Quotes and Aphorisms. Sayings of famous people.

This board contains aphorisms, quotes and sayings of people who have left their mark on history.
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Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Aurelius Augustine.
Aurelius Augustine (lat. Aurelius Augustinus; 354-430) - Bishop of Hippo, philosopher, influential preacher, Christian theologian and politician. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Aurelius_Augustine
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Epicurus.
Epicurus gave priority to ethics and human education. Epicurus strove to give a practical guide to life (ethics); it was physics (natural philosophy), and the last - logic. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Epicurus
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Susan Anthony.
Susan Brownell Anthony (February 15, 1820 - March 13, 1906) was an American activist and civil rights activist for women who played a key role in the US suffrage movement in the 19th century. In addition, she fought for social equality and against slavery. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Susan_Anthony
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Rousseau became perhaps the most outstanding philosopher of his era and his life for modern mankind is an eternally living history, since he, in fact, is the immortal inspirer of everything progressive and humanistic. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Jean-Jacques_Rousseau
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Pythagoras.
If you begin to list the greatest scientists in the history of mankind, Pythagoras of Samos will undoubtedly be named among the first. This genius was ahead of his time, becoming the founding father of modern geometry. In addition, during his life, Pythagoras made a huge contribution to other sciences, which is clearly reflected in his biography. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Pythagoras
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Napoleon Bonaparte.
Bonaparte was a master of mathematics. The French Academy of Sciences proclaimed Napoleon its academician. In mathematics, there is Napoleon's theorem. They say it was he who invented it. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Napoleon_Bonaparte
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Karl Marx.
At the time of writing the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" Marx was not even 30 years old, his co-author Engels was 27. Therefore, this work contains a lot of youthful maximalism, and some points were later revised by the authors themselves. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Karl_Marx
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Marcus Aurelius.
In the period from 161 to 180 A.D. the emperor of Rome was Marcus Aurelius. He assumed rule at a difficult time, when the empire had already begun to lose its power. And in spite of his temperament, Mark had to join military campaigns and campaigns. His philosophy can be considered abroad of ancient stoicism, gave impetus to internal decay. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Marcus_Aurelius
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Mao Tse Tung.
In 1968, the Pakistani foreign minister presented Mao with a gift - a box of mangoes. For the minister, this was probably nothing more than a polite gesture. But in China, this caused a wave of complete madness. Mao distributed mangoes to several people during his propaganda campaign, and they reacted as if Mao took an angel from heaven and threw it at their feet. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Mao_Tse_Tung
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Lenin.
Lenin is a nobleman. His father rose to the rank of stately councilor and received hereditary nobility. The roots of many peoples are present in their family: Jews, Swedes, Germans, Udmurts, Chuvashes, Kalmyks. There were no Russians among Lenin's ancestors. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Lenin
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Karl von Clausewitz.
To comprehend the essence of war, Clausewitz began with a systematic study of the wars of the past, especially the recent ones, in which he was an active participant. He studied the experience of about 130 campaigns. He began to combine his military history works into a single work - "On the War", which he did not manage to finish. The results of this work were published by his widow in 1832. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Karl_von_Clausewitz
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Fedor Dostoevsky.
For correspondence with the disgraced Belinsky and public reading of his letters, Dostoevsky was sentenced to death in 1949, but in the end, the sentence was changed to hard labor. The writer spent more than four years in hard labor. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Fedor_Dostoevsky
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Thomas Jefferson.
The Declaration of Independence was written by five authors: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. At the last stage, the document was finalized within 17 days by one person - Thomas Jefferson, after which it was signed by the rest of the developers and representatives of 13 administrative entities. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Thomas_Jefferson
Aphorisms and quotes. Sayings of famous people. Democritus.
Even before Socrates, Democritus, together with his teacher, developed the theory that all elements are made of atoms. #Aphorisms #quotes #Sayings #Democritus