Streaming Pool - managing long-living reactive streams for Java
/ Calia, Andrea (CERN) ; Fuchsberger, Kajetan (CERN) ; Gabriel, Mathieu (CERN) ; Galilée, Marc-Antoine (CERN) ; Garnier, Jean-Christophe (CERN) ; Hemelsoet, Georges-Henry (CERN) ; Hostettler, Michael (CERN) ; Hruska, Marek (CERN) ; Jacquet, Delphine (CERN) ; Makai, Jozsef (CERN) et al.
A common use case in accelerator control systems is subscribing to many properties and multiple devices and combine data from this. A new technology which got standardized during recent years in software industry are so-called reactive streams. [...]
2018 - 5 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2017-THPHA176
Fulltext: PDF;
In : International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 8 - 13 Oct 2017, pp.THPHA176
A framework for online analysis based on Tensorics Expressions and Streaming Pool
/ Calia, Andrea (CERN) ; Fuchsberger, Kajetan (CERN) ; Gabriel, Mathieu (CERN) ; Hostettler, Michael (CERN) ; Hruska, Marek (CERN) ; Pocwierz, Maciej (CERN)
Among other functionalities, the tensorics library provides a framework to declaratively describe expressions of arbitrary values and resolve these expressions in different contexts. The Streamingpool framework provides a comfortable way to transform arbitrary signals from devices into long-living reactive streams. [...]
2018 - 5 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2017-THPHA178
Fulltext: PDF;
In : International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 8 - 13 Oct 2017, pp.THPHA178
Online luminosity control and steering at the LHC
/ Hostettler, Michael (CERN) ; Alemany-Fernández, Reyes (CERN) ; Calia, Andrea (CERN) ; Follin, Fabio (CERN) ; Fuchsberger, Kajetan (CERN) ; Gabriel, Mathieu (CERN) ; Gorzawski, Arkadiusz (CERN) ; Hemelsoet, Georges-Henry (CERN) ; Hruska, Marek (CERN) ; Jacquet, Delphine (CERN) et al.
This contribution reviews the novel LHC luminosity control software stack. All luminosity-related manipulations and scans in the LHC interaction points are managed by the LHC luminosity server, which enforces concurrency correctness and transactionality. [...]
2018 - 5 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2017-TUSH201
Fulltext: PDF;
In : International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 8 - 13 Oct 2017, pp.TUSH201
Online coupling measurement and correction throughout the LHC cycle
/ Hemelsoet, Georges-Henry (CERN) ; Calia, Andrea (CERN) ; Fuchsberger, Kajetan (CERN) ; Gabriel, Mathieu (CERN) ; Hostettler, Michael (CERN) ; Hruska, Marek (CERN) ; Jacquet, Delphine (CERN) ; Persson, Tobias (CERN) ; Soderen, Martin (CERN) ; Valuch, Daniel (CERN)
With high intensity beams, a precise measurement and effective correction of the betatron coupling is essential for the performance of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In order to measure this parameter, the LHC transverse damper(ADT), used as an AC dipole, will provide the necessary beam excitation. [...]
2018 - 6 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2017-TUPHA119
Fulltext: PDF;
In : International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 8 - 13 Oct 2017, pp.TUPHA119
Phase Advance Interlocking Throughout the Whole LHC Cycle
/ Fuchsberger, Kajetan (CERN) ; Calia, Andrea (CERN) ; Galilée, Marc-Antoine (CERN) ; Hemelsoet, Georges-Henry (CERN) ; Hostettler, Michael (CERN) ; Jacquet, Delphine (CERN) ; Makai, Jozsef (CERN) ; Schaumann, Michaela (CERN)
Each beam of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) stores 360 MJ at design energy and design intensity. In the unlikely event of an asynchronous beam dump, not all particles would be extracted immediately. [...]
2017 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-TUPIK087
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.TUPIK087
Transverse Coupling Measurements With High Intensity Beams Using Driven Oscillations
/ Persson, Tobias (CERN) ; Baud, Guillaume (CERN) ; Buffat, Xavier (CERN) ; Coello de Portugal, Jaime Maria (CERN) ; Fol, Elena (CERN) ; Fuchsberger, Kajetan (CERN) ; Gabriel, Mathieu (CERN) ; Gąsior, Marek (CERN) ; Giovannozzi, Massimo (CERN) ; Hemelsoet, Georges-Henry (CERN) et al.
Transverse coupling has been linked to instabilities and reduction in dynamic aperture and is hence a crucial parameter to control in the LHC. In this article we describe the development to use driven oscillations to measure the transverse coupling with high intensity beams. [...]
2018 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-MOPMF047
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018, pp.MOPMF047
Renovation and extension of supervision software leveraging reactive streams
/ Galilée, Marc-Antoine (CERN) ; Calia, Andrea (CERN) ; Do, Janet (CERN) ; Fuchsberger, Kajetan (CERN) ; Garnier, Jean-Christophe (CERN) ; Krol, Kamil (CERN) ; Osinski, Maciej (CERN) ; Pocwierz, Maciej (CERN) ; Ribeiro, Tiago (CERN) ; Stanisz, Anita (CERN) et al.
Inspired by the recent developments of reactive programming and the ubiquity of the concept of streams in modern software industry, we assess the relevance of a reactive streams solution in the context of accelerator controls. The promise of reactive streams, to govern the exchange of data across asynchronous boundaries at a rate sustainable for both the sender and the receiver, is alluring to most data-centric processes of CERN's accelerators. [...]
2018 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2017-THPHA152
Fulltext: PDF;
In : International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 8 - 13 Oct 2017, pp.THPHA152
Second Generation LHC Analysis Framework: Workload-based and User-oriented Solution
/ Boychenko, Serhiy (CERN) ; Aguilera-Padilla, Cesar (CERN) ; Galilée, Marc-Antoine (CERN) ; Garnier, Jean-Christophe (CERN) ; Gorzawski, Arkadiusz (CERN) ; Krol, Kamil (CERN) ; Makai, Jozsef (CERN) ; Osinski, Maciej (CERN) ; Poeschl, Matthias (CERN) ; Rela, Mario (Coimbra U.) et al.
Consolidation and upgrades of accelerator equipment during the first long LHC shutdown period enabled particle collisions at energy levels almost twice higher compared to the first operational phase. Consequently, the software infrastructure providing vital information for machine operation and its optimisation needs to be updated to keep up with the challenges imposed by the increasing amount of collected data and the complexity of analysis. [...]
2016 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-WEPOR051
Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 8 - 13 May 2016, pp.WEPOR051