CERN Accelerating science

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Evidence for higher twist mechanisms in high p$_{T}$ - pi-p events with prompt rho0 production at 38 GeV/c / RISK Collaboration
E1-88-476 ; JINR-E1-88-476.
- 1988. - 11 p.
CERN library copies
Charged particle spectra in pi-p, pi-d and pi-C interactions at 38 GeV/c with single-particle high p$_{T}$ trigger / RISK Collaboration
E1-87-398 ; JINR-E1-87-398.
- 1987. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
Momentum and angular distributions of charged secondaries in 40 GeV/c pi-A interactions with single particle high P$_{\perp}$ trigger / Berlin-Budapest-Dubna-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
E1-84-442 ; JINR-E1-84-442.
- 1984. - 5 p.
CERN library copies
Multiplicities in high p$_{T}$ hadron-nucleus interactions / Berlin-Budapest-Dubna-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
- 1985. - 19 p.
CERN library copies
Charged particle multiplicities in 40 GeV/c hadron-nucleus interactions with and without a high P$_{\perp}$ trigger / Alma Ata-Berlin-Budapest-Dubna-Dushanbe-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
E1-83-449 ; JINR-E1-83-449.
- 1983. - 7 p.
CERN library copies
Hadrons and gammas associated to dimuons and J/psi particles in pi-C interactions at 38 GeV/c / RISK Collaboration
E1-87-397 ; JINR-E1-87-397.
- 1987. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Resonance pattern of low mass muon pairs produced in 38 GeV/c pi-C interactions / RISK Collaboration
E1-89-486 ; JINR-E1-89-486.
- 1989. - 14 p.
CERN library copies
Neutral strange particle production in high transverse momentum pi-nucleus interactions at .order of. 40 GeV/c / Berlin-Budapest-Dubna-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
- 1987. - 33 p.
CERN library copies
On the description of multiplicity distributions of negative particles in hadron ($\overline{p}$, p$\overline{i}$, $\overline{K}$)-nucleus (Li,C,S,Cu,CsI,Pb) interactions at 40 GeV/c / RISK Collaboration
- 1984. - 6 p.
CERN library copies
Search for neutral dibaryon with strangeness -2 in high transverse momentum pi- nucleus interactions at 40 GeV/c / Berlin-Budapest-Dubna-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
- 1986. - 15 p.
CERN library copies

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