CERN Accelerating science

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Comparison of antineutrino reactor spectrum models with the Bugey 3 measurements / Achkar, B ; Aleksan, Roy ; Avenier, M ; Bagieu, G ; Bouchez, J ; Brissot, R ; Cavaignac, J F ; Collot, J ; Cousinou, M C ; Cussonneau, J P et al.
CPPM-96-02 ; ISN-96-10 ; LAPP-EXP-96-02 ; LPC-96-05.
- 1996. - 11 p.
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The Bugey 3 neutrino detector / Abbes, M ; Achkar, B ; Ait-Boubker, S ; Aleksan, Roy ; Avenier, M ; Bagieu, G ; Ballansat, J ; Barnoux, C ; Bazzoli, R ; Berger, J et al.
CPPM-95-02 ; ISN-95-108 ; LAPP-EXP-95-07 ; LPC-95-51.
- 1995. - 48 p.
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Limits on electrochemically induced fusion of deuterium by neutron flux measurements / Bugey-INPG Collaboration
DPHPE-89-018 ; LPC-89-17 ; SACLAY-DPHPE-89-018.
- 1989. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Pulse shape discrimination with a 100 MHz flash ADC system / Aleksan, Roy ; Bouchez, J ; Boussicut, M ; Desanlis, T ; Jourde, Didier ; Mullié, J C ; Pierre, F ; Poinsignon, J ; Praca, R ; Roussel, G et al.
DPHPE-88-001 ; SACLAY-DPHPE-88-001.
- 1988. - 21 p.
CERN library copies
Feasibility of a solar neutrino detector based on fluorine and indium / Avenier, M ; Bagieu, G ; Brissot, R ; Cavaignac, J F ; Collot, J ; Koang, D H ; Lebrun, D ; Minot, F ; Stutz, A
In : 2nd International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics, Toledo, Spain, 9 - 13 Sep 1991, pp.496-499
A detector for the study of $\overline{\nu}_{e}$e$^{-}$ scattering at a nuclear reactor / MUNU Collaboration
- 1992. - 51 p.
CERN library copies
Indication for neutrino oscillation from a high statistics experiment at the Bugey reactor / Cavaignac, J F ; Hoummada, A ; Koang, D H ; Vignon, B ; Déclais, Y ; De Kerret, H ; Pessard, H ; Thénard, J M
ISN-84-11 ; LAPP-EXP-84-03.
- 1984. - 18 p.
CERN library copies
Study of reactor antineutrino interaction with proton at BUGEY nuclear power plant / Déclais, Y ; De Kerret, H ; Lefièvre, B ; Obolensky, M ; Etenko, A ; Kozlov, Yu Z ; Machulin, I N ; Martemyanov, B V ; Mikaelyan, L A ; Skorokhvatov, M et al.
LAPP-EXP-94-16 ; LPC-94-42.
- 1994. - 11 p.
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A search for axions at a power reactor / Cavaignac, J F ; Hoummada, A ; Koang, D H ; Ost, B ; Vignon, B ; Wilson, R ; Déclais, Y ; Girardi, G ; De Kerret, H ; Pessard, H et al.
ISN-82-46; LAPP-EXP-82-05.- Grenoble : Grenoble 1. Inst. Sci. Nucl., 1983 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 121 (1983) 193-197 - CERN library copies
Simulation de neutron de basse énergie par Monte-Carlo / De Kerret, H ; Lefièvre, B
- 1988. - 36 p.
CERN library copies

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