview.
* @param {WebView} webview The targer webview element.
* @param {!Object} deviceInfo An object containing POST request information.
* @param {string} webviewSrc The intended webview URL - commit events that
* do not match this URL will be ignored.
* @param {!Object} commitEvent The loadcommit event.
function initializeWebviewRedirectForm(
webview, deviceInfo, webviewSrc, commitEvent) {
if (!commitEvent.isTopLevel || commitEvent.url != webviewSrc)
'document.getElementById(\'' + WEBVIEW_REDIRECT_FORM_ID + '\'),' +
' \'' + escape(deviceInfo.payment_url) + '\',' +
' \'' + escape(deviceInfo.post_data || '') + '\');'
* Initialized webview using a POST request described in
* <code>deviceInfo</code> - the device info will contain the POST request
* target URL (as <code>payment_url</code> property) and post data string
* (as <code>post_data</code> property).
* @param {WebView} webview The webview to be initialized.
* @param {!Object} deviceInfo The object containing POST request
* information.
function postDeviceDataToWebview(webview, deviceInfo) {
var webviewSrc = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' +
this, webview, deviceInfo, webviewSrc));
webview.src = webviewSrc;
return {postDeviceDataToWebview: postDeviceDataToWebview};