
75 Pins
The Marauders Map
Hogwarts Memories on Wattpad by stefivare #marauders #maraudersmap #themarauders #themaraudersmap #maraudersedit #maraudersera #moonywormtailpadfootandprongs #jamespotter #siriusblack #remuslupin #peterpettigrew #fredandgeorge #fredweasley #georgeweasley #weasleyswizardwheezes #weasleytwins #hogwartsmemories #harrypotterfanfic #harrypotterfanfiction #hogwarts #hogwartscastle Harry Potter, Harry Potter fan art, Harry Potter art, Harry Potter poster, Harry Potter quotes, Harry Potter aesthetic, H
Harry Potter Paraphernalia
lots of hp craft/party ideas. How to make a mauraders map, wand, recipes and more!
This may contain: a person is holding an envelope with flowers on it and two candles are in the background
Make an Envelope with me 💌 Einen Umschlag basteln und Liebesbriefe Schreiben ✍🏼
Make an Envelope with me 💌 Einen Briefumschlag basteln und Liebesbriefe schreiben. Wann hast du das letzte Mal eine herzliche ♥️Nachricht per Hand geschrieben? Das macht man heutzutage leider viel zu selten✨🤍 Also hier schonmal eine kleine Inspo für euch! . Make an envelope with me When was the last time you wrote a heartfelt message by hand? Now is the perfect opportunity! . #selbstgemacht #umschlafbasteln #aquarell #painting